Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd14740: PAAR_4 
proline-alanine-alanine-arginine (PAAR) domain
This domain is found in the PAAR (proline-alanine-alanine-arginine) repeat family of bacteria, and forms a sharp conical extension on the VgrG spike, a trimeric protein complex of the bacterial type VI secretion system (T6SS). A few members contains C-terminal domain extensions corresponding to Rearrangement hotspot (Rhs) protein repeats and conserved Rhs repeat-associated unique core sequences as well as uncharacterized domains such as DUF4150. However, these terminal domains are exposed to solution, and do not distort the binding site of VgrG. Rhs and related YD-peptide repeat proteins are widely distributed in bacteria. Rhs shares similar architecture with distantly related WapA proteins of Bacillus and Listeria species, suggesting intercellular growth inhibition as its primary function. Additionally, a plasmid-encoded Rhs protein has been implicated in bacteriocin production in Pseudomonas savastanoi. The pointed tip of the PAAR domain is stabilized by a zinc atom positioned close to the cone's vertex and is likely to be important for its integrity during penetration of the target cell envelope. VgrG proteins are orthologous to the central baseplate spikes of bacteriophages with contractile tails, and genes encoding proteins with PAAR motifs have been frequently found immediately downstream from vgrG-like genes.
PSSM-Id: 269825
Aligned: 31 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 38.5639
Created: 10-Sep-2013
Updated: 2-Oct-2020
Aligned Rows:
PAAR motifs
Feature 1:PAAR motifs
  • Comment:The PAAR motifs function to stabilize the fold by forming the central part of the structure where the three regions of the polypeptide chain containing the PAAR motif meet and intertwine; hydrophobic interactions and buried main-chain hydrogen bonds mediate interactions of the three PAAR motifs.

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1        ####                                                      ####                  
EIM65436       4 PAAKqsd------kiLGVDIHiiliptpGGPVPTPIPhpfsgdi-dgalssDVNIEGKPAATVds------taTNTPSHi 70  Desulfobacter p...
WP_009806913   5 PQAR-----------LADLHVgpt-ctvTGPMPIIPPca-----------vTVIVGKKPAARM----------GDMCVGv 51  Oceanicola bats...
WP_020160891   3 PAAR-----------VTDLITsta--tsGVPMPILPPga-----------aTVFIGGLPAARL----------GDNCGA- 47  Methylobacter m...
WP_017662943  78 PAAR-----------VGDITVt-----aDAVLPPGVP--------------NVLIGKQPAATV----------GNPVMGp 117 Geitlerinema sp...
YP_003370341   4 AAARmtd------liKQDAPHch----aPIHPIVPVPhpalpla-ivtgapTVLIGNLPAARVt--------dISMPCMl 64  Pirellula stale...
YP_005038584   3 PAARlgd------liKQDTPHchapihpPALVPAPAPhpglpla-ivlgspTVLIGKMPAARLt--------dISAPCMl 67  Azospirillum li...
YP_003270608   2 PAAArmg-----dkiKQDAPHch----aPIHPNVPVAhppmpwtivsacapTVYIDNMQAAVVg--------sMSTPCMl 64  Haliangium ochr...
EHR72514       3 PAARlsd------kvLHDAPHchapihpAAPVPTPVPhppqplpittncvtTVLIDNMPAAVVtsqtipclmaSCIPGGp 76  Burkholderiales...
EJC65591      15 PDVCkvp-----spaGPVPTPfp----nLATTQMAQPsgl---------vrNVLVVNMPALNQas-------kIMMSSGd 69  Alcaligenes fae...
AGP36489       3 PAAHrgagqnvsfpdVCLTPP-------APGVPVPYTnlgmham-aapfspTVMVGGLPALNLsa------kiPITTGDe 68  Sorangium cellu...
Feature 1                                       ####                            
EIM65436      71 pqggsf---qsppsnrATIKMGSGTVFINGKAAARmGDMAETCndpt--dapvGTVMASGTVM 128 Desulfobacter postgatei 2ac9
WP_009806913  52 mpspvg----pvpappHPIAKGSMTVLIQKQPAARiGDLCAMG----------GSIILGEFTV 100 Oceanicola batsensis
WP_020160891  48 ----------------DAVIKGSATVQINGLPAARiGDLTAGG----------GAILPPGALT 84  Methylobacter marinus
WP_017662943 118 vin----------agpGVIVSGSATVKICGLPAARvTSAVTGAti------tpGGPVPVATTI 164 Geitlerinema sp. PCC 7105
YP_003370341  65 pgcv--------pagpGMIAKGSGTVLIAGLPAARvNDMTAHAtcvapipspvGKVLPPGCPT 119 Pirellula staleyi DSM 6068
YP_005038584  68 pgci--------pagpGMISQGSATVLINSLPAARiNDMTAHVscvapipapvGKVMPPGCPT 122 Azospirillum lipoferum 4B
YP_003270608  65 pscv--------pngpGVISKGSSAVFHCNLPAARvNDMTAHAgcvgpipsptGKVIPPGSTK 119 Haliangium ochraceum DSM 14365
EHR72514      77 ----------------GLVAKGSATVLIGNLPAARaGDMVAFAscvapipsptGKIIPPCSTT 123 Burkholderiales bacterium JOSHI_001
EJC65591      70 evgtvggvasnrikgeVQFMNGSMTVMVGGKPAVRmGCMTGHNgmpv---nsvGTVISPSQST 129 Alcaligenes faecalis subsp. faec...
AGP36489      69 agalh-----ptikgqGTFVAGSPTVMVDGLPAINlTAPVTGNamn----apkGEHLIPNAVS 122 Sorangium cellulosum So0157-2

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