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Family Accession:

RNA polymerase Rpb2, domain 6

RNA polymerases catalyse the DNA dependent polymerisation of RNA. Prokaryotes contain a single RNA polymerase compared to three in eukaryotes (not including mitochondrial. and chloroplast polymerases). This domain represents the hybrid binding domain and the wall domain [1]. The hybrid binding domain binds the nascent RNA strand / template DNA strand in the Pol II transcription elongation complex. This domain contains the important structural motifs, switch 3 and the flap loop and binds an active site metal ion[1]. This domain is also involved in binding to Rpb1 and Rpb3 [1]. Many of the bacterial members contain large insertions within this domain, as region known as dispensable region 2 (DRII). [1]. 11313498. Structural basis of transcription: RNA polymerase II at 2.8 angstrom resolution. Cramer P, Bushnell DA, Kornberg RD;. Science 2001;292:1863-1876. (from Pfam)

GO Terms:
Molecular Function:
DNA binding (GO:0003677)
Molecular Function:
DNA-directed 5'-3' RNA polymerase activity (GO:0003899)
Biological Process:
DNA-templated transcription (GO:0006351)
Family Accession:

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