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putative membrane antigen gp85 [human gammaherpesvirus 4]

GenBank: ALQ28465.1

Identical Proteins FASTA Graphics 

LOCUS       ALQ28465                 234 aa            linear   VRL 06-DEC-2015
DEFINITION  putative membrane antigen gp85 [human gammaherpesvirus 4].
VERSION     ALQ28465.1
DBSOURCE    accession KR063344.1
SOURCE      human gammaherpesvirus 4 (Epstein-Barr virus)
  ORGANISM  human gammaherpesvirus 4
            Viruses; Duplodnaviria; Heunggongvirae; Peploviricota;
            Herviviricetes; Herpesvirales; Orthoherpesviridae;
            Gammaherpesvirinae; Lymphocryptovirus; Lymphocryptovirus
REFERENCE   1  (residues 1 to 234)
  AUTHORS   Lei,H., Li,T., Li,B., Tsai,S., Biggar,R.J., Nkrumah,F.,
            Neequaye,J., Gutierrez,M., Epelman,S., Mbulaiteye,S.M., Bhatia,K.
            and Lo,S.C.
  TITLE     Epstein-Barr virus from Burkitt Lymphoma biopsies from Africa and
            South America share novel LMP-1 promoter and gene variations
  JOURNAL   Sci Rep 5, 16706 (2015)
   PUBMED   26593963
  REMARK    Publication Status: Online-Only
REFERENCE   2  (residues 1 to 234)
  AUTHORS   Lei,H., Li,T., Tsai,S., Biggar,R., Nkrumah,F., Neequayee,J.,
            Gutierrez,M., Epelman,S., Lo,S.-C., Mbulaiteye,S. and Bhatia,K.
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (04-APR-2015) Tissue Microbiology Laboratory, Division of
            Cellular and Gene Therapies, Office of Cellular, Tissue and Gene
            Therapy, Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, Food and
            Drug Administration, 10903 New hamshire ave, Silver spring, MD
            20993, USA
COMMENT     ##Assembly-Data-START##
            Assembly Method       :: CLC Genomics Workbench v. 7.5
            Sequencing Technology :: Illumina
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..234
                     /organism="human gammaherpesvirus 4"
                     /isolation_source="BL tumor biopsy"
                     /host="Homo sapiens"
     Protein         1..234
                     /product="putative membrane antigen gp85"
     Region          1..234
                     /note="BDLF3; Provisional"
     CDS             1..234
        1 mahardkaga vlamilicet sliwtssgss tasagnvtgt tavttpspsa sgpstnqstt
       61 ltttsapitt tailstnttt vtstgttvtp vpttsnasti nvttkvtaqn itateagtgt
      121 stgvtsnvtt rsstttsatt ritnattlap tlsskgtsna tkttaelptv pderqpslsy
      181 glplwtlvfv gltflmlili faaglmmsak nkpldeallt navtrdpsly kglv
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