Guideline Development Group members
- Dr AMANULLAH, FarhanaConsultant PaediatricianDirector Paediatric TB ProgramThe Indus Hospital, Korangi Crossing, KarachiPAKISTAN
- Dr CHAKHAIA, Tsira (via webinar)ACSM Advisor, Civil Society GeorgiaUSAID Georgia TB Prevention ProjectUniversity Research Co., LLC57 Shartava Street0178 – TbilisiGEORGIA
- Dr CIRILLO, Daniela MariaHeadEmerging Bacterial Pathogens UnitFondazione Centro San RaffaeleVia Olgettina, 6020132 – MilanoITALY
- Dr DOOLEY, Kelly (Co-chair)Associate Professor of MedicinePharmacology & Molecular ScienceDivisions of Clinical Pharmacology & Infectious DiseasesJohns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Center for Tuberculosis Research600 N. Wolfe Street, Osler 52721287 - Baltimore, MDUNITED STATES
- Dr DO VALLE BASTOS, Luis GustavoCapacity Building Team LeaderStop TB Partnership’s Global DrugFacility (GDF)Chemin de Blandonnet 21214 – GenevaSWITZERLAND
- Dr DU CROS, PhilippResearch AdvisorMédecins Sans Frontières67-74 Saffron HillEC1N 8QX – LondonUNITED KINGDOM
- Prof DUARTE, RaquelTB consultantNational HIV/AIDS/TB ProgrammeHospital Centre of Vila Nova deGaia/Espinho,Medical School, Porto UniversityInstitute of Public Health, Porto UniversityPortoPORTUGAL
- Professor KUABAN, ChristopherDean, Faculty of Health SciencesUniversity of Bamenda, CameroonBamenda, North West RegionCAMEROON
- Dr LANIADO-LABORIN, RafaelHead, TB Clinic, HospitalGeneral de TijuanaInstituto Estatal de Salud de Baja CaliforniaTijuanaMEXICO
- Professor MAARTENS, GaryFaculty of Health SciencesDivision of Clinical PharmacologyDepartment of MedicineUniversity of Cape Town7925 - ObservatorySOUTH AFRICA
- Professor MARYANDYSHEV, AndreiHead of Phthisiopulmonary DepartmentNorthern State Medical UniversityTroitsky 51, 163061 - ArkhangelskRUSSIAN FEDERATION
- Dr MONEDERO-RECUERO, IgnacioMDR-TB and TB-HIV ConsultantInternational Union of TB and LungDisease (The Union)68, boulevard Saint-MichelF-75006 ParisFRANCE
- Dr QUELAPIO, Maria Imelda JosefaSenior ConsultantKNCV TB FoundationP.O. Box 146Van Bylandt HuisBenoordenhoutsweg 462596 BC – The HagueNETHERLANDS
- Dr REECHAIPITKUL, WipaProfessorDepartment of MedicineFaculty of MedicineKhon Kaen University123 Mittraparb Rd., A. Muang40002 - Khon KaenTHAILAND
- Dr RICH, MichaelGlobal Health PhysicianPartners in HealthHarvard Medical School641 Huntington Avenue02115 - Boston, MAUNITED STATES
- Dr SANTESSO, Nancy (Co-chair)Assistant ProfessorDepartment of Health Research Methods,Evidence, and ImpactDeputy Director, Cochrane CanadaHealth Sciences Centre, Rm 2C, McMasterUniversity1280 Main Street WestHamilton ON L8S 4L8CANADA
- Dr SAVIC, RadaAssociate ProfessorDepartment of Bioengineering and Therapeutic SciencesDivision of Pulmonary and CriticalCare MedicineSchools of Pharmacy and MedicineUniversity of California San Francisco1700 4th Street, Box 2552San Francisco, CA 94158UNITED STATES
- Dr SIKHONDZE, WelileNational Tuberculosis Control ProgrammeAdvisor and Research CoordinatorMbabaneSWAZILAND
- Dr VAN DEUN, ArmandBacteriology ConsultantDepartment of Biomedical SciencesMycobacteriology UnitPrince Leopold Institute of TropicalMedicineNationalestraat 155B-2000 – AntwerpenBELGIUM
- Professor MIGLIORI, Giovanni BattistaDirector, WHO Collaborating Centre for TB and Lung DiseasesFondazione S. Maugeri, Care and Research Institute21049 - TradateITALY
- Dr MUKADI, Ya DiulMedical OfficerTuberculosis Division/InfectiousDisease OfficeGlobal Health BureauUSAID – CP3 #10094A1300 Pennsylvania Avenue NWWashington, DC 20523UNITED STATES
- Dr NAHID, PayamProfessor of MedicineDivision of Pulmonary and Critical Care MedicineUniversity of CaliforniaSan Francisco General Hospital1001 Potrero Ave, 5K194110 – San Francisco CAUNITED STATES
- Dr RODWELL, TimothyFoundation for Innovative New Diagnostics (FIND)Avenue de Budé 161202 - GenevaSWITZERLAND
- Dr YASSIN, MohammedSenior AdvisorThe Global FundChemin de Blandonnet 81214 Vernier – GenevaSWITZERLAND
Evidence Reviewers
- Dr MENZIES, DickDirector, Respiratory DivisionMUHC and McGill University,Room K1.24Montréal Chest Institute3650 St. UrbainH2X 2P4 – Montréal, PQCANADA
- Dr FREGONESE, FedericaMcGill University Health CentreMontréal, Quebec,CANADA
WHO/HQ Secretariat
- Dr WEYER, Karin, Coordinator, HQ/HTM/GTB/LDR
- Dr FALZON, Dennis, Medical Officer, HQ/HTM/GTB/LDR
- Mr GAO Xu, Intern, HQ/HTM/GTB/RTE
- Mr van GEMERT, Wayne, Technical Officer, HQ/HTM/GTB/LDR
- Dr GILPIN, Christopher, Scientist, HQ/HTM/GTB/LDR
- Ms GONZÁLEZ-ANGULO, Licé, Technical Officer, HQ/HTM/GTB/RTE
- Dr JARAMILLO, Ernesto, Medical Officer, HQ/HTM/GTB/LDR
- Dr KOROBITSYN, Alexei, Technical Officer, HQ/HTM/GTB/LDR
- Dr MIRYAZEV, Fuad, Medical Officer, HQ/HTM/GTB/LDR
- Dr OLLIARO, Piero, Unit Leader, Intervention Research, HQ/HTM/TDR/IIR
- Dr ZIGNOL, Matteo, Scientist, HQ/HTM/GTB/TME
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World Health Organization, Geneva
NLM Citation
WHO treatment guidelines for isoniazid-resistant tuberculosis: Supplement to the WHO treatment guidelines for drug-resistant tuberculosis [Internet]. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2018. Annex 2, Participants at the Guideline Development Group meeting.