Table 1.Characteristics of NGS platformsa

NGS platformSequencing chemistryInstrumentMaximumread lengthPurpose/main use
Roche-454bPyrosequencing; sequencing by synthesisGS FLX+1,000 bpWill no longer be used by 2016; long reads made the platform well suited for de novo assembly and pathogen discovery
IlluminaReversible terminator chemistryNextSeq300 bpCurrent workhorse of NGS platforms; supplies bidirectional reads; platform can be used for pathogen discovery, exome sequencing, targeted sequencing; also overcomes homopolymeric regions
ABI SOLiDSequencing by ligation, oligonucleotide probe ligation5500 SOLiD75 bpHigh sequence accuracy makes the platform equipped for genome resequencing and polymorphism analysis
Ion TorrentH+ ion-sensitive transistorIon Proton I200 bpPlatform is suitable for small genome sequencing, exome sequencing, and targeted sequencing
HeliScopeTM bReversible terminator chemistryHeliScope™ single-molecule sequencer35 bpRequires the addition of a poly(A) tail; platform is effective at sequencing native viral genomes and immune-precipitated methylated DNA; capable of sequencing small sample quantities; high platform costs and poor sales lead caused production to cease
PacBioReal-time sequencing; phospholinked fluorescent nucleotidesPacBio RSII50 kbPlatform provides long read sequencing and a low degree of bias; suitable for de novo assembly, targeted sequencing, and base modification detection
Oxford NanoporeReal-time sequencing; electronic sensing or nanopore sequencingMinION>50 kbA portable, USB-powered sequencer that is under development and has been used by participants in MAPc for de novo assembly and resequencing

Adapted with permission from references 12, 34, and 99.


Sequencing platform is no longer manufactured.


MAP, MinION Access Programme (sequencing centers that were granted early access to the MinION).

From: Applications of Clinical Microbial Next-Generation Sequencing

Cover of Applications of Clinical Microbial Next-Generation Sequencing
Applications of Clinical Microbial Next-Generation Sequencing: Report on an American Academy of Microbiology Colloquium held in Washington, DC, in April 2015.
Washington (DC): American Society for Microbiology; 2016.
Copyright 2017 American Academy of Microbiology.

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