
Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd23992: PBP_GOBP 
pheromone binding protein/general-odorant binding protein (PBP/GOBP) family proteins
Arthropod Odorant Binding Proteins (OBPs) extract odorants at the air-lymph interface and carry them to the olfactory receptors. In insects, OBPs are located in the antennal sensillary lymph. OBPs that bind insects' specific pheromones are called Pheromone Binding Proteins (PBPs), and OBPs that bind general odorant molecules are sometimes called General OBPs (GOPBs). The family includes PBPs and GOBPs mainly from insects, which are distinct from the vertebrate OBPs. PBPs are male-specific and associate with pheromone-sensitive neurons and GOBPs. GOBPs share a high level of sequence similarity with the PBPs. They may carry odorants rather than pheromones.
PSSM-Id: 467938
Aligned: 901 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 30.9706
Created: 26-Apr-2021
Updated: 27-Apr-2023
Aligned Rows:
ligand binding
Conserved site includes 6 residues -Click on image for an interactive view with Cn3D
Feature 1:ligand binding site [chemical binding site]
  • Structure:1DQE; Bombyx mori pheromone binding protein in complex with pheromone bombykol, contacts at 4A
  • Structure:1OW4; Rhyparobia maderae pheromone binding protein in complex wih the fluorescent reporter ANS and glycerol, contacts at 4A
  • Structure:1TUJ; Apis mellifera odorant binding protein ASP2 in complex with trimethylsilyl-d4 propionate, contacts at 4A
  • Structure:2ERB; Anopheles gambiae odorant binding protein in complex with PEG, contacts at 4A
  • Structure:2P70; Bombyx mori pheromone-binding protein in complex with bell pepper odorant, contacts at 4A

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1         #                                            #   #     #                       
1DQE_A        11 NFGKALDECKKEmtltdainedfy-----nfwkegyeiknRETGCAIMCLSTKLNMLdpegn----lhhgnAMEFAKkhg 81  domestic silkworm
XP_011145650  32 LTQEDVQKCIEKtgttqddimhfdqivtdnlqtvdfdekaKRLGCFFSCLGQKMGIMtdghl-----nvdkMKQIIRskv 106 Jerdon's jumpin...
AKF17718      38 SLKMLRNVCQPKtgipadmler---------mkggefvqdEKAYCYTACFLQTMMVLknnkvds-kmfkmqVKKMMLpda 107 western flower ...
NP_001298146  34 NLKKLSKLCMTKtntsielira---------skertlprdPNYACYWACWFNTIGIMnednv----ihlehLYKVMPnet 100 stable fly
XP_014234502  28 QLRKVVDECKDElnlpkdltl-----------pemiekheDQMGCYTGCLLRKQKVIvdgkf----iieefEKKTLSsa- 91  Trichogramma pr...
XP_014481217  35 LTTEEVQECFNKtsitpkdimhvdriieddlhtidsddraLKMGCFTNCLFRKKEMVtgt--------qinFEKVKEmrt 106 Dinoponera quad...
XP_017781595  30 VASGIRSKCQEEtgvdlavvdr---------mmdgefsaeKSVSCYLGCILNSFGVYkpdg-------yidYDRLLLgfs 93  Nicrophorus ves...
XP_017783275  31 IAKSLRASCLAEtgadedivna---------vnkgefvndEKMWCYLKCIFKKMGTIkgd--------tidTKKLANgfp 93  Nicrophorus ves...
AWT22230      31 VFEKLSHECMEKfgvteddln----------gviktsdvtNIDSCYWGCYFTKMGVLndkgqfdmnnfqttMKKMMKdde 100 northern armyworm
RLZ02247      28 TMQKHLKPCQTElnltdstlm----------niekndekrELRSCLGACMLKREGVLnangt----fnkmkAINIIDprv 93  wheat stem sawfly
Feature 1                                           #      #
1DQE_A        82 ad--etmaqQLIDIVHGCEKstpa----nddkCIWTLGVATCF 118 domestic silkworm
XP_011145650 107 kn--peklaVGYRILDICNDqvrs----ktneCEISIRFLLCM 143 Jerdon's jumping ant
AKF17718     108 -------aaRVINAFTECEGtpag-----aepCETTGLFINCV 138 western flower thrips
NP_001298146 101 -------hsIVELLINECGTqdg------pekCQIALNTMQCY 130 stable fly
XP_014234502  92 -------eqEVKDKYIECVDtank----etgeCEIATAFFECI 123 Trichogramma pretiosum
XP_014481217 107 kvtdpdkvhRVHQTIDTCADqvks----itneCEVGLKFVVCY 145 Dinoponera quadriceps
XP_017781595  94 d----dlkpAYKAMYDICKEykg------edmCETALISNKCY 126 Nicrophorus vespilloides
XP_017783275  94 e----kirgTYAPGIKHCKDnapv----gadiCETVFLFNKCL 128 Nicrophorus vespilloides
AWT22230     101 ------dydNLEKLVKKCEPvkdetvtdgeagCERGTLFAVCF 137 northern armyworm
RLZ02247      94 ------skeDAYKAIDNCQNevs------kniCETAELLYKCF 124 wheat stem sawfly

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