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putative RVS167 protein [Neurospora tetrasperma FGSC 2509]

GenBank: EGZ74545.1

Identical Proteins FASTA Graphics 

LOCUS       EGZ74545                 499 aa            linear   PLN 14-MAR-2015
DEFINITION  putative RVS167 protein [Neurospora tetrasperma FGSC 2509].
VERSION     EGZ74545.1
DBLINK      BioProject: PRJNA65453
            BioSample: SAMN02743872
DBSOURCE    accession GL891107.1
SOURCE      Neurospora tetrasperma FGSC 2509
  ORGANISM  Neurospora tetrasperma FGSC 2509
            Eukaryota; Fungi; Dikarya; Ascomycota; Pezizomycotina;
            Sordariomycetes; Sordariomycetidae; Sordariales; Sordariaceae;
REFERENCE   1  (residues 1 to 499)
  AUTHORS   Ellison,C.E., Stajich,J.E., Jacobson,D.J., Natvig,D.O., Lapidus,A.,
            Foster,B., Aerts,A., Riley,R., Lindquist,E.A., Grigoriev,I.V. and
  TITLE     Massive Changes in Genome Architecture Accompany the Transition to
            Self-Fertility in the Filamentous Fungus Neurospora tetrasperma
  JOURNAL   Genetics 189 (1), 55-69 (2011)
   PUBMED   21750257
REFERENCE   2  (residues 1 to 499)
  AUTHORS   Aerts,A., Ellison,C.E., Stajich,J.E., Jacobson,D.J., Schmutz,J.,
            Lapidus,A., Foster,B., Pitluck,S., Riley,R., Lindquist,E.,
            Lucas,S., Taylor,J.W. and Grigoriev,I.V.
  CONSRTM   US DOE Joint Genome Institute (JGI-PGF)
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (11-APR-2011) US DOE Joint Genome Institute, 2800
            Mitchell Drive, Walnut Creek, CA 94598-1698, USA
COMMENT     Method: conceptual translation.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..499
                     /organism="Neurospora tetrasperma FGSC 2509"
                     /strain="FGSC 2509"
                     /mating_type="mat a"
     Protein         1..499
                     /product="putative RVS167 protein"
     Region          29..245
                     /note="The Bin/Amphiphysin/Rvs (BAR) domain of
                     Saccharomyces cerevisiae Reduced viability upon starvation
                     protein 167 and similar proteins; cd07599"
     Site            order(38,41..42,46,48..49,52..53,55..56,66..67,69..70,
                     /note="dimer interface [polypeptide binding]"
     Region          <271..>380
                     /note="ORF080 virion core protein; Provisional"
     Region          412..460
                     /note="Src Homology 3 domain superfamily; cl17036"
     CDS             1..499
                     /note="GO_component: GO:5737 - cytoplasm;
                     GO_function: GO:5515 - protein binding"
        1 msfrgfqksv vrapqqfkqk fnlgehtkdp vyidserrfq eletetkrlh deskkyfeai
       61 ngmlqhqief skamteiykp isgrmsdpds lvphgnyegi aaceeyeavv kdlqetlape
      121 lemiearvir panelldvik virktavkre hkkldydrhr atlkklqdkk drsakdekam
      181 wkaeneveqa tqeynyfndl lkdelpklfa lerqfiqplf qsfyymqlni fytlhekmqh
      241 cdigyfdltl dieeafyakr gdvqeraeal sivkfkttgm krppkyqrpg alegnkpagl
      301 ltagssttts tgppepapsv taprpweqqq aaapavtapr pwetqaepve ahapppysvk
      361 pstlhatpas yaapvaspkp sslsmaaaak akppppkpkp kalmaaapkv etvtalydys
      421 aqaegdlsfr agdvieivtr tanenewwig klhgkqgqfp vikellsarf tsqhdfnlyp
      481 flwtrswlgv icnhntdsf
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