LOCUS AAM20452 298 aa linear PLN 06-MAY-2002
DEFINITION unknown protein [Arabidopsis thaliana].
DBSOURCE accession AY099601.1
SOURCE Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress)
ORGANISM Arabidopsis thaliana
Eukaryota; Viridiplantae; Streptophyta; Embryophyta; Tracheophyta;
Spermatophyta; Magnoliopsida; eudicotyledons; Gunneridae;
Pentapetalae; rosids; malvids; Brassicales; Brassicaceae;
Camelineae; Arabidopsis.
REFERENCE 1 (residues 1 to 298)
AUTHORS Nguyen,M., Karlin-Neumann,G., Southwick,A., Lam,B., Miranda,M.,
Palm,C.J., Bowser,L., Jones,T., Banh,J., Carninci,P., Chen,H.,
Cheuk,R., Chung,M.K., Hayashizaki,Y., Ishida,J., Kamiya,A.,
Kawai,J., Kim,C., Lin,J., Liu,S.X., Narusaka,M., Pham,P.K.,
Sakano,H., Sakurai,T., Satou,M., Seki,M., Shinn,P., Yamada,K.,
Shinozaki,K., Ecker,J., Theologis,A. and Davis,R.W.
TITLE Direct Submission
JOURNAL Submitted (24-APR-2002) DNA Sequencing and Technology Center,
Stanford University, 855 California Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94304,
COMMENT e-mail for correspondence:
RIKEN Genomic Sciences Center (GSC) members carried out the
collection and clustering of RAFL cDNAs (RAFL cDNA : 'RIKEN
Arabidopsis Full-Length cDNA'): Seki,M., Narusaka,M., Ishida,J.,
Satou,M., Kamiya,A., Sakurai,T., Carninci,P., Kawai,J.,
Hayashizaki,Y. and Shinozaki,K.
The Salk, Stanford, PGEC (SSP) Consortium members carried out the
sequencing and annotation of the RAFL cDNAs: Nguyen,M.,
Southwick,A., Karlin-Neumann,G., Lam,B., Miranda,M., Palm,C.J.,
Bowser,L., Jones,T., Banh,J., Chen,H., Cheuk,R., Chung,M.K.,
Kim,C., Lin,J., Liu,S.X., Pham,P.K., Sakano,H., Shinn,P.,
Yamada,K., Ecker,J., Theologis,A. and Davis,R.W.
Nguyen,M, (SSP/Stanford) and Seki,M. (RIKEN GSC) contributed
equally to this work. Shinozaki,K. (RIKEN GSC) and Davis,R.W.
(SSP/Stanford) contributed equally to this work as PIs.
Method: conceptual translation.
FEATURES Location/Qualifiers
source 1..298
/organism="Arabidopsis thaliana"
/clone="RAFL09-64-C15 (R24925)"
/note="This clone is in pBluescript"
Protein 1..298
/product="unknown protein"
Region 143..291
/note="SYF2 splicing factor; pfam08231"
CDS 1..298
1 mvserrvhpd cinasnpyhe cveycfkkia eakarfekqn tglakvheqt replddkrie
61 edsseeeeee ednqepqvdv tqltgrqkkl felrlkmnea rksnqtdvgs ekkkmeapte
121 tkgiskqkwl egrkkkigkl ldangldmtq aymldtqeaa eskykkweke ptpagwdvfn
181 qktlynaykk rtkniqvdle eynrmraadp efyreasslq ygkapktsqd kidkmakell
241 dreqkrqefs rrrkfreekd idsindrneh fnkkierafg kytleiknnl ergtalpd