LOCUS NM_016091 2091 bp mRNA linear PRI 21-OCT-2018
DEFINITION Homo sapiens eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit L
(EIF3L), transcript variant 1, mRNA.
VERSION NM_016091.3
SOURCE Homo sapiens (human)
ORGANISM Homo sapiens
Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;
Mammalia; Eutheria; Euarchontoglires; Primates; Haplorrhini;
Catarrhini; Hominidae; Homo.
REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 2091)
AUTHORS Lee AS, Kranzusch PJ and Cate JH.
TITLE eIF3 targets cell-proliferation messenger RNAs for translational
activation or repression
JOURNAL Nature 522 (7554), 111-114 (2015)
PUBMED 25849773
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AUTHORS Jefferson M, Donaszi-Ivanov A, Pollen S, Dalmay T, Saalbach G and
Powell PP.
TITLE Host factors that interact with the pestivirus N-terminal protease,
Npro, are components of the ribonucleoprotein complex
JOURNAL J. Virol. 88 (18), 10340-10353 (2014)
PUBMED 24965446
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AUTHORS Morais ATs, Terzian AC, Duarte DV, Bronzoni RV, Madrid MC, Gavioli
AF, Gil LH, Oliveira AG, Zanelli CF, Valentini SR, Rahal P and
Nogueira ML.
TITLE The eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit L protein
interacts with Flavivirus NS5 and may modulate yellow fever virus
JOURNAL Virol. J. 10, 205 (2013)
PUBMED 23800076
REMARK GeneRIF: These results indicate an interaction of human eIF3L with
yellow fever virus NS5 and that eIF3L overexpression facilitates
translation, which has potential implications for virus
Publication Status: Online-Only
REFERENCE 4 (bases 1 to 2091)
AUTHORS Querol-Audi J, Sun C, Vogan JM, Smith MD, Gu Y, Cate JH and Nogales
TITLE Architecture of human translation initiation factor 3
JOURNAL Structure 21 (6), 920-928 (2013)
PUBMED 23623729
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TITLE The mRNA-bound proteome and its global occupancy profile on
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JOURNAL Mol. Cell 46 (5), 674-690 (2012)
PUBMED 22681889
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Doudna JA, Robinson CV and Leary JA.
TITLE Structural characterization of the human eukaryotic initiation
factor 3 protein complex by mass spectrometry
JOURNAL Mol. Cell Proteomics 6 (7), 1135-1146 (2007)
PUBMED 17322308
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TITLE A protein interaction framework for human mRNA degradation
JOURNAL Genome Res. 14 (7), 1315-1323 (2004)
PUBMED 15231747
REFERENCE 8 (bases 1 to 2091)
AUTHORS Yuan X, Zhao J, Zentgraf H, Hoffmann-Rohrer U and Grummt I.
TITLE Multiple interactions between RNA polymerase I, TIF-IA and TAF(I)
subunits regulate preinitiation complex assembly at the ribosomal
gene promoter
JOURNAL EMBO Rep. 3 (11), 1082-1087 (2002)
PUBMED 12393749
REFERENCE 9 (bases 1 to 2091)
AUTHORS Morris-Desbois C, Rety S, Ferro M, Garin J and Jalinot P.
TITLE The human protein HSPC021 interacts with Int-6 and is associated
with eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3
JOURNAL J. Biol. Chem. 276 (49), 45988-45995 (2001)
PUBMED 11590142
REFERENCE 10 (bases 1 to 2091)
AUTHORS Seither P, Iben S, Thiry M and Grummt I.
TITLE PAF67, a novel protein that is associated with the
initiation-competent form of RNA polymerase I
JOURNAL Biol. Chem. 382 (8), 1163-1170 (2001)
PUBMED 11592397
COMMENT VALIDATED REFSEQ: This record has undergone validation or
preliminary review. The reference sequence was derived from
DA051005.1, BC029265.1 and AL022311.5.
[WARNING] On Nov 23, 2018 this sequence was replaced by
On Jul 2, 2011 this sequence version replaced NM_016091.2.
Transcript Variant: This variant (1) represents the longer
transcript and encodes the longer isoform (1).
Sequence Note: This RefSeq record was created from transcript and
genomic sequence data to make the sequence consistent with the
reference genome assembly. The genomic coordinates used for the
transcript record were based on transcript alignments.
Publication Note: This RefSeq record includes a subset of the
publications that are available for this gene. Please see the Gene
record to access additional publications.
Transcript exon combination :: SRR1660805.36239.1,
SRR1660807.132366.1 [ECO:0000332]
RNAseq introns :: single sample supports all introns
SAMEA1965299, SAMEA1966682
COMPLETENESS: complete on the 3' end.
1-60 DA051005.1 1-60
61-1223 BC029265.1 1-1163
1224-1224 AL022311.5 6183-6183
1225-1938 BC029265.1 1165-1878
1939-2091 AL022311.5 17071-17223
FEATURES Location/Qualifiers
source 1..2091
/organism="Homo sapiens"
gene 1..2091
/gene_synonym="EIF3EIP; EIF3S11; EIF3S6IP; HSPC021;
HSPC025; MSTP005"
/note="eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit
exon 1..111
/gene_synonym="EIF3EIP; EIF3S11; EIF3S6IP; HSPC021;
HSPC025; MSTP005"
CDS 79..1773
/gene_synonym="EIF3EIP; EIF3S11; EIF3S6IP; HSPC021;
HSPC025; MSTP005"
/note="isoform 1 is encoded by transcript variant 1; eIEF
associated protein HSPC021; eukaryotic translation
initiation factor 3 subunit 6-interacting protein;
eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit
E-interacting protein"
/product="eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3
subunit L isoform 1"
misc_feature 82..84
/gene_synonym="EIF3EIP; EIF3S11; EIF3S6IP; HSPC021;
HSPC025; MSTP005"
/experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details
/note="N-acetylserine. {ECO:0000244|PubMed:19413330,
ECO:0000269|PubMed:17322308}; propagated from
UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (Q9Y262.1); other site"
misc_feature 139..141
/gene_synonym="EIF3EIP; EIF3S11; EIF3S6IP; HSPC021;
HSPC025; MSTP005"
/experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details
/note="Phosphoserine. {ECO:0000244|PubMed:24275569};
propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (Q9Y262.1); other
misc_feature 1471..1473
/gene_synonym="EIF3EIP; EIF3S11; EIF3S6IP; HSPC021;
HSPC025; MSTP005"
/experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details
/note="N6-acetyllysine. {ECO:0000244|PubMed:19608861};
propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (Q9Y262.1); other
misc_feature 1723..1725
/gene_synonym="EIF3EIP; EIF3S11; EIF3S6IP; HSPC021;
HSPC025; MSTP005"
/experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details
/note="N6-acetyllysine. {ECO:0000244|PubMed:19608861};
propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (Q9Y262.1); other
exon 112..160
/gene_synonym="EIF3EIP; EIF3S11; EIF3S6IP; HSPC021;
HSPC025; MSTP005"
exon 161..371
/gene_synonym="EIF3EIP; EIF3S11; EIF3S6IP; HSPC021;
HSPC025; MSTP005"
exon 372..451
/gene_synonym="EIF3EIP; EIF3S11; EIF3S6IP; HSPC021;
HSPC025; MSTP005"
exon 452..513
/gene_synonym="EIF3EIP; EIF3S11; EIF3S6IP; HSPC021;
HSPC025; MSTP005"
exon 514..583
/gene_synonym="EIF3EIP; EIF3S11; EIF3S6IP; HSPC021;
HSPC025; MSTP005"
exon 584..657
/gene_synonym="EIF3EIP; EIF3S11; EIF3S6IP; HSPC021;
HSPC025; MSTP005"
exon 658..829
/gene_synonym="EIF3EIP; EIF3S11; EIF3S6IP; HSPC021;
HSPC025; MSTP005"
exon 830..984
/gene_synonym="EIF3EIP; EIF3S11; EIF3S6IP; HSPC021;
HSPC025; MSTP005"
exon 985..1155
/gene_synonym="EIF3EIP; EIF3S11; EIF3S6IP; HSPC021;
HSPC025; MSTP005"
exon 1156..1653
/gene_synonym="EIF3EIP; EIF3S11; EIF3S6IP; HSPC021;
HSPC025; MSTP005"
exon 1654..1734
/gene_synonym="EIF3EIP; EIF3S11; EIF3S6IP; HSPC021;
HSPC025; MSTP005"
exon 1735..2091
/gene_synonym="EIF3EIP; EIF3S11; EIF3S6IP; HSPC021;
HSPC025; MSTP005"
1 gctgaacttc cggcctcagg acgcaggcgc gggccgctca tttcgctctt tccggcggtg
61 ctcgcaagcg aggcagccat gtcttatccc gctgatgatt atgagtctga ggcggcttat
121 gacccctacg cttatcccag cgactatgat atgcacacag gagatccaaa gcaggacctt
181 gcttatgaac gtcagtatga acagcaaacc tatcaggtga tccctgaggt gatcaaaaac
241 ttcatccagt atttccacaa aactgtctca gatttgattg accagaaagt gtatgagcta
301 caggccagtc gtgtctccag tgatgtcatt gaccagaagg tgtatgagat ccaggacatc
361 tatgagaaca gctggaccaa gctgactgaa agattcttca agaatacacc ttggcccgag
421 gctgaagcca ttgctccaca ggttggcaat gatgctgtct tcctgatttt atacaaagaa
481 ttatactaca ggcacatata tgccaaagtc agtgggggac cttccttgga gcagaggttt
541 gaatcctatt acaactactg caatctcttc aactacattc ttaatgccga tggtcctgct
601 ccccttgaac tacccaacca gtggctctgg gatattatcg atgagttcat ctaccagttt
661 cagtcattca gtcagtaccg ctgtaagact gccaagaagt cagaggagga gattgacttt
721 cttcgttcca atcccaaaat ctggaatgtt catagtgtcc tcaatgtcct tcattccctg
781 gtagacaaat ccaacatcaa ccgacagttg gaggtataca caagcggagg tgaccctgag
841 agtgtggctg gggagtatgg gcggcactcc ctctacaaaa tgcttggtta cttcagcctg
901 gtcgggcttc tccgcctgca ctccctgtta ggagattact accaggccat caaggtgctg
961 gagaacatcg aactgaacaa gaagagtatg tattcccgtg tgccagagtg ccaggtcacc
1021 acatactatt atgttgggtt tgcatatttg atgatgcgtc gttaccagga tgccatccgg
1081 gtcttcgcca acatcctcct ctacatccag aggaccaaga gcatgttcca gaggaccacg
1141 tacaagtatg agatgattaa caagcagaat gagcagatgc atgcgctgct ggccattgcc
1201 ctcacgatgt accccatgcg tattgatgag agcattcacc tccagctgcg ggagaaatat
1261 ggggacaaga tgttgcgcat gcagaaaggt gacccacaag tctatgaaga acttttcagt
1321 tactcctgcc ccaagttcct gtcgcctgta gtgcccaact atgataatgt gcaccccaac
1381 taccacaaag agcccttcct gcagcagctg aaggtgtttt ctgatgaagt acagcagcag
1441 gcccagcttt caaccatccg cagcttcctg aagctctaca ccaccatgcc tgtggccaag
1501 ctggctggct tcctggacct cacagagcag gagttccgga tccagcttct tgtcttcaaa
1561 cacaagatga agaacctcgt gtggaccagc ggtatctcag ccctggatgg tgaatttcag
1621 tcagcctcag aggttgactt ctacattgat aaggacatga tccacatcgc ggacaccaag
1681 gtcgccaggc gttatgggga tttcttcatc cgtcagatcc acaaatttga ggagcttaat
1741 cgaaccctga agaagatggg acagagacct tgatgatatt cacacacatt caggaacctg
1801 ttttgatgta ttataggcag gaagtgtttt tgctaccgtg aaacctttac ctagatcagc
1861 catcagcctg tcaactcagt taacaagtta aggaccgaag tgtttcaagt ggatctcagt
1921 aaaggatctt tggagccaga tttgtcgtct cattattgta ggagagaatt tgtgggttgt
1981 ggcagtaata catttcccat gtgtcctgat gctttcagga tacatcagtt gttagtgttt
2041 aaattgagtt atttttattt tgtgcttttg agatggagtc tcactctgtc t