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unnamed protein product [Phytomonas sp. EM1]

GenBank: CCW62838.1

Identical Proteins FASTA Graphics 

LOCUS       CCW62838                 174 aa            linear   INV 24-SEP-2014
DEFINITION  unnamed protein product [Phytomonas sp. EM1].
VERSION     CCW62838.1
DBLINK      BioProject: PRJEB1535
            BioSample: SAMEA3138948
DBSOURCE    embl accession HF955070.1
SOURCE      Phytomonas sp. EM1
  ORGANISM  Phytomonas sp. EM1
            Eukaryota; Discoba; Euglenozoa; Kinetoplastea; Metakinetoplastina;
            Trypanosomatida; Trypanosomatidae; Phytomonas.
REFERENCE   1  (residues 1 to 174)
  AUTHORS   Porcel,B.M., Denoeud,F., Opperdoes,F., Noel,B., Madoui,M.A.,
            Hammarton,T.C., Field,M.C., Da Silva,C., Couloux,A., Poulain,J.,
            Katinka,M., Jabbari,K., Aury,J.M., Campbell,D.A., Cintron,R.,
            Dickens,N.J., Docampo,R., Sturm,N.R., Koumandou,V.L., Fabre,S.,
            Flegontov,P., Lukes,J., Michaeli,S., Mottram,J.C., Szoor,B.,
            Zilberstein,D., Bringaud,F., Wincker,P. and Dollet,M.
  TITLE     The streamlined genome of Phytomonas spp. relative to human
            pathogenic kinetoplastids reveals a parasite tailored for plants
  JOURNAL   PLoS Genet 10 (2), e1004007 (2014)
   PUBMED   24516393
  REMARK    Publication Status: Online-Only
REFERENCE   2  (residues 1 to 174)
  AUTHORS   Genoscope -,C.E.A.
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (29-APR-2013) Genoscope - Centre National de Sequencage :
            BP 191 91006 EVRY cedex - FRANCE (E-mail : seqref@genoscope.cns.fr
            - Web : www.genoscope.cns.fr)
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..174
                     /organism="Phytomonas sp. EM1"
                     /host="Euphorbia sp."
     Protein         1..174
                     /name="unnamed protein product"
     Region          86..171
                     /note="histone-fold domain found in DNA polymerase epsilon
                     subunit 3 (POLE3) and similar proteins; cd22928"
     Site            order(90,94..95,97,105..106,108..109,112..113,115..117,
                     /note="heterodimer interface [polypeptide binding]"
     Site            order(115,119,122..123,126..127,146..147,155,160,166..167,
                     /note="catalytic subunit binding site [polypeptide
     CDS             1..174
        1 mhsspimvsh speaievgde ligggsggev aeaplaastp gpspteqivf hrtgdppsve
       61 nlprmtshnd lisghprerg snanglaigq vmravtsalp egmhlsrear vafqkvatta
      121 llyiacladd arssrtkgkk rktltvqdvr daleaaglah liplmhttvk rnre
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