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Items: 2


dermonecrotic toxin domain-containing protein

This entry represents the N-terminal domain of bacterial proteins, such as the dermonecreotic toxin (ToxA) from Pasteurella multocida, an osteolytic toxin that induces bone resorption. It is a potent mitogen. This toxin is associated with the severe progressive form of the atrophic rhinitis a major respiratory disease in pigs. This domain contributes to the membrane localisation of its C-terminal domains [1]. [1]. 17360394. Crystal structures reveal a thiol protease-like catalytic triad in the C-terminal region of Pasteurella multocida toxin. Kitadokoro K, Kamitani S, Miyazawa M, Hanajima-Ozawa M, Fukui A, Miyake M, Horiguchi Y;. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2007;104:5139-5144. (from Pfam)

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