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Method Detail
Submitter Method Handle: HGSV
Submitter Method ID: NA18507-FOSMIDS-DIPS
Submitted method description:
This submission represents alignment of the fosmid end sequence from NA18507, Agencourt library_id ABC8, to build35 of the human genome, available at, using ssahaSNP. The settings for ssahaSNP were such that the c
of a read exceeded a rate of 15 SNPs per 1000 bases then that read alignment was ignored. If a read aligned to more than one place in the genome, then only the longest alignment with the fewest SNPs was reported. These best-aligned reads were analyzed usi

This method was used in the following submission:

Submitter Handle Batch Type Submitter batch id Release build id
HGSV Assay NA18507-Fosmids-20070510-DIPs 129

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