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host specificity protein J [Escherichia coli]

NCBI Reference Sequence: WP_021554722.1

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LOCUS       WP_021554722            1137 aa            linear   BCT 20-JAN-2025
DEFINITION  host specificity protein J [Escherichia coli].
ACCESSION   WP_021554722
VERSION     WP_021554722.1
SOURCE      Escherichia coli
  ORGANISM  Escherichia coli
            Bacteria; Pseudomonadati; Pseudomonadota; Gammaproteobacteria;
            Enterobacterales; Enterobacteriaceae; Escherichia.
REFERENCE   1  (residues 1 to 1137)
  AUTHORS   Wang,J., Hofnung,M. and Charbit,A.
  TITLE     The C-terminal portion of the tail fiber protein of bacteriophage
            lambda is responsible for binding to LamB, its receptor at the
            surface of Escherichia coli K-12
  JOURNAL   J Bacteriol 182 (2), 508-512 (2000)
   PUBMED   10629200
COMMENT     REFSEQ: This record represents a single, non-redundant, protein
            sequence which may be annotated on many different RefSeq genomes
            from the same, or different, species.
            Evidence Category  :: Conserved Domain (CDD)
            Evidence Accession :: Domain architecture ID 11468747
            Evidence Source    :: NCBI SPARCLE
            COMPLETENESS: full length.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..1137
                     /organism="Escherichia coli"
     Protein         1..1137
                     /product="host specificity protein J"
                     /GO_component="GO:0098015 - virus tail [Evidence IEA]"
                     /GO_process="GO:0046813 - receptor-mediated virion
                     attachment to host cell [Evidence IEA]; GO:0098003 - viral
                     tail assembly [Evidence IEA]; GO:0019062 - virion
                     attachment to host cell [Evidence IEA]"
     Region          216..1067
                     /note="Phage-related protein, tail protein J [Mobilome:
                     prophages, transposons]"
        1 mgkgsskght pretkdnlks tqllsvidai segpvegpvd glksvllnst pvldsegntn
       61 isgvtvvfra geqeqtppeg fessgsetvl gtevkydtpi trtitsanid rlrftfgvqa
      121 lvettskgdr npsevrllvq iqrnggwvte kditikgktt sqylasvvvd nlpprpfnir
      181 mrrmtpdstt dqlqnktlws syteiidvkq cypntalvgv qvdseqfgsq qvsrnyhlrg
      241 rilqvpsnyn pqtrqysgiw dgtlkpaysn nmawclwdml thprygmgkr lgaadvdkwa
      301 lyvigqycdq svpdgfggte pritcnaylt tqrkawdvls dfcsamrcmp vwngqtltfv
      361 qdrpsdkvwt ynrsnvvmld dgapfrysfs alkdrhnave vnwidpdngw etatelvedt
      421 qaiarygrnv tkmdafgcts rgqahraglw liktelletq tvdfsvgaeg lrhvpgdvie
      481 icdddyagis iggrvlavns qirtltldre itlpssgttl islvdgsgnp vsvevqsvtd
      541 gvkvkvsrvp dgvagysvwg lklptlrqrl frcvsirend dgtyaitavq hvpekeaivd
      601 ngahfdgdqs gtvngvtppa vqhltaevta dsgeyqvlar wdtpkvvkgv sfmlrltvaa
      661 ddgserlvst artaettyrf tqlalgnyrl tvravnargq qgdpasvsfr iaapavpsri
      721 eltpgyfqit atphlavydp tvqfefwfse tritdirqve ttarylgtal ywiaasinik
      781 pghdyyfyir svntvgksaf veavgrasdd aegyldffkg kiteshlgke llekvdlted
      841 nasrldefsk ewqdandkwn amwgvkieqt kdgkhyvagi glsmedteeg klsqflvaan
      901 riafidpang netpmfvaqg nqifmndvfl krltapaits ggsppvfslt sdgkltakna
      961 disgsvnans gtlnnvtinq nctikgmlea tqvrgdfvka vskafpkkvg twgntetpdg
     1021 tvtvtisddh nfdrqiiipp iifngiaydd pgsgnnpggt rytgygfevr kngvliasre
     1081 tkgaipgsys avidmpsggg svtlefkifq kgnqgagnit dctvivtkka asgisir
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