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ERX2452412: Illumina HiSeq 2000 sequencing; qiita_ptid_1234:10333.Manaus.3728.1313595
1 ILLUMINA (Illumina HiSeq 2000) run: 123,701 spots, 15.2M bases, 7Mb downloads

Design: home and inhabitants samples from Manaus across socioeconomic gradient
Submitted by: University of California San Diego Microbiome Initiative (University of California San Diego Microbiome Init)
Study: Dominguez Sloan SAWesternization gradient
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Westernization has propelled changes in urbanization and architecture, altering our exposure to the outdoor environment from that experienced during most of human evolution. These changes might affect the developmental exposure of infants to bacteria, immune development, and human microbiome diversity. Contemporary urban humans spend most of their time indoors, and little is known about the microbes associated with different designs of the built environment and their interaction with the human immune system. This study addresses the associations between factors associated with westernization including architectural design and the microbial biogeography of households across a gradient of urbanization in South America.
Sample: 10333.Manaus.3728.1313595; Dominguez Sloan SAWesternization gradient
SAMEA104707936 • ERS2309319 • All experiments • All runs
Name: 10333.Manaus.3728.1313595
Instrument: Illumina HiSeq 2000
Strategy: OTHER
Selection: PCR
Layout: SINGLE
Construction protocol: Illumina V4 515, 806bc
Experiment attributes: (show all 17 attributes...) (hide...)
center_name: UPR NYU
center_project_name: Dominguez Sloan acculturation
experiment_center: UPR NYU
experiment_title: Dominguez Sloan socioeconomic gradient
linker: GT
run_center: CCME
run_date: 9/10/14
run_prefix: lane4_Undetermined_L004
runid: hiseq_ucd/140910_7001413_0162_AC4NMYANCXX
samp_size: .1,g
sample_center: UPR NYU
sequencing_meth: Sequencing by synthesis
target_gene: 16S rRNA
target_subfragment: V4
Runs: 1 run, 123,701 spots, 15.2M bases, 7Mb
Run# of Spots# of BasesSizePublished


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