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Nur1p [Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C]

NCBI Reference Sequence: NP_010194.1

Identical Proteins FASTA Graphics 

LOCUS       NP_010194                484 aa            linear   PLN 17-DEC-2024
DEFINITION  Nur1p [Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C].
VERSION     NP_010194.1
DBLINK      BioProject: PRJNA128
DBSOURCE    REFSEQ: accession NM_001180148.1
SOURCE      Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C
  ORGANISM  Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C
            Eukaryota; Fungi; Dikarya; Ascomycota; Saccharomycotina;
            Saccharomycetes; Saccharomycetales; Saccharomycetaceae;
REFERENCE   1  (residues 1 to 484)
  AUTHORS   Engel,S.R., Wong,E.D., Nash,R.S., Aleksander,S., Alexander,M.,
            Douglass,E., Karra,K., Miyasato,S.R., Simison,M., Skrzypek,M.S.,
            Weng,S. and Cherry,J.M.
  TITLE     New data and collaborations at the Saccharomyces Genome Database:
            updated reference genome, alleles, and the Alliance of Genome
  JOURNAL   Genetics 220 (4) (2022)
   PUBMED   34897464
REFERENCE   2  (residues 1 to 484)
  AUTHORS   Jacq,C., Alt-Morbe,J., Andre,B., Arnold,W., Bahr,A., Ballesta,J.P.,
            Bargues,M., Baron,L., Becker,A., Biteau,N., Blocker,H., Blugeon,C.,
            Boskovic,J., Brandt,P., Bruckner,M., Buitrago,M.J., Coster,F.,
            Delaveau,T., del Rey,F., Dujon,B., Eide,L.G.,
            Garcia-Cantalejo,J.M., Goffeau,A., Gomez-Peris,A., Zaccaria,P. et
  TITLE     The nucleotide sequence of Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosome IV
  JOURNAL   Nature 387 (6632 SUPPL), 75-78 (1997)
   PUBMED   9169867
REFERENCE   3  (residues 1 to 484)
  AUTHORS   Goffeau,A., Barrell,B.G., Bussey,H., Davis,R.W., Dujon,B.,
            Feldmann,H., Galibert,F., Hoheisel,J.D., Jacq,C., Johnston,M.,
            Louis,E.J., Mewes,H.W., Murakami,Y., Philippsen,P., Tettelin,H. and
  TITLE     Life with 6000 genes
  JOURNAL   Science 274 (5287), 546 (1996)
   PUBMED   8849441
REFERENCE   4  (residues 1 to 484)
  CONSRTM   NCBI Genome Project
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (17-DEC-2024) National Center for Biotechnology
            Information, NIH, Bethesda, MD 20894, USA
REFERENCE   5  (residues 1 to 484)
  CONSRTM   Saccharomyces Genome Database
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (16-JAN-2015) Department of Genetics, Stanford
            University, Stanford, CA 94305-5120, USA
  REMARK    Protein update by submitter
REFERENCE   6  (residues 1 to 484)
  CONSRTM   Saccharomyces Genome Database
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (06-FEB-2013) Department of Genetics, Stanford
            University, Stanford, CA 94305-5120, USA
  REMARK    Protein update by submitter
REFERENCE   7  (residues 1 to 484)
  CONSRTM   Saccharomyces Genome Database
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (04-MAY-2012) Department of Genetics, Stanford
            University, Stanford, CA 94305-5120, USA
  REMARK    Protein update by submitter
REFERENCE   8  (residues 1 to 484)
  CONSRTM   Saccharomyces Genome Database
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (31-MAR-2011) Department of Genetics, Stanford
            University, Stanford, CA 94305-5120, USA
  REMARK    Sequence update by submitter
REFERENCE   9  (residues 1 to 484)
  CONSRTM   Saccharomyces Genome Database
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (11-DEC-2009) Department of Genetics, Stanford
            University, Stanford, CA 94305-5120, USA
COMMENT     REVIEWED REFSEQ: This record has been curated by SGD. The reference
            sequence is identical to DAA11769.
            Annotation Provider :: SGD
            Annotation Status   :: Full Annotation
            Annotation Version  :: R64-4-1
            URL                 :: http://www.yeastgenome.org/
            Method: conceptual translation.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..484
                     /organism="Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C"
     Protein         1..484
     Region          228..313
                     /note="Protein of unknown function (DUF2418); pfam10332"
     CDS             1..484
                     /experiment="EXISTENCE:direct assay:GO:0034399 nuclear
                     periphery [PMID:26928762|PMID:14562095]"
                     /experiment="EXISTENCE:mutant phenotype:GO:0007096
                     regulation of exit from mitosis [PMID:25569132]"
                     /experiment="EXISTENCE:mutant phenotype:GO:0043007
                     maintenance of rDNA [PMID:18997772]"
                     /note="Chromosome linkage inner nuclear membrane protein;
                     CLIP, involved in perinuclear chromosome tethering and
                     rDNA repeat stability; involved in regulating mitotic
                     exit; dephosphorylated by Cdc14p in anaphase, which
                     promotes timely rDNA segregation and allows mitotic
                     progression; interacts with Csm1p and Lrs4p; null mutant
                     has elevated levels of unequal sister-chromatid exchange;
                     GFP-fusion protein localizes to the nuclear periphery;
                     Cdc28p substrate"
        1 mgsndlinea yddsevvgee resksawmkr wyqlltspld lqlvinekle minwdayaks
       61 lakplgnflt ilffiirllq dnlikpnyyk lnvksgafdl sksnklkefd ylweisssfq
      121 nnnqfyafqs wyfvtlrfln nlfrftifil lslnlyvsck fmfgyfktyn lfhlkkefns
      181 pnltkhnlkd lskeyyediy kqslwsmlkh ffrgsrddgp hvnqnedeif fqlrkwiptn
      241 fminlfvsfs ptaivflsfs dvsftsaiai vfhqyildyi itkrfqrsvd ddlilssaal
      301 qeyedkhima rinqcsnidt lssamgtrsk tpriftthsl cgeeirevyn yekrefealp
      361 kmtesvpgsr etrikdyggi sqvsdhqshp igfhysprms pyyrdkvldn nlaqsssnen
      421 lekggaylpn qdqnrpsksl splrktplsa rqkrfegsef nvlnkndins ilrspkkkkn
      481 yhkr
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Reference sequence information

  • RefSeq mRNA
    See reference mRNA sequence for the NUR1 gene (NM_001180148.1).

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