Hemophilia B
| XL | Clinically indistinguishable from hemophilia A | Diagnosis is based on factor IX clotting activity <40%. |
| Factor XI deficiency (OMIM 612416) | AR AD | Compound heterozygous & homozygous persons may exhibit bleeding similar to mild/moderate hemophilia A. Some heterozygotes have mucocutaneous bleeding symptoms. | Heterozygotes have factor XI coagulant activity 25%-75% of normal; homozygotes have activity <1%-15%. 1 A specific factor XI clotting assay establishes diagnosis. |
| Factor XII (OMIM 234000), prekallikrein (OMIM 612423), & high molecular-weight kininogen deficiencies (OMIM 228960) | AR | Not assoc w/clinical bleeding | Can cause long aPTT |
| Prothrombin (factor II) (OMIM 613679), factor V (OMIM 227400), factor X (OMIM 227600), & factor VII (OMIM 227500) deficiencies | AR | Rare bleeding disorders. Persons may have easy bruising & hematoma formation, epistaxis, heavy menstrual bleeding, & bleeding after trauma & surgery. Hemarthroses are less common. Spontaneous intracranial bleeding can occur. | Factor VII deficiency should be suspected if PT is prolonged & aPTT normal. Persons w/deficiency of factors II, V, or X usually have prolonged PT & aPTT, but specific coagulation factor assays establish diagnosis. 2 |
| Afibrinogenemia (OMIM 202400), hypofibrinogenemia (OMIM 202400), dysfibrinogenemia (OMIM 616004) | AR AD 3 | Afibrinogenemia is assoc w/manifestations similar to hemophilia A except that bleeding from minor cuts is prolonged due to lack of fibrinogen to support platelet aggregation. Hypofibrinogenemia & dysfibrinogenemia can be assoc w/mild-to-moderate bleeding symptoms. Rarely persons w/dysfibrinogenemia are at risk for thrombosis. | In dysfibrinogenemia there is discordance between functional & antigenic level, w/latter usually in normal range. For all fibrinogen disorders thrombin & reptilase times are almost always prolonged & functional measurements of fibrinogen ↓. |
| Factor XIII deficiency (OMIM 613225, 613235) | AR | Umbilical stump bleeding in >80% of persons. Intracranial bleeding that occurs spontaneously or following minor trauma in 30% of persons. Subcutaneous hematomas, muscle hematomas, defective wound healing, & recurrent spontaneous abortion are also seen. Joint bleeding is rare. | All coagulation screening tests are normal; a screening test for clot solubility or specific assay for factor XIII activity can confirm diagnosis. Bleeding symptoms are reported in persons w/levels <13% by quantitative assay. 4 |
| Platelet function disorders: Bernard-Soulier syndrome (OMIM 231200) & Glanzmann thrombasthenia (OMIM 273800) | AR | In Bernard-Soulier syndrome, Glanzmann thrombasthenia, & storage pool & nonspecific secretory defects: skin & mucous membrane bleeding, recurring epistaxis, GI bleeding, heavy menstrual bleeding, & excessive bleeding during or immediately after trauma & surgery. Joint, muscle, & intracranial bleeding is rare. | Diagnosis is established using platelet aggregation assays, flow cytometry, & platelet electron microscopy. |