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ATP-binding cassette domain-containing protein

ABC transporters for a large family of proteins responsible for translocation of a variety of compounds across biological membranes. ABC transporters are the largest family of proteins in many completely sequenced bacteria. ABC transporters are composed of two copies of this domain and two copies of a transmembrane domain Pfam:PF00664. These four domains may belong to a single polypeptide as in Swiss:P13569, or belong in different polypeptide chains. [1]. 1864505. Homology between proteins controlling Streptomyces fradiae tylosin resistance and ATP-binding transport. Rosteck PR Jr, Reynolds PA, Hershberger CL;. Gene 1991;102:27-32. [2]. 1977073. Structure and function of haemolysin B,P-glycoprotein and other members of a novel family of membrane translocators. Blight MA, Holland IB;. Mol Microbiol 1990;4:873-880. [3]. 2229036. Binding protein-dependent transport systems. Higgins CF, Hyde SC, Mimmack MM, Gileadi U, Gill DR, Gallagher MP;. J Bioenerg Biomembr 1990;22:571-592. [4]. 9872322. Crystal structure of the ATP-binding subunit of an ABC transporter. Hung LW, Wang IX, Nikaido K, Liu PQ, Ames GF, Kim SH;. Nature 1998;396:703-707. (from Pfam)

GO Terms:
Molecular Function:
ATP binding (GO:0005524)
Family Accession:
new record, indexing in progress
Family Accession:
new record, indexing in progress
Family Accession:
new record, indexing in progress
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betaine/proline/choline family ABC transporter ATP-binding protein

This model describes the ATP binding subunit of a subfamily of ABC transporters, including ProV (for glycine betaine and proline betaine transport), OpuBA (choline), OpuCA (carnitine), GbuA (glycine betaine and carnitine), OusV (glycine betaine and choline), etc. This transport system belong to the larger ATP-Binding Cassette (ABC) transporter superfamily. The characteristic feature of these transporter is the obligatory coupling of ATP hydrolysis to substrate translocation. The minimal configuration of bacterial ABC transport system includes an ATP binding (and hydrolyzing) subunit; a hydrophilic polypeptide that forms a channel through the membrane, and a substrate binding protein; any of these subunits may be represented by two paralogs instead of just one. Substrates for many members of this transport system, such as glycine betaine (a glycine with its N trimethylated, often simply called betaine), serve as osmoprotectants , although they also may serve as nutrients.

GO Terms:
Molecular Function:
ATP binding (GO:0005524)
Biological Process:
amine transport (GO:0015837)
Cellular Component:
membrane (GO:0016020)
Cellular Component:
ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter complex (GO:0043190)
Family Accession:

quaternary amine ABC transporter ATP-binding protein

quaternary amine ABC transporter ATP-binding protein is the ATPase catalytic subunit and is responsible for energy coupling to the transport system of an ABC transporter, such as Bacillus subtilis glycine betaine transport ATP-binding protein OpuAA

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