Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd00206: TFP_snake_toxin 
Snake toxin domain
The snake toxin domain is present in short and long neurotoxins, cytotoxins and short toxins, and in other miscellaneous venom peptides. The toxin acts by binding to the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in the postsynaptic membrane of skeletal muscles and preventing the binding of acetylcholine, thereby blocking the excitation of muscles. This domain contains 60-75 amino acids that are fixed by 4-5 disulfide bridges and is nearly all beta sheets; it exists as either a monomer or a dimer. The snake toxin domain exhibits a snake toxin-like fold (also known as three-finger toxin/3FTx fold or three-fingered protein/TFP domain fold), which also includes extracellular domain (ECD) found in Ly-6 antigen/uPA receptor-like (LU) superfamily.
PSSM-Id: 467061
Aligned: 167 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 35.3951
Created: 1-Nov-2000
Updated: 27-Apr-2023
Aligned Rows:
Conserved site includes 7 residues -Click on image for an interactive view with Cn3D
Feature 1:receptor binding site [polypeptide binding site]
  • Comment:fasciculin (FAS) is a three-fingered toxin which is a powerful reversible inhibitor of acetylcholinesterase (AChE).
  • Comment:receptor binding is achieved mainly through these 2 fingers in the toxin
  • Structure:1FSS; Dendroaspis angusticeps FASII in complex with AChE receptor; contacts at 4A
  • Citation:PMID 8747462

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1          #          #              ##                ###                            
1JGK_A      1 MKCKICNfdtc--ragELKVCasgeKYCFKESWrea----------rgtRIERGCAatCPKgsv--yglYVLCCt-TDDC 65  Bungarus candidus
1FSS_B      1 TMCYSHTtts----raILTNCg--eNSCYRKSRrhp----------pkmVLGRGCG--CPPgdd---nlEVKCCtsPDKC 59  eastern green mamba
CAB53358   22 EMCNMCVrpy----pfMSSCCpegqDRCYKSYWvnengkqeayhgkypvILERGCVtaCTGpgsgsiynLYTCCp-TNRC 96  Bungarus multicinc...
P83490      8 GLCFQCNqkts-sdctEARRCspfhEKCYTLYQpdenw------mkssgLSHFGCGkqCPTagp---egRVTCCl-TPRC 76  Coelognathus radiatus
ABG27008   22 LECHTCKgll----cfDPKPCpeglDQCFKNVTlslgl-------ipvqTFERGCTanCTPn------aQTKCCk-TNLC 83  desert massasauga
ABU68480   23 HCCFQCNhktl-qgcaTPKPCkesyNTCYTVYVpekn--------gelkWYMKACGrmCPTary---reIVKCCn-TQEC 89  Telescopus dhara
ABU68483   23 NRCFQCTsqnygskclSAKKCqrgeNTCYTKYKrhkk--------fgmrWTVKGCSiiCPTprp---deIVNCCy-SPEC 90  Dispholidus typus
ABU68484   21 PDCFQCTgenywyrcsGPKKCpygeNFCYTLYKddg-----------mrFSVKGCTksCPIagp---geTVNCCf-YSGC 85  black tree snake
A0S865     42 TLCFECNretc-sncfKDNRCppyhRTCYTLYRpdgn--------gemkWAVKGCAktCPTaqp---geSVQCCn-TPKC 108 brown tree snake
C6JUP3     22 LVCYTNVlep----pgTLETCpd-dFTCVKKWEgg------------grRVTQYCShaCAIpas---yeFVHCCq-TDKC 80  painted coral snake
Feature 1      
1JGK_A     66 N 66  Bungarus candidus
1FSS_B     60 N 60  eastern green mamba
CAB53358   97 G 97  Bungarus multicinctus multicinctus
P83490     77 N 77  Coelognathus radiatus
ABG27008   84 N 84  desert massasauga
ABU68480   90 N 90  Telescopus dhara
ABU68483   91 N 91  Dispholidus typus
ABU68484   86 N 86  black tree snake
A0S865    109 N 109 brown tree snake
C6JUP3     81 N 81  painted coral snake

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