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SRX22777921: RNA-Seq of Littorina saxatilis: KB Infected 2
1 ILLUMINA (Illumina NovaSeq 6000) run: 19M spots, 5.7G bases, 1.8Gb downloads

Design: Specimens of L. saxatilis were collected from the wild populations were transported to the laboratory, where they were exposed to 3 weeks of acclimation in the tank under standard aquarium conditions to alleviate the temporal effects of local region-related variation. Then, mollusks were dissected and checked for a parasitic infection in the hepatopancreas. Parasites were identified to the species level based on the morphological features of the daughter sporocysts and metacercariae using uncovered microscopic slides. Soft body parts without hepatopancreas of healthy and infected mollusks were rinsed in distilled water, then fixed individually in Trizol (TRIzol, Merck) and frozen at -80 C. The tissues were mechanically homogenized and total RNA was isolated with a customized standard TRIzol extraction protocol. cDNA synthesis was performed using the Mint cDNA synthesis kit (Evrogen) following the manufacturer's recommendations.
Submitted by: Saint Petersburg State University
Study: Strongly integrated host-parasite system: the transcriptomic analysis
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The mollusk-trematode system represents a parasitic association with a very long evolutionary history and mutually deep functional impacts. The influence of trematode parasites on mollusk organism is complex and multifaceted: it may include immune suppression, alterations of energy metabolism, gigantism, parasitic castration, shell deformation, change in behavior and motility, etc. Nevertheless, molecular basis of host-parasite interactions between snails and flukes is still underinvestigated, and thorough studies of the trematode-caused changes in the host organism at the molecular level are of high demand in parasitology. In this study, we analyzed changes in gene expression in tissues of Littorina saxatilis snails infected with Microphallus piriformes trematodes
Sample: KB_Infected2
SAMN38671993 • SRS19762083 • All experiments • All runs
Name: ER13
Instrument: Illumina NovaSeq 6000
Strategy: RNA-Seq
Selection: PolyA
Layout: PAIRED
Runs: 1 run, 19M spots, 5.7G bases, 1.8Gb
Run# of Spots# of BasesSizePublished


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