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FI20236p1 [Drosophila melanogaster]

GenBank: AFH97164.1

Identical Proteins FASTA Graphics 

LOCUS       AFH97164                 517 aa            linear   INV 19-APR-2012
DEFINITION  FI20236p1 [Drosophila melanogaster].
VERSION     AFH97164.1
DBSOURCE    accession BT133474.1
SOURCE      Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly)
  ORGANISM  Drosophila melanogaster
            Eukaryota; Metazoa; Ecdysozoa; Arthropoda; Hexapoda; Insecta;
            Pterygota; Neoptera; Endopterygota; Diptera; Brachycera;
            Muscomorpha; Ephydroidea; Drosophilidae; Drosophila; Sophophora.
REFERENCE   1  (residues 1 to 517)
  AUTHORS   Carlson,J., Booth,B., Frise,E., Park,S., Wan,K., Yu,C. and
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (19-APR-2012) Berkeley Drosophila Genome Project,
            Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, One Cyclotron Road,
            Berkeley, CA 94720, USA
COMMENT     Sequence submitted by:
            Berkeley Drosophila Genome Project
            Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
            Berkeley, CA 94720
            This clone was sequenced as part of a high-throughput process to
            sequence clones from the Drosophila Gene Collection. The sequence
            has been subjected to integrity checks for sequence accuracy,
            presence of a polyA tail and contiguity within 200 kb in the
            genome. Thus we believe the sequence to reflect accurately this
            particular cDNA clone. However, there are artifacts associated with
            the generation of cDNA clones that may have not been detected in
            our initial analyses such as internal priming, priming from
            contaminating genomic DNA, retained introns due to reverse
            transcription of unspliced precursor RNAs, and reverse
            transcriptase errors that result in single base changes. For
            further information about this sequence, including its location and
            relationship to other sequences, please visit our Web site
            (http://www.fruitfly.org) or send email to cdna@fruitfly.org.
            Method: conceptual translation.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..517
                     /organism="Drosophila melanogaster"
     Protein         1..517
     Region          20..300
                     /note="GTPase-activating protein that regulates ARFs
                     (ADP-ribosylation factors), involved in ARF-mediated
                     vesicular transport [Intracellular trafficking and
     Region          21..123
                     /note="Stromal membrane-associated proteins; a subfamily
                     of the ArfGAP family; cd08839"
     Site            order(33,36,53,56,61)
                     /note="arginine finger"
     Site            order(33,36,53,56)
                     /note="Zn binding site [ion binding]"
     CDS             1..517
                     /note="Longest ORF"
        1 msssnagqrt kliqekcqtl ltqmlrdedn kycvdcdakg prwaswnlgm flcircagih
       61 rnlgvhisrv ksvnldtwtp eqvislqqmg nsraravyea qlpdgfrrpq tdtalenfir
      121 akyehkkyla rewvppsppk vdwakeidee lerqkrkkks tqaqatlgla gvaggsgdkr
      181 lsgssasalk ntplpaplpk pkpnqvggcs pkttqrvqln ssgvssages dllglssptk
      241 pivatnasqd lqnesftsfl saesiagqpd kpigsngdaa nlmgskpnsl aqeeqdffnq
      301 gslgaggnek dqsgkmskds ilalygsapa thnpqmnfgg ftgmapggym hqqqqqqiph
      361 qfmtppnsvs mynspvmaap nafsnaaiss atamsmggsh gftgaqfpst ggspyaaagq
      421 aaatnlmqtn qsilsgmplf gavpqqqqqh qqqlqqqhhp qlgglsmnlm qplpsglnig
      481 qppqgaggfa atgpttssvp snlnqqfgnl nignvwq
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  • RefSeq protein
    See the reference protein sequence for uncharacterized protein Dmel_CG8243 (NP_610424.1).

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