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CGI Parameters

  • for CGI the parameters are encoded as param=value
  • for command-line, they look like -param value

Data source and destination

param default value value description
btc_id mandatory One of the following:
  • NetCache or NetStorage ID of a serialized BioTreeContainer ASN.1 structure from which the tree image will be generated
  • File with a serialized BioTreeContainer ASN.1 structure; for security only files under a directory defined in the .ini file will be read
  • URL (HTTP/FTP/FILE) of a serialized BioTreeContainer ASN.1 structure from which the tree image will be generated
ifmt optional input file format: asnt (ASN text), asnb (ASN binary).
Note: the input file format is auto-detected. This parameter is optional.
output_file command-line app only redirects output to a given file
imgfmt png one of: png, jpg, pdf. PDF mode is not compatible with setting viewports
returntree false whether or not put the source BioTreeContainer into JSON result
returntreedict false if true, put the dictionary portion of the BioTreeContainer into the JSON result
dltree false Return BioTreeContainer as a netcache object exported in the format ofmt. The netcache ID for this object is returned as treekey in TV_TreeImgDesc.
nodereturnmode full Set to 'full', 'brief' or 'local'. 'brief' mode will only return information for selected nodes and, if returnselchildren is true, their children in TV_TreeImgDesc. 'local' will only return information on the nodes of tiles being rendered in the current cgi call.
returnselchildren false If nodereturnmode is 'brief', this will force the return of the children of selected nodes
maxselectreturn -1 If > -1, then this limits the number of selected nodes that will be returned to the specified value
nodereturndistthreshold 6.0 If the distance between nodes is less than this value, node and label position data will not be returned
featnames blank when treturning node data, "seq-id", "seq-title" and "accesion-nbr" are always returned unless featnames "!none".  Any additional features can be requested in the comma separated list featnames. If featnames is "*", all features will be returned.
ofmt optional Output file format: asnt (ASN text), asnb (ASN binary), xml (XML format), newick (Newick tree format), nexus (NEXUS format).
attriburl optional URL which should return phylogentic-tree compatible attributes file.  Returned file is used to update node features.
attribupdate optional If true, the updated tree is saved. This only works if the tree was read from netstorage.
descfmt json format of returned tree description - one of: json, asnt, asnb, xml
rendertonetcache true if set to false, will output the image directly to CGI/command-line app output; otherwise will save it to NetCache and return tree image information in JSON format

Image Dimensions

param default value value description
width mandatory if dynamicviewport is not true width of the area to draw the tree. If dynamicviewport is true, providing width enables vertical-only zoom.
height mandatory if dynamicviewport is not true height of the area to draw the tree. Ignored if dynamicviewport is true.
tilewidth optional; -1 Width of a single tile when rendering multiple tiles. Should be a divisor of width. Ignored on calls with dynamicviewport=true
tileheight optional; -1 Height of a single tile when rendering multiple tiles. Should be a divisor of height. Ignored on calls with dynamicviewport=true
maxdim optional; 8192 Maximum tile dimension - for browsers that won't support larger images
rendertiles optional; blank List of tiles to render in the format (x1,y1), (x2,y2),...(xn,yn) where x and y are the 0-based indices of the tile in the set of all tiles. If rendertiles is blank, all tiles will be rendered
dynamicviewport optional; false if true, the viewport may be automatically adjusted to match the tree size; the new size will be returned in JSON (see Overall image information)

optional; false 

requires dynamicviewportclientviewportwidth and clientviewportheight

compute optimal window size - one that is large enough for the labels to appear and which is proportional, as much as possible, to clientviewportwidth and clientviewportheight. The size of the optimal image is returned in renderingparameters as minzoomwidth and minzoomheight. If pctmaxzoom is not specified, the returned image is this same size. 
pctmaxzoom optional; -1 This is a number between 0 and 100 that can be optionally provided along with autoaspectratio.  When provided, both minimum and maximum image dimensions will be returned with renderingparameters as (minzoomwidthminzoomheight) and (maxzoomwidth, maxzoomheight). The size of the returned image will be interpolated between these two sizes based on pctmaxzoom
maxzoomscaler optional; 1.5 Scales the maximum zoom - a value of 1.5 for example indicates that the user will be allowed to zoom in until 1.5 times the zoom level at which labels appear

optional; none

options are: none, with-image, or without-image

Tell server to create a separate overview image with size equal to the client viewport size. If without-image is specified the normal full size image will not be generated. Overview image is returned via netcache ID.
clientviewportwidth optional; 0 width of the client viewport. Also used with autoaspectratio
clientviewportheight optional; 0 height of the client viewport. Also used with autoaspectratio
clientviewportx optional; -1 The x coordinate of the viewport relative the the overall (possibly tiled) image. Allows server to calculate which tiles overlap the client viewport in its current position
clientviewporty -optional; 1 The y coordinate of the viewport relative to the overall (possibly tiled) image. Allows server to calculate which tiles overlap the client viewport in its current position.

optional; no-overlap

options are: no-overlap, client, selection, or node-id

If we are rendering tiles, indicates if we only want to render tiles that overlap the client viewport coordinates, the current selection or first node in querynodeIDs. 
margins optional; 0 px Same margins on all sides
bottommargin optional; same as margins If set, overrides the bottom margin (even if margins is set)

Tree layout and appearance

param default value value description
renderer optional; rect shape of the rendered tree, one of: rect, slanted, radial, force, circular
distmode optional; true flag whether to take distance into account when rendering the image (see also dist feature in Features with special meaning)
renderscale optional; true if true, scale marker will be rendered on the image
solidleaves optional; false if true, all leaf nodes will be drawn in a uniform solid color, otherwise leaves will have highlights like other nodes.

optional; none.

options are: none, image, overview, both

if image or both, longer edges of main image are highlighted (darker) than other edges and if overview or both longer edges in overimage are highlighted
labelvis optional; leaf controls which kinds of nodes have their labels printed on the image, one of: leaf, all, none
labelformat optional; $(label) format string  for generating a node label from node features (see Features with special meaning)
maxlabellen optional; -1 (no maximum) Truncate all labels with length greater than maxlabellen
labelspacing optional; 2.0 scale dynamic viewport to adjust label spacing, 1.0=>minimum, 2.0=>doublespaced
rotatedlabels optional; false if true and renderer=circular, render labels at an angle if needed to avoid overlap
horizspacing optional; 7.0 scale horizontal spacing between branches as a factor of node size
fontface optional; default: “Helvetica” one of strings understood by CGlTextureFont::FaceFromString(), see fontface values
fontsize optional; 10 in points
forcesquare optional; false Set to true or false. If true, tree will be rendered to a square viewport. Useful only for circular layout mode to force a true circle rather than an ellipse.
nodesize optional; 3px radius of a single (default-sized) node
linewidth optional;1px width of the tree branch lines

Tree node selection and ordering

param default value value description
collapsednodeIDs optional; empty if set, collapse the listed node IDs (and all nodes under them, so only the nodes closest to the root need to be listed)
collapsetoviewport optional; false if true, collapses nodes (most distant first) so that tree will fit in(clientviewportwidth/height) at a resolution that allows labels to be drawn (any nodes collapsed in data source will first be expanded). nodes with property $PRIORITY>=1000 will not be collapsed
expandall optional; false if true any nodes collapsed in the asn will be expanded
setmidpointroot optional; false if true, tree is re-rooted using the midpoint algorthm

optional; false

options are: children, distance, labels, subtreelabels

if specified, sort children of each node in specified order

optional; desc

options are: asc, desc

When sort is specified, specifies whether nodes should be sorted in ascending or descending order
rootnodeID optional; -1 if not -1, re-root the tree at the specified node ID
selectednodeIDs optional; empty comma-separated list of node ids to be shown as selected
deselectednodeIDs optional; empty comma-separated list of node ids from the tree to be de-selected. nodes from selectednodeIDs are selected before nodes from deselectednodeIDs are deselected.
subtreenodeID optional; -1 if not -1, only a subtree starting from the node with this ID will be shown
neighborhoodnodeIDs optional; empty Show nodes with the specified IDs as selected along with any other nodes that can be reached by recursively traversing connected branches up to a distance of neighborhooddist. The center and size of the selected nodes are also returned in the JSON struct neighborhood of TV_TreeImgDesc

optional; 0.0.

required if neighborhoodnodeID is provided

The maximum distance from neighborhoodnodeID, traversed recursively, for nodes to be included in the neighborhood selection set.
querynodeIDs optional; empty list of node IDs for which we will return JSON data (even if nodes are collapsed)
query optional; empty a valid query of the same format used in Genome Workbench. Nodes matching the query criteria will be rendered as selected and returned to the caller
zoomtoquery optional; false if true zoom in or out so that all of the selected nodes will fit in the client viewport (clientviportwidth/height)

Test parameters

param default value value description
test_delay 0 delay in whole seconds before input starts to be processed, any value <0 or >60 will cause a delay of 60 seconds

nc_fetch.cgi parameters

param default value value description
key mandatory Netcache id of the generated image (obtained from img_key in the JSON return)

fontface values

List of values allowable  for fontface parameter can be found in http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/IEB/ToolBox/CPP_DOC/lxr/source/src/gui/opengl/gltexturefont.cpp (look for CGlTextureFont::s_FontNames). From a C++ application, they can be obtained by calling CGlTextureFont::GetAllFaces().

Support Center

Last updated: 2016-10-03T15:00:47-04:00