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UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B15 isoform X1 [Homo sapiens]

NCBI Reference Sequence: XP_054184520.1

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LOCUS       XP_054184520             530 aa            linear   PRI 26-AUG-2024
DEFINITION  UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B15 isoform X1 [Homo sapiens].
ACCESSION   XP_054184520
VERSION     XP_054184520.1
DBLINK      BioProject: PRJNA168
DBSOURCE    REFSEQ: accession XM_054328545.1
SOURCE      Homo sapiens (human)
  ORGANISM  Homo sapiens
            Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;
            Mammalia; Eutheria; Euarchontoglires; Primates; Haplorrhini;
            Catarrhini; Hominidae; Homo.
COMMENT     MODEL REFSEQ:  This record is predicted by automated computational
            analysis. This record is derived from a genomic sequence
            (NT_167250.2) annotated using gene prediction method: Gnomon,
            supported by mRNA and EST evidence.
            Also see:
                Documentation of NCBI's Annotation Process
            Annotation Provider         :: NCBI RefSeq
            Annotation Status           :: Updated annotation
            Annotation Name             :: GCF_000001405.40-RS_2024_08
            Annotation Pipeline         :: NCBI eukaryotic genome annotation
            Annotation Software Version :: 10.3
            Annotation Method           :: Best-placed RefSeq; Gnomon;
                                           RefSeqFE; cmsearch; tRNAscan-SE
            Features Annotated          :: Gene; mRNA; CDS; ncRNA
            Annotation Date             :: 08/23/2024
            COMPLETENESS: full length.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..530
                     /organism="Homo sapiens"
     Protein         1..530
                     /product="UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B15 isoform X1"
     Region          24..518
                     /note="UDP-glucoronosyl and UDP-glucosyl transferase;
     Site            order(34..35,37,204,207..208,212,244,312,375,377,379..380,
     Site            order(34,312,375,377,379..380)
                     /note="TDP-binding site [active]"
     Site            35
                     /note="acceptor substrate-binding pocket [active]"
     Site            order(49,147,458..459,462)
                     /note="homodimer interface [polypeptide binding]"
     CDS             1..530
                     /gene_synonym="HLUG4; UDPGT 2B8; UDPGT2B15; UDPGTH3;
        1 mslkwtsvfl liqlscyfss gscgkvlvwp teyshwinmk tileelvqrg hevtvltssa
       61 stlvnaskss aiklevypts ltkndledsl lkildrwiyg vskntfwsyf sqlqelcwey
      121 ydysnklckd avlnkklmmk lqeskfdvil adalnpcgel laelfnipfl yslrfsvgyt
      181 fekngggflf ppsyvpvvms elsdqmifme riknmihmly fdfwfqiydl kkwdqfysev
      241 lgrpttlfet mgkaemwlir tywdfefprp flpnvdfvgg lhckpakplp kemeefvqss
      301 gengivvfsl gsmisnmsee sanmiasala qipqkvlwrf dgkkpntlgs ntrlykwlpq
      361 ndllghpktk afithggtng iyeaiyhgip mvgiplfadq hdniahmkak gaalsvdirt
      421 mssrdllnal ksvindpvyk envmklsrih hdqpmkpldr avfwiefvmr hkgakhlrva
      481 ahnltwiqyh sldviaflla cvatvifiit kfclfcfrkl akkgkkkkrd
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