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Method Detail
Submitter Method Handle: DEVINE_LAB
Submitter Method ID: ALIGN_TO_GP_FOR_INDEL
Submitted method description:
5-Step Computational Pipeline for INDEL identification
1. Vector screening using NCBI VecScreen system and trimming based on quality score.
Traces are trimmed when scores are below 25 for 5 bases in a row.
Moreover, trimmed length has to be at least 100 bases with average score equal or above 25.
2. Repeatmask traces
3. Megablast to Goldenpath with these options "-q -100 -p 95 -F F"
4. For each trace that hits Goldenpath, identifying anchor sequence with a minimum of 50 bases
and 100% match to a single location. Based on the anchor sequences, traces are then unmasked
and aligned against the mapped locations using bl2seq.
5. INDELS that are surrounded by 5 neighboring bases with minimum score of 25 are recorded.

This method was used in the following submission:

Submitter Handle Batch Type Submitter batch id Release build id

GENERAL: Contact Us | Homepage | Announcements |dbSNP Summary | Genome | FTP SERVER | Build History | Handle Request
DOCUMENTATION: FAQ | Searchable FAQ Archive | Overview | How to Submit | RefSNP Summary Info | Database Schema
SEARCH: Entrez SNP | Blast SNP | Batch Query | By Submitter |New Batches | Method | Population | Publication | Batch | Locus Info | Between Marker
NCBI: PubMed | Entrez | BLAST | OMIM | Taxonomy | Structure

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