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BAAT/acyl-CoA thioester hydrolase protein [Gardnerella pickettii]

GenBank: KXA15267.1

Identical Proteins FASTA Graphics 

LOCUS       KXA15267                 344 aa            linear   BCT 02-FEB-2016
DEFINITION  BAAT/acyl-CoA thioester hydrolase protein [Gardnerella pickettii].
VERSION     KXA15267.1
DBLINK      BioProject: PRJNA272096
            BioSample: SAMN03851014
DBSOURCE    accession LRPZ01000045.1
SOURCE      Gardnerella pickettii
  ORGANISM  Gardnerella pickettii
            Bacteria; Bacillati; Actinomycetota; Actinomycetes;
            Bifidobacteriales; Bifidobacteriaceae; Gardnerella.
REFERENCE   1  (residues 1 to 344)
  AUTHORS   Mitreva,M., Pepin,K.H., Mihindukulasuriya,K.A., Fulton,R.,
            Fronick,C., O'Laughlin,M., Miner,T., Herter,B., Rosa,B.A.,
            Cordes,M., Tomlinson,C., Wollam,A., Palsikar,V.B., Mardis,E.R. and
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (06-JAN-2016) McDonnell Genome Institute, Washington
            University School of Medicine, 4444 Forest Park, St. Louis, MO
            63108, USA
COMMENT     Bacteria and source DNA were provide by Amanda Lewis, Ph.D.
            (lewis@borcim.wustl.edu), Washington University School of Medicine,
            Department of Molecular Microbiology and Obstetrics and Gynecology
            - Center for Women's Infectious Disease Research, Campus Box 8230
            660 S. Euclid Ave. St. Louis, MO 63110. Collection of this isolate
            was part of the ###Polymicrobial Synergy Study,### which was funded
            in part by the National Institutes of Health grant P50 DK064540-11.
            Coding sequences were predicted using GeneMark and Glimmer3.
            Intergenic regions not spanned by GeneMark and Glimmer3 were
            blasted against NCBI's non-redundant (NR) database and predictions
            generated based on protein alignments. tRNA genes were determined
            using tRNAscan-SE and non-coding RNA genes by RNAmmer and Rfam. The
            final gene set is processed through several programs such as Kegg,
            psortB and Interproscan to determine possible function. Gene
            product names are determined by BER. Gene names are generated at
            the contig level and may not necessarily reflect any known order or
            orientation between contigs.
            This is a reference genomes for the Human Microbiome Project and
            the work was funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH)
            grant U54 HG004968.
            Finishing Goal           :: High-Quality Draft
            Current Finishing Status :: High-Quality Draft
            Assembly Method          :: Velvet v. 1.1.06
            Genome Coverage          :: 104x
            Sequencing Technology    :: Illumina
            Method: conceptual translation.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..344
                     /organism="Gardnerella pickettii"
                     /host="Homo sapiens"
     Protein         1..344
                     /product="BAAT/acyl-CoA thioester hydrolase protein"
     Region          130..341
                     /region_name="alpha/beta hydrolases"
                     /note="A functionally diverse superfamily containing
                     proteases, lipases, peroxidases, esterases, epoxide
                     hydrolases and dehalogenases. The catalytic apparatus
                     typically involves three residues (catalytic triad): a
                     serine, a glutamate or aspartate and a...; cl21494"
     CDS             1..344
                     /inference="protein motif:HMMPfam:IPR014940"
                     /note="KEGG: ppo:PPM_2247 1.6e-25 M1_2542; putative
                     acyl-CoA thioesterase"
        1 mkkmkkiffg ifsviiilvv lvfslriynd hkykdinaln fpeyykdvtn islyptdidg
       61 vdvtyvdegr mqgfrfvpke kshkglvicf ggsegspnfe nakilakegy etfalfmfgm
      121 knqestltki pleqfddvin yinknikdnk pisvlgaskg aeyalnlack ypeidnlili
      181 spssynfagl dfkdygsswt ykgeqlpyid ikkssfssfl kniivptiik spisyketye
      241 saieqdsssq eklipvknvk anilmmaged dlmwdsfama kkikeqnpna kiysykgagh
      301 ifagngvlnl gririatggt iesndkarse srktidaflk enhk
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