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RecName: Full=Triplex capsid protein 1

UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot: Q6UDJ3.1

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LOCUS       TRX1_PSHV1               486 aa            linear   VRL 29-MAY-2024
DEFINITION  RecName: Full=Triplex capsid protein 1.
DBSOURCE    UniProtKB: locus TRX1_PSHV1, accession Q6UDJ3;
            class: standard.
            created: Apr 5, 2011.
            sequence updated: Jul 5, 2004.
            annotation updated: May 29, 2024.
            xrefs: AY372243.1, AAQ73717.1, NP_944411.1
            xrefs (non-sequence databases): SMR:Q6UDJ3, GeneID:2657017,
            KEGG:vg:2657017, Proteomes:UP000006840, GO:0042025, GO:0019028,
            GO:0003677, GO:0019069, HAMAP:MF_04018, InterPro:IPR004999,
KEYWORDS    Capsid protein; Host nucleus; Reference proteome; Virion.
SOURCE      Psittacid herpesvirus 1 Amazon parrot/1997
  ORGANISM  Psittacid herpesvirus 1 Amazon parrot/1997
            Viruses; Duplodnaviria; Heunggongvirae; Peploviricota;
            Herviviricetes; Herpesvirales; Orthoherpesviridae;
            Alphaherpesvirinae; Iltovirus; Iltovirus psittacidalpha1.
REFERENCE   1  (residues 1 to 486)
  AUTHORS   Thureen,D.R. and Keeler,C.L. Jr.
  TITLE     Psittacid herpesvirus 1 and infectious laryngotracheitis virus:
            Comparative genome sequence analysis of two avian
  JOURNAL   J Virol 80 (16), 7863-7872 (2006)
   PUBMED   16873243
COMMENT     [FUNCTION] Structural component of the T=16 icosahedral capsid. The
            capsid is composed of pentamers and hexamers of major capsid
            protein/MCP, which are linked together by heterotrimers called
            triplexes. These triplexes are formed by a single molecule of
            triplex protein 1/TRX1 and two copies of triplex protein 2/TRX2.
            Additionally, TRX1 is required for efficient transport of TRX2 to
            the nucleus, which is the site of capsid assembly.
            [SUBUNIT] Interacts with TRX2, MCP and capsid vertex component
            2/CVC2. {ECO:0000255|HAMAP-Rule:MF_04018}.
            [SUBCELLULAR LOCATION] Virion {ECO:0000255|HAMAP-Rule:MF_04018}.
            Host nucleus {ECO:0000255|HAMAP-Rule:MF_04018}.
            [SIMILARITY] Belongs to the herpesviridae TRX1 protein family.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..486
                     /organism="Psittacid herpesvirus 1 Amazon parrot/1997"
                     /host="Amazona oratrix (yellow-headed parrot)"
     gene            1..486
     Protein         1..486
                     /product="Triplex capsid protein 1"
                     /UniProtKB_evidence="Inferred from homology"
     Region          1..486
                     /region_name="Mature chain"
                     /note="Triplex capsid protein 1. /id=PRO_0000406868."
     Region          4..486
                     /note="Capsid triplex subunit 1; Provisional"
        1 manmkpnltd lfrlrerade gaarrendrl lglgstvpql lrpvwsgapt vtgniigaiv
       61 nrgsagtell rtgpatnsgg grmaaqqhaf gaddaagvka allgsiapta dalraqqvlt
      121 tqvtvtdmck pdvegpgslm lffrgvrrll iklsaetmvr ndlineleta fmilnricgl
      181 ppvgtnginn feaslvslnv laaaaaphyr ntcevdalrt fvlaggkdsk lnekltnldl
      241 ilqasvesrn fphsilfpag altesvnstn vacvkmlmng sveleggltr pcgsfrfpac
      301 lfldlddtrq cgvvprgadr adglfyvyll flystetwhp syeiyvaksa lgeaglqsml
      361 dekfarrrvn ntvaaappag nfyargrqre dgdwrcyied ayrrasgnna vnpleqgarp
      421 tdlhisfagv pdrnsatyaa fcqlgvslgp wssacryttv qrhglglkyv elpglslkig
      481 twracy
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