Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd16866: ARID_ARID2 
ARID/BRIGHT DNA binding domain of AT-rich interactive domain-containing protein 2 (ARID2) and similar proteins
ARID2, also called BRG1-associated factor 200 (BAF200) or zinc finger protein with activation potential (Zipzap/p200), is a novel serum response factor (SRF)-binding protein with multiple conserved domains, including an AT-rich DNA-interacting domain (ARID, also known as BRIGHT), RFX DNA-binding domain, a glutamine-rich domain, and two C2H2 zinc fingers. It binds DNA without sequence specificity. ARID2 is an intrinsic subunit of PBAF (SWI/SNF-B) remodeling complex, which needs ARID2 to play an essential role in promoting osteoblast differentiation, maintaining cellular identity and activating tissue-specific gene expression. Moreover, ARID2 may function as a tumor suppressor in many cancers. It may also serve as a transcription co-activator for the regulation of cardiac gene expression, and is required for heart morphogenesis and coronary artery development.
PSSM-Id: 350630
Aligned: 16 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 145.1
Created: 11-Sep-2013
Updated: 2-Oct-2020
Aligned Rows:
putative DNA
Feature 1:putative DNA binding site [nucleic acid binding site]
  • Comment:Based on the structure evidence that Drosophila melanogaster Dead Ringer (1KQQ) binds DNA through its ARID domain.

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1                              #######                                                    
Q68CP9         15 KGLAFLDELRQFHHSRGspfKKIPAVGGKELDLHGLYTRVTTLGGFAKVs------------------------------ 64   human
XP_002111154   17 CGDKFLENLKSFHKSIGspfIDKAVFAGKEVDLAALYRKVTSCGGCAQVt------------------------------ 66   Trichoplax ad...
XP_007901042   25 KRQAFVEELRQFHQHRGspfHRLPVVAGRELDLLALYTRVTGLGGFAKVt------------------------------ 74   elephant shark
EFX69830       15 EYSSFCRELKSFHDIRGtsfNKLPRLHGHEVDLYLLYSLVTSHGGWEKVn------------------------------ 64   common water ...
XP_001631231   15 EYNNFMTKLKKFHDSKGtpfRRLPWLGGQFLDLFLLYKKVTDHGGWVKVt------------------------------ 64   starlet sea a...
XP_002739799   15 EYESFLNDLRRFHAAKGtafLKPPAFGRQELDLYLLYSKVTAMGGFTKVs------------------------------ 64   Saccoglossus ...
XP_003746746   10 EASQFLNSLHEFHRQRGtdfKFAPIVCGQELDLHTLYKSVTAVGGASKIn------------------------------ 59   western preda...
XP_013380108   15 EYSCFIKELQEFHVNRGspfSKMPYIGGKAVDLYLLYSKVTAMGGWNKVn------------------------------ 64   Lingula anatina
XP_013779763   14 DYNAFMNELRQFHQNRGtyfRHMPRINGKDVDLYSLYNQVTALGGWEKVn------------------------------ 63   Atlantic hors...
EKC32936       15 EKDEFMSTLKQFHRNRGtpiGKSPVIGGREIDLYLLYRQVIKFGGWRKCkstpiskanmeagfqhgcvpylvvpdrngky 94   Pacific oyster
Feature 1                    # ##  #           # ### #            
XP_002111154   67 ---------SQRKWTEIAEALKLPadgCVNSSYALRQFYLRYFKIYEK 105  Trichoplax adhaerens
XP_007901042   75 ---------DKNKWPQMTEEFNFPk-gCPNAEFALKQYYLRYLEVYEK 112  elephant shark
EFX69830       65 ---------VHGEWESLLPYFGIHr-lCANGPIALKQIYIRYLDVYER 102  common water flea
XP_001631231   65 ---------EDKKWRDIAEFFNLPs-tCTNAAFALRQHYARYLEAYER 102  starlet sea anemone
XP_002739799   65 ---------DGGKWEDLLELFDTPk-nCSHAAFAVRQFYLRYLELYER 102  Saccoglossus kowalevskii
XP_003746746   60 --------eKPERWYEISHQIRFPd-rCPNGTLVLRRMYQRYLSTYEK 98   western predatory mite
XP_013380108   65 ---------DEFRWEEIQELFHIPk-sCSNASQALKQIYIRYLDLYEK 102  Lingula anatina
XP_013779763   64 ---------DNQKWEAILETLNIIk-gCVNASLALRQIYIRYLGAYEK 101  Atlantic horseshoe crab
EKC32936       95 kdeaavfitDELIWEDFLLDFKIPr-dCSNGTQALKFIYVRYLDAYEK 141  Pacific oyster

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