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cytochrome c biogenesis protein CcsA

This family consists of various proteins involved in cytochrome c assembly from mitochondria and bacteria; CycK from Rhizobium[3], CcmC from E. coli and Paracoccus denitrificans [2,1] and orf240 from wheat mitochondria [4]. The members of this family are probably integral membrane proteins with six predicted transmembrane helices. It has been proposed that members of this family comprise a membrane component of an ABC (ATP binding cassette) transporter complex. It is also proposed that this transporter is necessary for transport of some component needed for cytochrome c assembly. One member CycK contains a putative heme-binding motif [3], orf240 also contains a putative heme-binding motif and is a proposed ABC transporter with c-type heme as its proposed substrate [4]. However it seems unlikely that all members of this family transport heme nor c-type apocytochromes because CcmC in the putative CcmABC transporter transports neither [1]. CcmF forms a working module with CcmH and CcmI, CcmFHI, and itself is unlikely to bind haem directly [5]. [1]. 9043133. The Paracoccus denitrificans ccmA, B and C genes: cloning and sequencing, and analysis of the potential of their products to form a haem or apo-c-type cytochrome transporter. Page D, Pearce DA, Norris HA, Ferguson SJ;. Microbiology 1997;143:563-576. [2]. 7635817. Escherichia coli genes required for cytochrome c maturation. Thony-Meyer L, Fischer F, Kunzler P, Ritz D, Hennecke H;. J Bacteriol 1995;177:4321-4326. [3]. 7665469. Characterization of the cycHJKL genes involved in cytochrome c biogenesis and symbiotic nitrogen fixation in Rhizobium leguminosarum. Delgado MJ, Yeo. TRUNCATED at 1650 bytes (from Pfam)

GO Terms:
Biological Process:
cytochrome complex assembly (GO:0017004)
Molecular Function:
heme binding (GO:0020037)
Family Accession:
new record, indexing in progress
Family Accession:
new record, indexing in progress
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