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disintegrin and metalloproteinase domain-containing protein 29 preproprotein [Homo sapiens]

NCBI Reference Sequence: NP_001124176.1

Identical Proteins FASTA Graphics 

LOCUS       NP_001124176             820 aa            linear   PRI 01-JUN-2024
DEFINITION  disintegrin and metalloproteinase domain-containing protein 29
            preproprotein [Homo sapiens].
ACCESSION   NP_001124176
VERSION     NP_001124176.1
DBSOURCE    REFSEQ: accession NM_001130704.1
SOURCE      Homo sapiens (human)
  ORGANISM  Homo sapiens
            Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;
            Mammalia; Eutheria; Euarchontoglires; Primates; Haplorrhini;
            Catarrhini; Hominidae; Homo.
REFERENCE   1  (residues 1 to 820)
  AUTHORS   Zhao,M., Jia,W., Jiang,W.G., Wang,P., DU,G., Cheng,S. and Song,M.
  TITLE     ADAM29 Expression in Human Breast Cancer and its Effects on Breast
            Cancer Cells In Vitro
  JOURNAL   Anticancer Res 36 (3), 1251-1258 (2016)
   PUBMED   26977022
  REMARK    GeneRIF: Increased transcript expression of ADAM29 was observed in
            breast cancer tissues compared to normal ones. The expression of
            ADAM29 and its mutations in different domains significantly
            influenced proliferation, migration and invasion of breast cancer
            cells in vitro.
REFERENCE   2  (residues 1 to 820)
  AUTHORS   Lin,S.W., Tsai,C.N., Lee,Y.S., Chu,S.F. and Chen,N.H.
  TITLE     Gene expression profiles in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of
            Asian obstructive sleep apnea patients
  JOURNAL   Biomed J 37 (2), 60-70 (2014)
   PUBMED   24732660
  REMARK    GeneRIF: PCMC expression of ADAM29, FLRT2, and SLC18A3 could be
            assessed as part of a routine screen to help identify individuals
            at risk of severe Obstructive sleep apnea in Asian populations
REFERENCE   3  (residues 1 to 820)
  AUTHORS   Michailidou,K., Hall,P., Gonzalez-Neira,A., Ghoussaini,M.,
            Dennis,J., Milne,R.L., Schmidt,M.K., Chang-Claude,J., Bojesen,S.E.,
            Bolla,M.K., Wang,Q., Dicks,E., Lee,A., Turnbull,C., Rahman,N.,
            Fletcher,O., Peto,J., Gibson,L., Dos Santos Silva,I.,
            Nevanlinna,H., Muranen,T.A., Aittomaki,K., Blomqvist,C., Czene,K.,
            Irwanto,A., Liu,J., Waisfisz,Q., Meijers-Heijboer,H., Adank,M., van
            der Luijt,R.B., Hein,R., Dahmen,N., Beckman,L., Meindl,A.,
            Schmutzler,R.K., Muller-Myhsok,B., Lichtner,P., Hopper,J.L.,
            Southey,M.C., Makalic,E., Schmidt,D.F., Uitterlinden,A.G.,
            Hofman,A., Hunter,D.J., Chanock,S.J., Vincent,D., Bacot,F.,
            Tessier,D.C., Canisius,S., Wessels,L.F., Haiman,C.A., Shah,M.,
            Luben,R., Brown,J., Luccarini,C., Schoof,N., Humphreys,K., Li,J.,
            Nordestgaard,B.G., Nielsen,S.F., Flyger,H., Couch,F.J., Wang,X.,
            Vachon,C., Stevens,K.N., Lambrechts,D., Moisse,M., Paridaens,R.,
            Christiaens,M.R., Rudolph,A., Nickels,S., Flesch-Janys,D.,
            Johnson,N., Aitken,Z., Aaltonen,K., Heikkinen,T., Broeks,A.,
            Veer,L.J., van der Schoot,C.E., Guenel,P., Truong,T.,
            Laurent-Puig,P., Menegaux,F., Marme,F., Schneeweiss,A., Sohn,C.,
            Burwinkel,B., Zamora,M.P., Perez,J.I., Pita,G., Alonso,M.R.,
            Cox,A., Brock,I.W., Cross,S.S., Reed,M.W., Sawyer,E.J.,
            Tomlinson,I., Kerin,M.J., Miller,N., Henderson,B.E., Schumacher,F.,
            Le Marchand,L., Andrulis,I.L., Knight,J.A., Glendon,G.,
            Mulligan,A.M., Lindblom,A., Margolin,S., Hooning,M.J.,
            Hollestelle,A., van den Ouweland,A.M., Jager,A., Bui,Q.M.,
            Stone,J., Dite,G.S., Apicella,C., Tsimiklis,H., Giles,G.G.,
            Severi,G., Baglietto,L., Fasching,P.A., Haeberle,L., Ekici,A.B.,
            Beckmann,M.W., Brenner,H., Muller,H., Arndt,V., Stegmaier,C.,
            Swerdlow,A., Ashworth,A., Orr,N., Jones,M., Figueroa,J.,
            Lissowska,J., Brinton,L., Goldberg,M.S., Labreche,F., Dumont,M.,
            Winqvist,R., Pylkas,K., Jukkola-Vuorinen,A., Grip,M., Brauch,H.,
            Hamann,U., Bruning,T., Radice,P., Peterlongo,P., Manoukian,S.,
            Bonanni,B., Devilee,P., Tollenaar,R.A., Seynaeve,C., van
            Asperen,C.J., Jakubowska,A., Lubinski,J., Jaworska,K., Durda,K.,
            Mannermaa,A., Kataja,V., Kosma,V.M., Hartikainen,J.M.,
            Bogdanova,N.V., Antonenkova,N.N., Dork,T., Kristensen,V.N.,
            Anton-Culver,H., Slager,S., Toland,A.E., Edge,S., Fostira,F.,
            Kang,D., Yoo,K.Y., Noh,D.Y., Matsuo,K., Ito,H., Iwata,H., Sueta,A.,
            Wu,A.H., Tseng,C.C., Van Den Berg,D., Stram,D.O., Shu,X.O., Lu,W.,
            Gao,Y.T., Cai,H., Teo,S.H., Yip,C.H., Phuah,S.Y., Cornes,B.K.,
            Hartman,M., Miao,H., Lim,W.Y., Sng,J.H., Muir,K., Lophatananon,A.,
            Stewart-Brown,S., Siriwanarangsan,P., Shen,C.Y., Hsiung,C.N.,
            Wu,P.E., Ding,S.L., Sangrajrang,S., Gaborieau,V., Brennan,P.,
            McKay,J., Blot,W.J., Signorello,L.B., Cai,Q., Zheng,W.,
            Deming-Halverson,S., Shrubsole,M., Long,J., Simard,J.,
            Garcia-Closas,M., Pharoah,P.D., Chenevix-Trench,G., Dunning,A.M.,
            Benitez,J. and Easton,D.F.
  CONSRTM   Breast and Ovarian Cancer Susceptibility Collaboration; Hereditary
            Breast and Ovarian Cancer Research Group Netherlands (HEBON);
            kConFab Investigators; Australian Ovarian Cancer Study Group;
            GENICA (Gene Environment Interaction and Breast Cancer in Germany)
  TITLE     Large-scale genotyping identifies 41 new loci associated with
            breast cancer risk
  JOURNAL   Nat Genet 45 (4), 353-361 (2013)
   PUBMED   23535729
REFERENCE   4  (residues 1 to 820)
  AUTHORS   Wei,X., Moncada-Pazos,A., Cal,S., Soria-Valles,C., Gartner,J.,
            Rudloff,U., Lin,J.C., Rosenberg,S.A., Lopez-Otin,C. and Samuels,Y.
  CONSRTM   NISC Comparative Sequencing Program
  TITLE     Analysis of the disintegrin-metalloproteinases family reveals
            ADAM29 and ADAM7 are often mutated in melanoma
  JOURNAL   Hum Mutat 32 (6), E2148-E2175 (2011)
   PUBMED   21618342
  REMARK    GeneRIF: mutated ADAM27 and ADAM7 genes could play a role in
            melanoma progression.
REFERENCE   5  (residues 1 to 820)
  AUTHORS   Maloum,K., Settegrana,C., Chapiro,E., Cazin,B., Lepretre,S.,
            Delmer,A., Leporrier,M., Dreyfus,B., Tournilhac,O., Mahe,B.,
            Nguyen-Khac,F., Lesty,C., Davi,F. and Merle-Beral,H.
  TITLE     IGHV gene mutational status and LPL/ADAM29 gene expression as
            clinical outcome predictors in CLL patients in remission following
            treatment with oral fludarabine plus cyclophosphamide
  JOURNAL   Ann Hematol 88 (12), 1215-1221 (2009)
   PUBMED   19340428
  REMARK    GeneRIF: Results support the use of LPL and ADAM29 gene expression
            associated to IGHV mutational status for predicting the clinical
            outcome of patients treated by oral fludarabine + cyclophosphamide
            and could be considered for treatment strategies.
REFERENCE   6  (residues 1 to 820)
  AUTHORS   Oppezzo,P., Vasconcelos,Y., Settegrana,C., Jeannel,D., Vuillier,F.,
            Legarff-Tavernier,M., Kimura,E.Y., Bechet,S., Dumas,G.,
            Brissard,M., Merle-Beral,H., Yamamoto,M., Dighiero,G. and Davi,F.
  CONSRTM   French Cooperative Group on CLL
  TITLE     The LPL/ADAM29 expression ratio is a novel prognosis indicator in
            chronic lymphocytic leukemia
  JOURNAL   Blood 106 (2), 650-657 (2005)
   PUBMED   15802535
  REMARK    GeneRIF: quantification of LPL and ADAM29 gene expression is a
            strong prognostic indicator in CLL, providing better prognostic
            assessment than ZAP-70 in advanced stages of the disease
REFERENCE   7  (residues 1 to 820)
  AUTHORS   Xu,R., Cai,J., Xu,T., Zhou,W., Ying,B., Deng,K., Zhao,S. and Li,C.
  TITLE     Molecular cloning and mapping of a novel ADAM gene (ADAM29) to
            human chromosome 4
  JOURNAL   Genomics 62 (3), 537-539 (1999)
   PUBMED   10644455
REFERENCE   8  (residues 1 to 820)
  AUTHORS   Cerretti,D.P., DuBose,R.F., Black,R.A. and Nelson,N.
  TITLE     Isolation of two novel metalloproteinase-disintegrin (ADAM) cDNAs
            that show testis-specific gene expression
  JOURNAL   Biochem Biophys Res Commun 263 (3), 810-815 (1999)
   PUBMED   10512762
COMMENT     REVIEWED REFSEQ: This record has been curated by NCBI staff. The
            reference sequence was derived from DB073142.1, DB080702.1,
            AK292410.1 and BC036070.1.
            Summary: This gene encodes a member of the ADAM (a disintegrin and
            metalloprotease domain) family. Members of this family are
            membrane-anchored proteins structurally related to snake venom
            disintegrins, and have been implicated in a variety of biological
            processes involving cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions,
            including fertilization, muscle development, and neurogenesis. The
            protein encoded by this gene is highly expressed in testis and may
            be involved in human spermatogenesis. Alternative splicing results
            in multiple transcript variants that encode the same protein.
            [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2008].
            Transcript Variant: This variant (3) differs in the 5' UTR,
            compared to variant 1. Variants 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 encode the
            same protein.
            Transcript exon combination :: AK292410.1, BI561525.1 [ECO:0000332]
            RNAseq introns              :: single sample supports all introns
                                           SAMEA1968968, SAMEA2148093
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..820
                     /organism="Homo sapiens"
     Protein         1..820
                     /product="disintegrin and metalloproteinase
                     domain-containing protein 29 preproprotein"
                     /note="a disintegrin and metalloproteinase domain 29;
                     cancer/testis antigen 73; disintegrin and
                     metalloproteinase domain-containing protein 29;
                     metallaproteinase-disintegrin (ADAM29); testis secretory
                     sperm-binding protein Li 207a; epididymis secretory sperm
                     binding protein"
     sig_peptide     1..18
                     /inference="COORDINATES: ab initio prediction:SignalP:6.0"
     proprotein      19..820
                     /product="disintegrin and metalloproteinase
                     domain-containing protein 29 proprotein"
     Region          32..150
                     /note="Reprolysin family propeptide; pfam01562"
     mat_peptide     194..820
                     /product="Disintegrin and metalloproteinase
                     domain-containing protein 29. /id=PRO_0000029135"
                     /note="propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (Q9UKF5.3)"
     Region          198..386
                     /note="Zinc-dependent metalloprotease; adamalysin_II_like
                     subfamily. Adamalysin II is a snake venom zinc
                     endopeptidase. This subfamily contains other snake venom
                     metalloproteinases, as well as membrane-anchored
                     metalloproteases belonging to the ADAM family; cd04269"
     Site            217
                     /note="N-linked (GlcNAc...) asparagine.
                     /evidence=ECO:0000255; propagated from
                     UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (Q9UKF5.3)"
     Site            320
                     /note="N-linked (GlcNAc...) asparagine.
                     /evidence=ECO:0000255; propagated from
                     UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (Q9UKF5.3)"
     Site            order(332..333,336,342)
     Site            368
                     /note="N-linked (GlcNAc...) asparagine.
                     /evidence=ECO:0000255; propagated from
                     UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (Q9UKF5.3)"
     Region          406..478
     Site            428
                     /note="N-linked (GlcNAc...) asparagine.
                     /evidence=ECO:0000255; propagated from
                     UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (Q9UKF5.3)"
     Site            469
                     /note="N-linked (GlcNAc...) asparagine.
                     /evidence=ECO:0000255; propagated from
                     UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (Q9UKF5.3)"
     Region          483..618
                     /note="ADAM Cysteine-Rich Domain; smart00608"
     Site            538
                     /note="N-linked (GlcNAc...) asparagine.
                     /evidence=ECO:0000255; propagated from
                     UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (Q9UKF5.3)"
     Site            545
                     /note="N-linked (GlcNAc...) asparagine.
                     /evidence=ECO:0000255; propagated from
                     UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (Q9UKF5.3)"
     Site            558
                     /note="N-linked (GlcNAc...) asparagine.
                     /evidence=ECO:0000255; propagated from
                     UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (Q9UKF5.3)"
     Site            564
                     /note="N-linked (GlcNAc...) asparagine.
                     /evidence=ECO:0000255; propagated from
                     UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (Q9UKF5.3)"
     Site            675..695
                     /site_type="transmembrane region"
                     /note="propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (Q9UKF5.3)"
     Region          <701..>819
                     /note="Atrophin-1 family; pfam03154"
     Region          706..820
                     /note="propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (Q9UKF5.3)"
     Region          739..819
                     /region_name="9 X 9 AA approximate repeats"
                     /note="propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (Q9UKF5.3)"
     CDS             1..820
                     /gene_synonym="CT73; svph1"
        1 mkmllllhcl gvflscsghi qdehpqyhsp pdvvipvrit gttrgmtppg wlsyilpfgg
       61 qkhiihikvk kllfskhlpv ftytdqgail edqpfvqnnc yyhgyvegdp eslvslstcf
      121 ggfqgilqin dfayeikpla fsttfehlvy kmdseekqfs tmrsgfmqne itcrmefeei
      181 dnstqkqssy vgwwihfriv eivvvidnyl yiryerndsk lledlyvivn ivdsildvig
      241 vkvllfglei wtnknlivvd dvrksvhlyc kwksenitpr mqhdtshlft tlglrglsgi
      301 gafrgmctph rscaivtfmn ktlgtfsiav ahhlghnlgm nhdedtcrcs qprcimhegn
      361 ppitkfsncs ygdfweytve rtkclletvh tkdifnvkrc gngvveegee cdcgplkhca
      421 kdpcclsnct ltdgstcafg lcckdckflp sgkvcrkevn ecdlpewcng tshkcpddfy
      481 vedgipcker gycyekschd rneqcrrifg agantasetc ykelntlgdr vghcgiknat
      541 yikcnisdvq cgriqcenvt eipnmsdhtt vhwarfndim cwstdyhlgm kgpdigevkd
      601 gtecgidhic ihrhcvhiti lnsncspafc nkrgicnnkh hchcnylwdp pnclikgygg
      661 svdsgpppkr kkkkkfcylc illlivlfil lcclyrlckk skpikkqqdv qtpsakeeek
      721 iqrrphelpp qsqpwvmpsq sqppvtpsqs hpqvmpsqsq ppvtpsqsqp rvmpsqsqpp
      781 vmpsqshpql tpsqsqppvt psqrqpqlmp sqsqppvtps
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