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Pantoea agglomerans strain PvCl-OF148 translation initiation factor IF-2 (infB) gene, partial cds

GenBank: OP649608.1

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LOCUS       OP649608                 615 bp    DNA     linear   BCT 08-MAY-2023
DEFINITION  Pantoea agglomerans strain PvCl-OF148 translation initiation factor
            IF-2 (infB) gene, partial cds.
VERSION     OP649608.1
SOURCE      Pantoea agglomerans
  ORGANISM  Pantoea agglomerans
            Bacteria; Pseudomonadati; Pseudomonadota; Gammaproteobacteria;
            Enterobacterales; Erwiniaceae; Pantoea; Pantoea agglomerans group.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 615)
  AUTHORS   Zamorano,A., Zuniga,T., Cordova,P., Higuera,G., Bertaccini,A. and
  TITLE     Pantoea agglomerans as the causal agent of necrotic disease and
            decay of pistachio tree
  JOURNAL   Unpublished
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 615)
  AUTHORS   Zamorano,A., Zuniga,T. and Fiore,N.
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (14-OCT-2022) Sanidad Vegetal, Universidad de Chile,
            Santa Rosa 11315, la Pintana, Santiago 8820808, Chile
COMMENT     ##Assembly-Data-START##
            Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..615
                     /organism="Pantoea agglomerans"
                     /mol_type="genomic DNA"
                     /host="Pistacia vera"
     gene            <1..>615
     CDS             <1..>615
                     /product="translation initiation factor IF-2"
        1 gcgatgcgtg cacgtggtgc gcaggcgacc gatatcgtta tcctggtggt tgcagcagac
       61 gatggcgtga tgccacagac tgtcgaagct attcagcacg ccaaagccgc taaagtgccg
      121 gttgtggttg cagtgaacaa gtgcgataag ccagaagcgg atccggatcg tgttaaaaac
      181 gaactgactc agtacggtat cattccggaa gagtggggcg gtgaatacat gttcgttaat
      241 gtctctgcga aagcgggtac cggcattgat gacctgttaa acgctatcct gctgcaggcg
      301 gaagtgctgg aactgaccgc tatccgtgaa ggtatggcga gcggcgtggt gatcgaatcg
      361 ttcctcgaca aaggtcgtgg tccggttgcc accgtgctgg tacgtgaagg tacgctgaac
      421 aaaggcgaca tcgttctttg tggtttcgaa tatggccgcg ttcgtgcaat gcgtgacgaa
      481 ctgggtcgcg aagtcatgga agcgggtcca tctatcccgg ttgagattct gggcctgtcc
      541 ggcgtgccgg ctgcgggtga tgaagcgacc gtagtacgtg acgagaagaa agcacgtgaa
      601 gttgcgctct atcgt
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