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U6 snRNP-associated protein Lsm3 [Schizosaccharomyces pombe]

NCBI Reference Sequence: NP_595747.1

Identical Proteins FASTA Graphics 

LOCUS       NP_595747                 93 aa            linear   PLN 16-AUG-2024
DEFINITION  U6 snRNP-associated protein Lsm3 [Schizosaccharomyces pombe].
VERSION     NP_595747.1
DBLINK      BioProject: PRJNA127
            BioSample: SAMEA3138176
DBSOURCE    REFSEQ: accession NM_001021647.3
SOURCE      Schizosaccharomyces pombe (fission yeast)
  ORGANISM  Schizosaccharomyces pombe
            Eukaryota; Fungi; Dikarya; Ascomycota; Taphrinomycotina;
            Schizosaccharomycetes; Schizosaccharomycetales;
            Schizosaccharomycetaceae; Schizosaccharomyces.
REFERENCE   1  (residues 1 to 93)
  AUTHORS   Schafer,B., Hansen,M. and Lang,B.F.
  TITLE     Transcription and RNA-processing in fission yeast mitochondria
  JOURNAL   RNA 11 (5), 785-795 (2005)
   PUBMED   15811919
REFERENCE   2  (residues 1 to 93)
  AUTHORS   Wood,V., Gwilliam,R., Rajandream,M.A., Lyne,M., Lyne,R.,
            Stewart,A., Sgouros,J., Peat,N., Hayles,J., Baker,S., Basham,D.,
            Bowman,S., Brooks,K., Brown,D., Brown,S., Chillingworth,T.,
            Churcher,C., Collins,M., Connor,R., Cronin,A., Davis,P.,
            Feltwell,T., Fraser,A., Gentles,S., Goble,A., Hamlin,N., Harris,D.,
            Hidalgo,J., Hodgson,G., Holroyd,S., Hornsby,T., Howarth,S.,
            Huckle,E.J., Hunt,S., Jagels,K., James,K., Jones,L., Jones,M.,
            Leather,S., McDonald,S., McLean,J., Mooney,P., Moule,S.,
            Mungall,K., Murphy,L., Niblett,D., Odell,C., Oliver,K., O'Neil,S.,
            Pearson,D., Quail,M.A., Rabbinowitsch,E., Rutherford,K., Rutter,S.,
            Saunders,D., Seeger,K., Sharp,S., Skelton,J., Simmonds,M.,
            Squares,R., Squares,S., Stevens,K., Taylor,K., Taylor,R.G.,
            Tivey,A., Walsh,S., Warren,T., Whitehead,S., Woodward,J.,
            Volckaert,G., Aert,R., Robben,J., Grymonprez,B., Weltjens,I.,
            Vanstreels,E., Rieger,M., Schafer,M., Muller-Auer,S., Gabel,C.,
            Fuchs,M., Dusterhoft,A., Fritzc,C., Holzer,E., Moestl,D.,
            Hilbert,H., Borzym,K., Langer,I., Beck,A., Lehrach,H.,
            Reinhardt,R., Pohl,T.M., Eger,P., Zimmermann,W., Wedler,H.,
            Wambutt,R., Purnelle,B., Goffeau,A., Cadieu,E., Dreano,S.,
            Gloux,S., Lelaure,V., Mottier,S., Galibert,F., Aves,S.J., Xiang,Z.,
            Hunt,C., Moore,K., Hurst,S.M., Lucas,M., Rochet,M., Gaillardin,C.,
            Tallada,V.A., Garzon,A., Thode,G., Daga,R.R., Cruzado,L.,
            Jimenez,J., Sanchez,M., del Rey,F., Benito,J., Dominguez,A.,
            Revuelta,J.L., Moreno,S., Armstrong,J., Forsburg,S.L., Cerutti,L.,
            Lowe,T., McCombie,W.R., Paulsen,I., Potashkin,J., Shpakovski,G.V.,
            Ussery,D., Barrell,B.G. and Nurse,P.
  TITLE     The genome sequence of Schizosaccharomyces pombe
  JOURNAL   Nature 415 (6874), 871-880 (2002)
   PUBMED   11859360
  REMARK    Erratum:[Nature 2003 Jan 2;421(6918):94. Cerrutti L [corrected to
            Cerutti L]]
  AUTHORS   Wood,V., Gwilliam,R., Rajandream,M.A., Lyne,M., Lyne,R.,
            Stewart,A., Sgouros,J., Peat,N., Hayles,J., Baker,S., Basham,D.,
            Bowman,S., Brooks,K., Brown,D., Brown,S., Chillingworth,T.,
            Churcher,C., Collins,M., Connor,R., Cronin,A., Davis,P.,
            Feltwell,T., Fraser,A., Gentles,S., Goble,A., Hamlin,N., Harris,D.,
            Hidalgo,J., Hodgson,G., Holroyd,S., Hornsby,T., Howarth,S.,
            Huckle,E.J., Hunt,S., Jagels,K., James,K., Jones,L., Jones,M.,
            Leather,S., McDonald,S., McLean,J., Mooney,P., Moule,S.,
            Mungall,K., Murphy,L., Niblett,D., Odell,C., Oliver,K., O'Neil,S.,
            Pearson,D., Quail,M.A., Rabbinowitsch,E., Rutherford,K., Rutter,S.,
            Saunders,D., Seeger,K., Sharp,S., Skelton,J., Simmonds,M.,
            Squares,R., Squares,S., Stevens,K., Taylor,K., Taylor,R.G.,
            Tivey,A., Walsh,S., Warren,T., Whitehead,S., Woodward,J.,
            Volckaert,G., Aert,R., Robben,J., Grymonprez,B., Weltjens,I.,
            Vanstreels,E., Rieger,M., Schafer,M., Muller-Auer,S., Gabel,C.,
            Fuchs,M., Dusterhoft,A., Fritzc,C., Holzer,E., Moestl,D.,
            Hilbert,H., Borzym,K., Langer,I., Beck,A., Lehrach,H.,
            Reinhardt,R., Pohl,T.M., Eger,P., Zimmermann,W., Wedler,H.,
            Wambutt,R., Purnelle,B., Goffeau,A., Cadieu,E., Dreano,S.,
            Gloux,S., Lelaure,V., Mottier,S., Galibert,F., Aves,S.J., Xiang,Z.,
            Hunt,C., Moore,K., Hurst,S.M., Lucas,M., Rochet,M., Gaillardin,C.,
            Tallada,V.A., Garzon,A., Thode,G., Daga,R.R., Cruzado,L.,
            Jimenez,J., Sanchez,M., del Rey,F., Benito,J., Dominguez,A.,
            Revuelta,J.L., Moreno,S., Armstrong,J., Forsburg,S.L., Cerutti,L.,
            Lowe,T., McCombie,W.R., Paulsen,I., Potashkin,J., Shpakovski,G.V.,
            Ussery,D., Barrell,B.G. and Nurse,P.
  TITLE     The genome sequence of Schizosaccharomyces pombe
  JOURNAL   Nature 415 (6874), 871-880 (2002)
   PUBMED   11859360
  REMARK    Erratum:[Nature 2003 Jan 2;421(6918):94. Cerrutti L [corrected to
            Cerutti L]]
REFERENCE   4  (residues 1 to 93)
  AUTHORS   Trinkl,H., Lang,B.F. and Wolf,K.
  TITLE     Nucleotide sequence of the gene encoding the small ribosomal RNA in
            the mitochondrial genome of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces
  JOURNAL   Nucleic Acids Res 17 (16), 6730 (1989)
   PUBMED   2780299
REFERENCE   5  (residues 1 to 93)
  AUTHORS   Lang,B.F., Cedergren,R. and Gray,M.W.
  TITLE     The mitochondrial genome of the fission yeast, Schizosaccharomyces
            pombe. Sequence of the large-subunit ribosomal RNA gene, comparison
            of potential secondary structure in fungal mitochondrial
            large-subunit rRNAs and evolutionary considerations
  JOURNAL   Eur J Biochem 169 (3), 527-537 (1987)
   PUBMED   2446871
REFERENCE   6  (residues 1 to 93)
  AUTHORS   Lang,B.F., Ahne,F. and Bonen,L.
  TITLE     The mitochondrial genome of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces
            pombe. The cytochrome b gene has an intron closely related to the
            first two introns in the Saccharomyces cerevisiae cox1 gene
  JOURNAL   J Mol Biol 184 (3), 353-366 (1985)
   PUBMED   4046021
REFERENCE   7  (residues 1 to 93)
  AUTHORS   Lang,B.F.
  TITLE     The mitochondrial genome of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces
            pombe: highly homologous introns are inserted at the same position
            of the otherwise less conserved cox1 genes in Schizosaccharomyces
            pombe and Aspergillus nidulans
  JOURNAL   EMBO J 3 (9), 2129-2136 (1984)
   PUBMED   6092057
REFERENCE   8  (residues 1 to 93)
  CONSRTM   NCBI Genome Project
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (16-AUG-2024) National Center for Biotechnology
            Information, NIH, Bethesda, MD 20894, USA
  AUTHORS   Wood,V. and Rutherford,K.
  CONSRTM   PomBase
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (13-MAR-2024) University of Cambridge, PomBase, Hopkins
            building, Tennis Court Rd, Cambridge, United Kingdom
  AUTHORS   Wood,V.
  CONSRTM   The Schizosaccharomyces pombe Genome Sequencing Consortium
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (29-JUN-2007) European Schizosaccharomyces genome
            sequencing project, Sanger Institute, The Wellcome Trust Genome
            Campus, Hinxton, Cambridge CB10 1SA
COMMENT     PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final
            NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to CAB42366.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..93
                     /organism="Schizosaccharomyces pombe"
     Protein         1..93
                     /product="U6 snRNP-associated protein Lsm3"
     Region          9..90
                     /note="Like-Sm protein 3; cd01730"
     Site            order(14,17..18,23,25..27,30,32,37..40,43..44,46,77..89)
                     /note="putative oligomer interface [polypeptide binding]"
     Site            order(22..28,30..42,44..48)
                     /note="Sm1 motif"
     Site            order(40,42,81)
                     /note="putative RNA binding site [nucleotide binding]"
     Site            77..88
                     /note="Sm2 motif"
     CDS             1..93
        1 mesaqavaep ldlvrlslde ivyvklrgdr elngrlhayd ehlnmvlgda eeivtifdde
       61 etdkdkalkt irkhyemlfv rgdsviliap prn
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