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cobalt transporter [Blautia sp. TF12-31AT]

GenBank: RHU40368.1

Identical Proteins FASTA Graphics 

LOCUS       RHU40368                 116 aa            linear   BCT 06-SEP-2018
DEFINITION  cobalt transporter [Blautia sp. TF12-31AT].
VERSION     RHU40368.1
DBLINK      BioProject: PRJNA482748
            BioSample: SAMN09736960
DBSOURCE    accession QUKF01000001.1
SOURCE      Blautia sp. TF12-31AT
  ORGANISM  Blautia sp. TF12-31AT
            Bacteria; Bacillati; Bacillota; Clostridia; Lachnospirales;
            Lachnospiraceae; Blautia.
REFERENCE   1  (residues 1 to 116)
  AUTHORS   Zou,Y., Xue,W. and Luo,G.
  TITLE     A genome reference for cultivated species of the human gut
  JOURNAL   Unpublished
REFERENCE   2  (residues 1 to 116)
  AUTHORS   Zou,Y., Xue,W. and Luo,G.
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (02-AUG-2018) BGI-CNGB, BGI, No. 11, Beishan IZ., Yantian
            Dist., Shenzhen, Guangdong 518083, China
COMMENT     Annotation was added by the NCBI Prokaryotic Genome Annotation
            Pipeline (released 2013). Information about the Pipeline can be
            found here: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genome/annotation_prok/
            Assembly Method        :: SPAdes v. 3.1.0
            Genome Representation  :: Full
            Expected Final Version :: Yes
            Genome Coverage        :: 100x
            Sequencing Technology  :: IonProton
            Annotation Provider               :: NCBI
            Annotation Date                   :: 08/10/2018 01:37:42
            Annotation Pipeline               :: NCBI Prokaryotic Genome
                                                 Annotation Pipeline
            Annotation Method                 :: Best-placed reference protein
                                                 set; GeneMarkS+
            Annotation Software revision      :: 4.6
            Features Annotated                :: Gene; CDS; rRNA; tRNA; ncRNA;
            Genes (total)                     :: 3,136
            CDS (total)                       :: 3,062
            Genes (coding)                    :: 2,638
            CDS (coding)                      :: 2,638
            Genes (RNA)                       :: 74
            rRNAs                             :: 2, 7, 9 (5S, 16S, 23S)
            complete rRNAs                    :: 1 (5S)
            partial rRNAs                     :: 1, 7, 9 (5S, 16S, 23S)
            tRNAs                             :: 52
            ncRNAs                            :: 4
            Pseudo Genes (total)              :: 424
            Pseudo Genes (ambiguous residues) :: 0 of 424
            Pseudo Genes (frameshifted)       :: 326 of 424
            Pseudo Genes (incomplete)         :: 99 of 424
            Pseudo Genes (internal stop)      :: 18 of 424
            Pseudo Genes (multiple problems)  :: 18 of 424
            CRISPR Arrays                     :: 3
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..116
                     /organism="Blautia sp. TF12-31AT"
                     /host="Homo sapiens"
                     /geo_loc_name="China: Shenzhen"
     Protein         1..116
                     /product="cobalt transporter"
     CDS             1..116
                     /inference="COORDINATES: similar to AA
                     /note="Derived by automated computational analysis using
                     gene prediction method: Protein Homology."
        1 mhllydengn piphgahdeh hhhhdhhheg edcghacnac gseekckden lalltymlqh
       61 nehhaaelde madklekagm adaakqireg vsdfqkgnmr lslaltlvke hlkevk
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