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oligopeptide transport system permease [Yersinia mollaretii]

GenBank: CQG99311.1

Identical Proteins FASTA Graphics 

LOCUS       CQG99311                 301 aa            linear   BCT 13-JUN-2015
DEFINITION  oligopeptide transport system permease [Yersinia mollaretii].
VERSION     CQG99311.1
DBLINK      BioProject: PRJEB2117
            BioSample: SAMEA859865
DBSOURCE    embl accession CTIO01000001.1
SOURCE      Yersinia mollaretii
  ORGANISM  Yersinia mollaretii
            Bacteria; Pseudomonadati; Pseudomonadota; Gammaproteobacteria;
            Enterobacterales; Yersiniaceae; Yersinia.
  AUTHORS   Informatics,Pathogen.
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (10-MAR-2015) SC, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, CB10
            1SA, United Kingdom
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..301
                     /organism="Yersinia mollaretii"
                     /serovar="not known"
                     /isolation_source="not known"
                     /geo_loc_name="United Kingdom"
     Protein         1..301
                     /product="oligopeptide transport system permease"
     Region          1..301
                     /note="oligopeptide ABC transporter permease OppC;
     CDS             1..301
                     /inference="ab initio prediction:Prodigal:2.60"
                     /inference="similar to AA sequence:RefSeq:YP_001006468.1"
        1 mlskknseal evfsekleve grslwqdarr rfihnraait slvilmlitl fvilapmlaq
       61 fsysdtdwgm msaapnlesg hyfgtdssgr dllvrvaigg rislmvgvaa alvavvvgtl
      121 ygslsgylgg kvdslmmrll eilnsfpfmf fvillvtffg qnillifvai gmvswldmar
      181 ivrgqtlslk rkefieaalv ggvstrhivl rhivpnvlgv vvvyasllvp smilfesfls
      241 flglgtqepl sswgallsdg ansmevspwl lmfpagflvv tlfcfnfigd glrdaldpkd
      301 r
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