show Abstracthide AbstractHere, we compared gene expression level by RNA-Seq analysis among a wild-type (WT) Deinococcus geothermalis strain, a dgeo_2840 of LysR family member gene (?dgeo_2840), a putative Dps dgeo_0257 (?dgeo_0257), and a cystine importer dgeo_1986-1987 gene disrupted strain (?dgeo_1986-1987). From this transcriptomic data, we detected dgeo_2840, dgeo_0257, and dgeo_1986-1987 controlling genes which were somehow up-regulated and/or down-regulated. In particular, Deinococcus geothermalis has a total of 73 insertion sequences (ISs) in genomes, and some of them are actively transposed to other loci with replicative mode by the oxidative stress of hydrogen peroxide treatment. Overall design: 4 samples including WT and 3 mutant strains.