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glyoxalase [Staphylococcus aureus F60349]

GenBank: EWV41122.1

Identical Proteins FASTA Graphics 

LOCUS       EWV41122                 308 aa            linear   BCT 24-FEB-2014
DEFINITION  glyoxalase [Staphylococcus aureus F60349].
VERSION     EWV41122.1
DBLINK      BioProject: PRJNA226783
            BioSample: SAMN02398724
DBSOURCE    accession JEPR01000011.1
SOURCE      Staphylococcus aureus F60349
  ORGANISM  Staphylococcus aureus F60349
            Bacteria; Bacillati; Bacillota; Bacilli; Bacillales;
            Staphylococcaceae; Staphylococcus.
REFERENCE   1  (residues 1 to 308)
  AUTHORS   Feldgarden,M., Murphy,C., Onderdonk,A., DuBois,A., Delaney,M.,
            Gombosev,A., Kim,D., Huang,S., Young,S., Zeng,Q., Gargeya,S.,
            Fitzgerald,M., Abouelleil,A., Alvarado,L., Chapman,S.B.,
            Gainer-Dewar,J., Goldberg,J., Griggs,A., Gujja,S., Hansen,M.,
            Howarth,C., Imamovic,A., Ireland,A., Larimer,J., McCowan,C.,
            Pearson,M., Poon,T.W., Priest,M., Roberts,A., Saif,S., Shea,T.,
            Sykes,S., Wortman,J., Nusbaum,C. and Birren,B.
  CONSRTM   The Broad Institute Genomics Platform, The Broad Institute Genome
            Sequencing Center for Infectious Disease
  TITLE     The Genome Sequence of Staphylococcus aureus F60349
  JOURNAL   Unpublished
REFERENCE   2  (residues 1 to 308)
  AUTHORS   Feldgarden,M., Murphy,C., Onderdonk,A., DuBois,A., Delaney,M.,
            Gombosev,A., Kim,D., Huang,S., Young,S., Zeng,Q., Gargeya,S.,
            Fitzgerald,M., Abouelleil,A., Alvarado,L., Chapman,S.B.,
            Gainer-Dewar,J., Goldberg,J., Griggs,A., Gujja,S., Hansen,M.,
            Howarth,C., Imamovic,A., Ireland,A., Larimer,J., McCowan,C.,
            Pearson,M., Poon,T.W., Priest,M., Roberts,A., Saif,S., Shea,T.,
            Sykes,S., Wortman,J., Nusbaum,C. and Birren,B.
  CONSRTM   The Broad Institute Genomics Platform, The Broad Institute Genome
            Sequencing Center for Infectious Disease
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (19-FEB-2014) Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, 7
            Cambridge Center, Cambridge, MA 02142, USA
COMMENT     Please be aware that the annotation is done automatically with
            little or no manual curation.
            Assembly Method       :: allpaths v. R48559
            Assembly Name         :: Stap_aure_F60349_V1
            Genome Coverage       :: 57.0x
            Sequencing Technology :: Illumina
            Method: conceptual translation.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..308
                     /organism="Staphylococcus aureus F60349"
     Protein         1..308
     Region          5..128
                     /note="vicinal oxygen chelate (VOC) family; cl14632"
     Region          155..305
                     /note="vicinal oxygen chelate (VOC) family; cl14632"
     CDS             1..308
        1 mnivghhhis mytkdakrnk dfytnvlglr lveksvnqdn psmyhlfygd evgtagtils
       61 ffeiphaghk qpgtetiyrf sllvpnqaal hyfekrldnn gitserlyyl gqegvvfkde
      121 ddleiillvn dsfevphqwq hnayseipqa yqilgigpve lrvrnaartv eflenvlgyr
      181 krdnksfdvl tlapqglysd fvvieqqgqr erpgrgyihh iaintpqmsd ldaiykklqq
      241 qtqsnsgiid ryffkslyyr hnsimyefat eapgftidtp leqlgsqlnl pdfleaereq
      301 iesklhei
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