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Method Detail
Submitter Method Handle: SI_MHC_SNP
Submitter Method ID: MHC_XM20030904
Submitted method description:
Sequences generated from HLA-homozygous-typing, and/or consanguineous, cell
lines by the MHC Haplotype Consortium (
and finished according to the Human Genome finishing criteria
( were compared
using cross_match (Green, unpublished: an efficient implementation of the
Smith-Waterman algorithm (Smith, T.F. and Waterman, M.S. 1981. Identification
of common molecular subsequences. J Mol Biol 147, 195-197.)), variations being
reported against the PGF cell line sequence contig.
Repeat elements were identified using RepeatMasker (Smit, A.F.A. and Green, P.
unpublished data;
The for each entry was formed thus so as to be unique:
[sequence version no.]_[base position]_[observed mutation] - the first base
quoted in 'observed mutation' being that in the 'sequence version'.

This method was used in the following submission:

Submitter Handle Batch Type Submitter batch id Release build id
SI_MHC_SNP Assay 2003_09_10 117
SI_MHC_SNP Assay 2003_09_18 117
SI_MHC_SNP Assay 2003_10_22 118
SI_MHC_SNP Assay 2004_07_15 122
SI_MHC_SNP Assay 2004_08_06 122
SI_MHC_SNP Assay 2004_08_31 123
SI_MHC_SNP Assay 2004_09_15 123
SI_MHC_SNP Assay 2005_02_02 125
SI_MHC_SNP Assay 2005_02_08 125
SI_MHC_SNP Assay 2005_03_14 125
SI_MHC_SNP Assay 2005_03_24 125
SI_MHC_SNP Assay 2005_03_29 125
SI_MHC_SNP Assay 2005_07_04 125
SI_MHC_SNP Assay 2005_10_11 125
SI_MHC_SNP Assay 2006_01_17 126
SI_MHC_SNP Assay 2006_01_19 126
SI_MHC_SNP Assay 2006_03_08 126
SI_MHC_SNP Assay 2006_03_15 126
SI_MHC_SNP Assay 2006_03_21 126
SI_MHC_SNP Assay 2006_03_24 126
SI_MHC_SNP Assay 2006_03_25 126
SI_MHC_SNP Assay 2006_03_23 126
SI_MHC_SNP Assay 2006_03_28 126
SI_MHC_SNP Assay 2006_03_31 126
SI_MHC_SNP Assay 2006_04_06 126
SI_MHC_SNP Assay 2006_04_07 126
SI_MHC_SNP Assay 2006_04_08 126
SI_MHC_SNP Assay 2006_04_10 126
SI_MHC_SNP Assay 2006_04_11 126
SI_MHC_SNP Assay 2006_05_05 126
SI_MHC_SNP Assay 2006_08_10 126
SI_MHC_SNP Assay 2006_08_14 127
SI_MHC_SNP Assay 2007_03_16 127
SI_MHC_SNP Assay 2006_04_25 127
SI_MHC_SNP Assay 2007_05_14 127

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