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SRX22890809: GSM7975668: coral juvenile, shallow control, 8 days, rep3; Stylophora pistillata; RNA-Seq
2 ILLUMINA (Illumina NovaSeq 6000) runs: 49.8M spots, 6.1G bases, 1.9Gb downloads

External Id: GSM7975668_r1
Submitted by: Haifa University
Study: Differential gene expression patterns with ontogeny following an in situ depth translocation of coral planulae
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Mesophotic coral reefs have been proposed as refugia for corals, providing shelter and larval propagules for shallow-water reefs that are disproportionately challenged by global climate change and local anthropogenic stressors. Yet, knowledge of the capacity of coral larvae to adjust to different depth environments is still limited. In this study, planulae of the reef-building coral Stylophora pistillata from 5-8 and 40-44 m depth in the Gulf of Aqaba were tested in a long-term in situ translocation experiment for their ability to settle and acclimate to reciprocal depth conditions. We assessed survival rates, photochemical, physiological and morphological characteristics, as well as gene expression variations in juveniles grown at different depths, comparing them to non-translocated adults, juveniles and planulae. We found high mortality rates among mesophotic-origin planulae, irrespective of translocation depth. Gene expression patterns suggested that deep planulae lacked settlement competency and experienced increased developmental stress upon release. Symbiont photochemical acclimation to depth occurred rapidly within 8 days, with symbiont populations showing changes in photochemical traits but no symbiont species shuffling between deep and shallow juveniles. In contrast, coral host physiological and morphological acclimation were less evident. We observed minimal overlap in gene expression patterns between different life stages and depths, indicating that gene expression significantly depends on life stage. The study also identified a set of DEGs associated with initial stress responses following translocation, lingering stress response, and environmental effects of depth. In conclusion, though our data reveal rapid symbiont acclimation, host acclimation to match deep coral phenotypes was incomplete within 60 days for planulae translocated to different depths. These results have implications for understanding the ecological significance of mesophotic reefs as potential larval sources in the face of environmental stressors. Overall design: We sampled coral planulae from shallow (5m) and mesophotic reefs (45m) in Eilat, Israel. Gene expression patterns of planulae and their parents from each depth were assessed with RNAseq (Illumina HTS). Planulae were placed in situ in a fully corssed reciprocal depth transplant design. Samples for RNAseq were again taken at 8 and 60 days old.
Sample: coral juvenile, shallow control, 8 days, rep3
SAMN38843452 • SRS19862969 • All experiments • All runs
Name: GSM7975668
Instrument: Illumina NovaSeq 6000
Strategy: RNA-Seq
Selection: cDNA
Layout: PAIRED
Construction protocol: Quick-DNA/RNA Miniprep Plus Kit, Zymo Research. Samples for RNAseq all had an RNA integrity number (RIN) >7.7 Sequencing libraries were prepared using a standard in house mRNA-Seq protocol at The Crown Genomics Institute of the Nancy and Stephen Grand Israel National Center for Personalized Medicine, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel. The polyA fraction (mRNA) was purified from 500 ng of total RNA per sample, followed by fragmentation and the generation of double-stranded cDNA. Unique molecular identifiers were added prior to PCR amplification steps to reduce errors and quantitative bias introduced by amplification. 150 bp paired-end reads were sequenced on an Illumina NovaSeq SP with 100 cycles.
Runs: 2 runs, 49.8M spots, 6.1G bases, 1.9Gb
Run# of Spots# of BasesSizePublished


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