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RecName: Full=Zinc finger protein zfp-2

UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot: Q20082.1

Identical Proteins FASTA Graphics 

LOCUS       ZNF2_CAEEL               422 aa            linear   INV 27-NOV-2024
DEFINITION  RecName: Full=Zinc finger protein zfp-2.
VERSION     Q20082.1
DBSOURCE    UniProtKB: locus ZNF2_CAEEL, accession Q20082;
            class: standard.
            created: Jul 5, 2017.
            sequence updated: Nov 1, 1996.
            annotation updated: Nov 27, 2024.
            xrefs: BX284602.5, CAA85325.1, T21820, NP_496055.1
            xrefs (non-sequence databases): AlphaFoldDB:Q20082, SMR:Q20082,
            STRING:6239.F35H8.3.1, PaxDb:6239-F35H8.3,
            EnsemblMetazoa:F35H8.3.1, EnsemblMetazoa:F35H8.3.1,
            EnsemblMetazoa:WBGene00009448, GeneID:174505,
            KEGG:cel:CELE_F35H8.3, UCSC:F35H8.3, AGR:WB:WBGene00009448,
            CTD:174505, WormBase:F35H8.3, WormBase:CE00981, eggNOG:KOG1721,
            GeneTree:ENSGT00940000171158, HOGENOM:CLU_652527_0_0_1,
            InParanoid:Q20082, OMA:QIVEMDG, OrthoDB:2953226at2759,
            PhylomeDB:Q20082, Reactome:R-CEL-8951664, Reactome:R-CEL-983168,
            PRO:PR:Q20082, Proteomes:UP000001940, Bgee:WBGene00009448,
            GO:0005634, GO:0001228, GO:0046872, GO:0000978, GO:0006357,
            FunFam:, Gene3D:,
            InterPro:IPR036236, InterPro:IPR013087, PANTHER:PTHR24394:SF29,
            PANTHER:PTHR24394, Pfam:PF00096, SMART:SM00355, SUPFAM:SSF57667,
            PROSITE:PS00028, PROSITE:PS50157
KEYWORDS    DNA-binding; Metal-binding; Nucleus; Reference proteome; Repeat;
            Transcription; Transcription regulation; Zinc; Zinc-finger.
SOURCE      Caenorhabditis elegans
  ORGANISM  Caenorhabditis elegans
            Eukaryota; Metazoa; Ecdysozoa; Nematoda; Chromadorea; Rhabditida;
            Rhabditina; Rhabditomorpha; Rhabditoidea; Rhabditidae; Peloderinae;
REFERENCE   1  (residues 1 to 422)
  CONSRTM   C. elegans Sequencing Consortium
  TITLE     Genome sequence of the nematode C. elegans: a platform for
            investigating biology
  JOURNAL   Science 282 (5396), 2012-2018 (1998)
   PUBMED   9851916
            STRAIN=Bristol N2 {ECO:0000312|Proteomes:UP000001940}
            Erratum:[Science 1999 Jan 1;283(5398):35]
REFERENCE   2  (residues 1 to 422)
  AUTHORS   Ceron,J., Rual,J.F., Chandra,A., Dupuy,D., Vidal,M. and van den
  TITLE     Large-scale RNAi screens identify novel genes that interact with
            the C. elegans retinoblastoma pathway as well as splicing-related
            components with synMuv B activity
  JOURNAL   BMC Dev Biol 7, 30 (2007)
   PUBMED   17417969
            Publication Status: Online-Only
COMMENT     On Sep 14, 2005 this sequence version replaced gi:7500572.
            [FUNCTION] Probable zinc finger transcription factor that acts as a
            transcriptional repressor. Acts redundantly with the
            transcriptional repressor lin-35 to control the development of
            somatic gonad lineages. May, in addition, suppress sensitivity to
            RNAi. {ECO:0000269|PubMed:17417969}.
            [SUBCELLULAR LOCATION] Nucleus {ECO:0000305|PubMed:17417969}.
            [TISSUE SPECIFICITY] Expressed in vulval cells and all somatic
            gonad structures such as spermatheca, sheath cells, uterine cells
            and distal tip cells. {ECO:0000269|PubMed:17417969}.
            [DISRUPTION PHENOTYPE] No visible phenotype. Double knockout with
            lin-35 results in sterility, defects in gonad migration and vulval
            morphology. {ECO:0000269|PubMed:17417969}.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..422
                     /organism="Caenorhabditis elegans"
     gene            1..422
     Protein         1..422
                     /product="Zinc finger protein zfp-2"
                     /UniProtKB_evidence="Evidence at transcript level"
     Region          1..422
                     /region_name="Mature chain"
                     /note="Zinc finger protein zfp-2. /evidence=ECO:0000305.
     Region          95..119
                     /region_name="Region of interest in the sequence"
                     /note="Disordered. /evidence=ECO:0000256|SAM:MobiDB-lite."
     Region          95..116
                     /region_name="Compositionally biased region"
                     /note="Polar residues.
     Region          171..194
                     /region_name="Zinc finger region"
                     /note="C2H2-type 1.
     Region          173..194
                     /region_name="C2H2 Zn finger"
                     /note="C2H2 Zn finger [structural motif]"
     Site            order(178,180,182,184..185,188..189,193,207,209,213..214,
                     /note="putative nucleic acid binding site [nucleotide
     Region          200..222
                     /region_name="Zinc finger region"
                     /note="C2H2-type 2.
     Region          202..222
                     /region_name="C2H2 Zn finger"
                     /note="C2H2 Zn finger [structural motif]"
     Region          229..251
                     /region_name="Zinc finger region"
                     /note="C2H2-type 3.
     Region          231..251
                     /region_name="C2H2 Zn finger"
                     /note="C2H2 Zn finger [structural motif]"
     Region          <251..>358
                     /note="FOG: Zn-finger [General function prediction only]"
     Region          255..278
                     /region_name="Zinc finger region"
                     /note="C2H2-type 4.
     Region          257..278
                     /region_name="C2H2 Zn finger"
                     /note="C2H2 Zn finger [structural motif]"
     Region          300..322
                     /region_name="Zinc finger region"
                     /note="C2H2-type 5.
     Region          302..322
                     /region_name="C2H2 Zn finger"
                     /note="C2H2 Zn finger [structural motif]"
     Site            order(307,309,311,313..314,317..318,321,335,337,341..342,
                     /note="putative nucleic acid binding site [nucleotide
     Region          318..339
                     /note="Zinc-finger double domain; pfam13465"
     Region          328..350
                     /region_name="Zinc finger region"
                     /note="C2H2-type 6.
     Region          330..350
                     /region_name="C2H2 Zn finger"
                     /note="C2H2 Zn finger [structural motif]"
     Region          356..379
                     /region_name="Zinc finger region"
                     /note="C2H2-type 7.
     Region          358..374
                     /region_name="C2H2 Zn finger"
                     /note="C2H2 Zn finger [structural motif]"
        1 meemmmndps amviyeeevt tapnlpcsli qqrswdeekp igyeltntkc yktpngvqkt
       61 atiqreqlst skdfgeqqiv emdgefsieg tdmhaipcts ssmqpstssn pssgehqpvp
      121 lrrmaikigq rvlrfkvisa eeapeapldt qdswindpkp vttpkalagl yrctncktyf
      181 gnkevyqrhi qevhgdarpf rcfncgmrfa nktsmthhlk dhsllkpmfs cdycprifsk
      241 lesktrhhkm hftrstcqtc mrffttedal rhhqstahpa tfdsgppped llpngksary
      301 scsycnlrfh fkkdmlvher ihtgekpysc gycmksfaqs qaltahirth tkelpygcgk
      361 cdkrfrdnsc lrkhelaaht depivrpisv aysnqvqkqm qrqrenrrkq elliaerhpy
      421 ri
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  • RefSeq protein
    See the reference protein sequence for Zinc finger protein zfp-2 (NP_496055.1).

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