
Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd19958: pyocin_knob 
knob domain of R1 and R2 pyocins and similar domains
The knob domain is present as a tandemly repeated structural domain in R-type pyocins, which are high-molecular weight bacteriocins produced by some strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa to specifically kill other strains of the same species. R-type pyocins are structurally similar to simple contractile tails, such as those of phage P2 and Mu, and they punch a hole in the bacterial envelope to efficiently kill target cells. The second knob domain may contain regions responsible for determining the killing spectrum. Knob-like domains occur in host-recognition and binding proteins of, not only pyocins, but also phages, such as in phage K1F endosialidase (not represented by this model), where it may interact with sialic acid, the cell surface molecule that is recognized during infection.
PSSM-Id: 410997
Aligned: 557 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 33.8472
Created: 17-Aug-2020
Updated: 17-Oct-2022
Aligned Rows:
Conserved site includes 28 residues -Click on image for an interactive view with Cn3D
Feature 1:trimer interface [polypeptide binding site]
  • Structure:6CL6: Knob1 domain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa pyocin R2 forms a homotrimer, contacts at 4A

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1         #              ### #                     # # ####        ### ###        ## ### #
6CL6_A        131 DGELPGGVNLDSmvTSGWWSQsftaqaasGANYPIV--RAGLLHVYAASsn----fIYQTYQAYdg-----eSFYFRCRH 199  Pseudomonas a...
6CL6_A         41 ATAVSNSSDPNTa-TVPLMLTn-------HANGPVAg-RYFYIQSMFYPdqn--gnASQIATSYna----tsEMYVRVSY 105  Pseudomonas a...
EPR39185       14 LDPMAGVINVNDaiKAGLFPNlin--gseAINAPAS--GYYYLLNFVRGgt---gaMQQFALPYatsatspgRMFFRGKN 86   Enterobacter ...
PCM79542       33 SSLPSNTINLNDarNPGVFPNlin--ftnAVNPPAAs-GYGYIQNYVRIags-sgaSTQFMLPYatqt-dagRFFYRGFN 107  Enterobacter ...
WP_045619196  489 KVNPSVATDLNTidKGGLFGSlsn---ssAPNKPKGt-GYGYVQNYEYGst---gnLTQTYIPYgvsg-sngYMAFRSRY 560  Vibrio paraha...
WP_052767706  974 NAGSSLTVDFDAidEPGIYARlfr---gdSANRPDNktGYGYIQNFSYNrg----nLTQFVIPYgtss-ssgRFAFRTRY 1045 Vibrio algino...
OPB18881       37 MAVAPDGTNFNSltEPGTYRLlid--makSTSGPITs-WYGYVQNYVRIsd---aaLTQFCLPYaskt-dagRFFFRGYN 109  Enterobacter ...
ALP46957      445 VAGVDSSVDWDTltTPGFYNKls-----qGTNRPSGftGYWYVQNMSYGtt---gnTTQVAYSYgllg-nvgTIAMRTRY 515  Vibrio phage ...
KFX58369      952 SEETTKGANPNNa-LEGCFVIa------hELNPVQN--GFCYYEQFFYGdisetanRIQYVTTYng----dlRRFIRRYF 1018 Clostridium b...
YP_008125494  213 DNGGDTTSDLDAltQAGTYYKivg---stAINLPPNgtGYWYLQNYTYGts---gnLTQLAIPYgtsa-gngTISFRTRY 285  Vibrio phage ...
Feature 1                  #  ####
6CL6_A        200 Sn-----TWFPWRRMW 210  Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1
6CL6_A        106 AanpsirEWLPWQRCD 121  Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1
EPR39185       87 Gs-----IVSTWAEIY 97   Enterobacter ludwigii
PCM79542      108 Tn-----AWAPWKEIM 118  Enterobacter cloacae
WP_045619196  561 Ng-----QWNDWSVVY 571  Vibrio parahaemolyticus
WP_052767706 1046 Sd-----EWSDWEYLY 1056 Vibrio alginolyticus
OPB18881      110 Td-----GWSPWKEIM 120  Enterobacter ludwigii
ALP46957      516 Sg-----QWEDWVHMY 526  Vibrio phage phi-Grn1
KFX58369     1019 Ng-----NWETKELAT 1029 Clostridium botulinum
YP_008125494  286 Gg-----VWDDWSTLY 296  Vibrio phage nt-1

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