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  • This record is a non-redundant protein sequence. Please read more here.

peptide chain release factor N(5)-glutamine methyltransferase [Mycoplasma mycoides]

NCBI Reference Sequence: WP_011166353.1

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LOCUS       WP_011166353             282 aa            linear   BCT 27-DEC-2023
DEFINITION  peptide chain release factor N(5)-glutamine methyltransferase
            [Mycoplasma mycoides].
ACCESSION   WP_011166353
VERSION     WP_011166353.1
SOURCE      Mycoplasma mycoides
  ORGANISM  Mycoplasma mycoides
            Bacteria; Bacillati; Mycoplasmatota; Mollicutes; Mycoplasmataceae;
REFERENCE   1  (residues 1 to 282)
  AUTHORS   Selengut,J.D., Rusch,D.B. and Haft,D.H.
  TITLE     Sites Inferred by Metabolic Background Assertion Labeling (SIMBAL):
            adapting the Partial Phylogenetic Profiling algorithm to scan
            sequences for signatures that predict protein function
  JOURNAL   BMC Bioinformatics 11, 52 (2010)
   PUBMED   20102603
  REMARK    Publication Status: Online-Only
REFERENCE   2  (residues 1 to 282)
  AUTHORS   Heurgue-Hamard,V., Champ,S., Engstrom,A., Ehrenberg,M. and
  TITLE     The hemK gene in Escherichia coli encodes the N(5)-glutamine
            methyltransferase that modifies peptide release factors
  JOURNAL   EMBO J 21 (4), 769-778 (2002)
   PUBMED   11847124
COMMENT     REFSEQ: This record represents a single, non-redundant, protein
            sequence which may be annotated on many different RefSeq genomes
            from the same, or different, species.
            Evidence Category  :: HMM
            Evidence Accession :: TIGR03534.1
            Evidence Source    :: JCVI
            COMPLETENESS: full length.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..282
                     /organism="Mycoplasma mycoides"
     gene            1..282
     Protein         1..282
                     /product="peptide chain release factor N(5)-glutamine
                     /GO_function="GO:0008757 - S-adenosylmethionine-dependent
                     methyltransferase activity [Evidence IEA]"
                     /GO_process="GO:0018364 - peptidyl-glutamine methylation
                     [Evidence IEA]; GO:0006412 - translation [Evidence IEA]"
     Region          23..275
                     /note="protein-(glutamine-N5) methyltransferase, release
                     factor-specific; TIGR03534"
        1 mnntifnvln kikntnisln kadvyhileh iinkdyqwii snldhkltkk qiykidqild
       61 llkqnyplay ilkskyfysn iffvnkdvli prneseliid hvsefvknnn dllivdlctg
      121 sgclgiscal lndqnkvilt disykslkva nknikkfnli ntsclngnfi dvliknnlka
      181 nliicnppyi dindqnidkn vidfepsial fapnkglyfy eiliknidki vdtnknfliv
      241 lefgwlqkds ieqllinncl kykwefkkdy ndywrnliik nf
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