LOCUS EFS54434 166 aa linear BCT 07-JUN-2013
DEFINITION SUF system FeS assembly protein, NifU family [Cutibacterium acnes
DBLINK BioProject: PRJNA49215
BioSample: SAMN00189228
DBSOURCE accession ADYW01000007.1
SOURCE Cutibacterium acnes HL059PA1
ORGANISM Cutibacterium acnes HL059PA1
Bacteria; Bacillati; Actinomycetota; Actinomycetes;
Propionibacteriales; Propionibacteriaceae; Cutibacterium.
REFERENCE 1 (residues 1 to 166)
AUTHORS Weinstock,G., Sodergren,E., Clifton,S., Fulton,L., Fulton,B.,
Courtney,L., Fronick,C., Harrison,M., Strong,C., Farmer,C.,
Delahaunty,K., Markovic,C., Hall,O., Minx,P., Tomlinson,C.,
Mitreva,M., Hou,S., Chen,J., Wollam,A., Pepin,K.H., Johnson,M.,
Bhonagiri,V., Zhang,X., Suruliraj,S., Warren,W., Chinwalla,A.,
Mardis,E.R. and Wilson,R.K.
TITLE Direct Submission
JOURNAL Submitted (14-JUL-2010) Genome Sequencing Center, Washington
University School of Medicine, 4444 Forest Park, St. Louis, MO
63108, USA
REFERENCE 2 (residues 1 to 166)
AUTHORS Weinstock,G., Sodergren,E., Clifton,S., Fulton,L., Fulton,B.,
Courtney,L., Fronick,C., Harrison,M., Strong,C., Farmer,C.,
Delahaunty,K., Markovic,C., Hall,O., Minx,P., Tomlinson,C.,
Mitreva,M., Hou,S., Chen,J., Wollam,A., Pepin,K.H., Johnson,M.,
Bhonagiri,V., Zhang,X., Suruliraj,S., Warren,W., Chinwalla,A.,
Mardis,E.R. and Wilson,R.K.
TITLE Direct Submission
JOURNAL Submitted (15-AUG-2010) Genome Sequencing Center, Washington
University School of Medicine, 4444 Forest Park, St. Louis, MO
63108, USA
COMMENT Propionibacterium acnes HL059PA1 (No 16S rRNA gene available) is a
member of the Actinobacteria division of the domain bacteria and
has been isolated from the skin.
This is a reference genome for the Human Microbiome Project. This
project is co-owned with the Human Microbiome Project DACC.
The bacterial isolate and source DNA was provided by Huiying Li,
Ph.D. Department of Molecular and Medical Pharmacology, University
of California, Los Angeles, 4339 CNSI, 570 Westwood Plaza, Building
114, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA. This project is funded by the
following grant support: 'Metagenomic study of the human skin
microbiome associated with acne' (1UH2AR057503).
Coding sequences were predicted using GeneMark v3.3 and Glimmer2
v2.13. Intergenic regions not spanned by GeneMark and Glimmer2 were
blasted against NCBI's non-redundant (NR) database and predictions
generated based on protein alignments. tRNA genes were determined
using tRNAscan-SE 1.23 and non-coding RNA genes by RNAmmer-1.2 and
Rfam v8.0. Gene names are generated at the contig level and may not
necessarily reflect any known order or orientation between contigs.
The National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI), National
Institutes of Health (NIH) Acne Demonstration Project is funding
the sequence characterization of the Propionibacterium acnes
HL059PA1 genome.
Annotation was added to the contigs in December 2010.
Product names were updated in June 2013.
Finishing Goal :: High-Quality Draft
Current Finishing Status :: High-Quality Draft
Assembly Method :: Velvet v. 0.7.57
Genome Coverage :: 69.2x
Sequencing Technology :: Illumina
Method: conceptual translation.
FEATURES Location/Qualifiers
source 1..166
/organism="Cutibacterium acnes HL059PA1"
Protein 1..166
/product="SUF system FeS assembly protein, NifU family"
Region 4..139
/note="Iron-sulfur cluster scaffold-like proteins;
Site order(6..9,12..13,38..39,63,65,123..124,126..127)
/note="trimerization site [polypeptide binding]"
Site order(38,63,127)
CDS 1..166
/inference="protein motif:HMMPfam:IPR002871"
/inference="protein motif:HMMTigr:IPR011341"
/note="KEGG: rxy:Rxyl_1354 0.0033 tRNA
Psort location: Cytoplasmic, score: 7.50"
1 mnveemyqqi ildhyrekhh sglregydae vtqvnpscgd elllrvhvdg dvitdvsyda
61 vgcsisqast svmtdlvigk tigeaqdlyr gfqemmrsrg tveldediye davafegvak
121 lmarvkcaml gwsaledsll kvtegspdkv gsvsgtdsne tkeesr