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SRX25353338: WGS-endobacterial
1 ILLUMINA (NextSeq 500) run: 851,091 spots, 253.6M bases, 108.9Mb downloads

Design: Libraries were prepared from the aliquots using the Nextera XT (Illumina) kit, with a starting DNA amount of 200 ng. This amount was chosen to ensure optimal library preparation and sequencing results. For the Nextera XT library preparation, 76 bacterial genome isolates were sequenced using high output sequencing on a NextSeq 550 device, utilizing 300 cycles. Each pool of libraries was loaded and sequenced separately, maintaining a cluster density of 202 K/mm. The sequencing was performed using 2 151 bp paired-end reads, within the Genomics Lab at African Genome Center at UM6P
Submitted by: Mohammed VI Polytechnic University
Study: Microbial genomic treasures reservoirs: Draft Genomes of Bacterial species from medicinal plants in arid regions
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In this study, we report draft genomes of potentially novel bacterial species isolated from the roots and leaves of Peganum harmala and Citrullus colocynthis in vegetation patches within arid regions of the Marrakech-Safi area.
Sample: s84-Glutamicibacter sp.
SAMN42389298 • SRS22020391 • All experiments • All runs
Name: AGC84-Glutamicibacter rehamnensis
Instrument: NextSeq 500
Strategy: WGS
Selection: other
Layout: PAIRED
Runs: 1 run, 851,091 spots, 253.6M bases, 108.9Mb
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