SRX3097879: Complete Genome Sequence of Escherichia coli Strain SA186
1 PACBIO_SMRT (PacBio RS II) run: 163,482 spots, 2.7G bases, 8.7Gb downloads
Design: The complete genome sequencing of UPEC strain SA186 were determined using Pacific Biosciences (PacBio) RS II Single-Molecule Real Time (SMRT) sequencing. Genomic DNA (>50kb) was sheared by passage through a 26g needle five times. The size of fragments generated was checked on a Fragment Analyser and found to be greater than 30kb. Sample were cleaned using Ampure xp beads (Agencourt) to remove small fragments. DNA Libraries were prepared using SMRTbell template prep kit 1.0 (PacBio). This includes an initial exonuclease digest, DNA damage repair and end repair steps and adapter ligation using enzyme and buffers supplied in the kit. After ligation, the samples are incubated with exonucleases VII and III to remove non SMRTbell material. The library was size selected using the Sage Blue Pippin system and 0.75% gel cassettes in the size range 15kb-50kb. Recovered material was DNA damage repaired with the damage repair reagents in the kit. The library was checked for size with the Fragment Analyser and yield using qubit assay. Typically, libraries were between 30-40kb
Submitted by: King Abdullah International Medical Research Center (KAIMRC)
Escherichia coli strain:SA186 Genome sequencing and assemblyshow Abstracthide AbstractComplete Genome Sequence of Escherichia coli Strain SA186, a Uropathogenic E.coli strain of ST131 Encoding Colistin Resistance Determinant MCR-1
Escherichia coli ST131 O25:H4Library:
Name: SA186
Instrument: PacBio RS II
Selection: RANDOM
Layout: SINGLE
1 run, 163,482 spots, 2.7G bases, 8.7Gb