Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd14756: TrHb 
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Truncated Mb-fold globins, T family
The M- and S families exhibit the canonical secondary structure of hemoglobins, a 3-over-3 alpha-helical sandwich structure (3/3 Mb-fold), built by eight alpha-helical segments. Truncated hemoglobins (TrHbs, 2/2Hb, or 2/2 globins) or the T family globins adopt a 2-on-2 alpha-helical sandwich structure, resulting from extensive and complex modifications of the canonical 3-on-3 alpha-helical sandwich that are distributed throughout the whole protein molecule. They are classified into three main groups based on their structural properties and named after Mycobacterium sp. genes glbN, glbO, and glbP: TrHb1s (N), TrHb2s (O) and TrHb3s (P). Typical of the TrHb1s (N) group is a protein matrix tunnel. An example of a TrHb1 is Mycobacterium tuberculosis TrHb1/Mt-trHbN which is expressed during the Mycobacterium stationary phase, and plays a specific defense role against nitrosative stress. TrHb2s include the dimeric Arabidopsis thaliana TrHb2 AtGLB3. GLB3 is likely to have a function distinct from other plant globins: it exhibits a low O2 affinity, an unusual concentration-independent binding of O2 and CO, and does not respond to any of the treatments that induce plant 3-on-3 globins. TrHb3s include Campylobacter jejuni Ctb, encoded by Cj0465c, which may play a role in moderating O2 flux within C. jejuni.
PSSM-Id: 381270
Aligned: 7 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 139.466
Created: 18-Sep-2013
Updated: 2-Oct-2020
Aligned Rows:
heme binding
Conserved site includes 17 residues -Click on image for an interactive view with Cn3D
Feature 1:heme binding site [chemical binding site]
  • Structure:1DLY: Chlamydomonas moewusii hemoglobin TrHb1 (N) binds heme; contacts at 4A
  • Structure:3AQ5: Tetrahymena pyriformis TrHb1 (N) binds oxygen molecule/heme; contacts at 4A
  • Structure:2XYK: Agrobacterium tumefaciens TrHb2 binds heme; contacts at 4A
  • Structure:1UX8: Bacillus subtilis TrHb2 binds heme; contacts at 4A
  • Structure:2IG3: Campylobacter jejuni TrHb3 (P) binds cyanide ion/heme; contacts at 4A

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1                      #               #             #  ##  #                    #  ##
1IDR_A     17 DKIg-gHEAIEVVVEDFYVRVLADd---qLSAFFSgt------nMSRLKGKQVEFFAAALGGPep-----ytGAPMKQVH 81  Mycobacterium tube...
2IG3_A      3 FETi-nQESIAKLMEIFYEKVRKDk---dLGPIFNnaigtsdeeWKEHKAKIGNFWAGMLLGEgd------yNGQPLKKH 72  Campylobacter jejuni
1DLY_A     47 AKLg-gREAVEAAVDKFYNKIVADp---tVSTYFSnt------dMKVQRSKQFAFLAYALGGAse-----wkGKDMRTAH 111 Chlamydomonas euga...
1UX8_A     10 EAIg--EELLSQLVDTFYERVASHp---lLKPIFPs-------dLTETARKQKQFLTQYLGGPplyt-eehgHPMLRARH 76  Bacillus subtilis ...
2XYK_A     10 EAIg-gDATVRALTRRFYELMDTLpeaarCRAIHPa-------dLSGSEAKFYDYLTGYLGGPpvyv-ekhgHPMLRRRH 80  Agrobacterium tume...
3AQ5_A      9 EKLg-gENAMKAAVPLFYKKVLADe---rVKHFFKnt------dMDHQTKQQTDFLTMLLGGPnh-----ykGKNMTEAH 73  Tetrahymena pyrifo...
ACU70373  108 YEWiggEEALLRLTEAFYREVLKDd---lLYPLFAg-------mDPEHPQHVALWLGEVFGGPntytdshggYRHMIRQH 177 Catenulispora acid...
Feature 1       #   #    #  #                          #  ##  # 
1IDR_A     82 QGRg--ITMHHFSLVAGHLADALtaagv--psetITEILGVIAPLAVDVT 127 Mycobacterium tuberculosis
2IG3_A     73 LDLp-pFPQEFFEIWLKLFEESLnivy---neemKNVILQRAQMIASHFQ 118 Campylobacter jejuni
1DLY_A    112 KDLvphLSDVHFQAVARHLSDTLtelgv--ppedITDAMAVVASTRTEVL 159 Chlamydomonas eugametos
1UX8_A     77 LPFp--ITNERADAWLSCMKDAMdhvgl--egeiREFLFGRLELTARHMV 122 Bacillus subtilis subsp. subtilis str. 168
2XYK_A     81 FVAp--IGPAERDEWLLCFRRAMdetie--naklREIIWAPVERLAFHMQ 126 Agrobacterium tumefaciens str. C58
3AQ5_A     74 KGMn--LQNLHFDAIIENLAATLkelgv--tdavINEAAKVIEHTRKDML 119 Tetrahymena pyriformis
ACU70373  178 LGRg--IEEKQRRRWVSLLMDAAdevglpddpefRAAFVSYIEWGTRLAV 225 Catenulispora acidiphila DSM 44928

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