Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd00448: YjgF_YER057c_UK114_family 
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YjgF, YER057c, and UK114 belong to a large family of proteins present in bacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes with no definitive function. The conserved domain is similar in structure to chorismate mutase but there is no sequence similarity and no functional connection. Members of this family have been implicated in isoleucine (Yeo7, Ibm1, aldR) and purine (YjgF) biosynthesis, as well as threonine anaerobic degradation (tdcF) and mitochondrial DNA maintenance (Ibm1). This domain homotrimerizes forming a distinct intersubunit cavity that may serve as a small molecule binding site.
PSSM-Id: 100004
Aligned: 852 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 31.3747
Created: 31-Jul-2008
Updated: 2-Oct-2020
Aligned Rows:
homotrimerputative active
Conserved site includes 26 residues -Click on image for an interactive view with Cn3D
Feature 1:homotrimer interaction site [polypeptide binding site]

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1        ##  # #     # # ##                                                 # ## # #     
1JD1_A        20 YSHAMKVn---nLIFLSGQIpvtpdn-----------klvegsIADKAEQVIQNIKNVLEASnssldRVVKVNIFLadin 85  baker's yeast
XP_001484541  16 ILSPAYIsn--gLVLSSGSVgvrsdg------------vvaetAAEQTTLAIENMKTVLEKSgsnlnKVVKVLLFItdek 81  Pichia guillier...
CAG90900      18 VLGPAWKsn--gHVFTSGIVgqnyan-----------gripesLEEQTELAIANVKKVLEASgssldKVFKVLMFIshsd 84  Debaryomyces ha...
XP_452191     19 LAPAYVTskdteLVYTSGCVgsdllt-----------geipedLEKQVRNALDNLGRVLKASnssfdDVLKILLFVadgs 87  Kluyveromyces l...
XP_454124     20 SPGFATEsg-nqLLFSSGCVgtdpvt-----------nelpedLEQQARNSMINLKKVLEVSgssvdSVLKILLFVsdgs 87  Kluyveromyces l...
XP_001551343  35 FSHSNTIpsnrsTVYLSGIMgdlpgdg----------riisggATAQTTQIMRNLKAILEASgsgldKVVQRRVFLvdmg 104 Botryotinia fuc...
YP_595694     17 YPQNILTn----ECIYLCELprdpst-----------ntipetIEEQTQQVMKNIEASLAASglgfhHVTKVSITLvnps 81  Lawsonia intrac...
YP_001432716  18 YDQAIRVg---nMVITSSYMglhpsha----------giitggFEAEFRQAMHNIAAVLAAAgctlrDVVRVNVSLtdlq 84  Roseiflexus cas...
ZP_01054160   11 YPHVKVVg---dFIFVSGTSsrrpdnsiagvdiidemgtkrlnAETQTREVLKNIDRNLQTVgaslkDVVDVSSFLvnmn 87  Polaribacter do...
YP_559183     13 YPAVKIFg---nLIFVSGISarlpdnrvagv--eqiggqikgdAAIQTQVILDKLDALLQEHgscleECLDVTAFLtdmd 87  Burkholderia xe...
Feature 1             #  #         ########          # # # 
1JD1_A        86 HFAEFNSVYAKYfnt-hkPARSCVAVaal-plgVDMEMEAIA 125 baker's yeast
XP_001484541  82 DSKVVNEVYHKYfp--hlPARSCVIVkfp-stsLKVELECVA 120 Pichia guilliermondii ATCC 6260
CAG90900      85 YSATVNKIYGKHfp--qkPARSCVVVafm-daaIKVELEVVA 123 Debaryomyces hansenii CBS767
XP_452191     88 YASTVNAVYKEYfp--erPARSCIVVsfp-dptLKVELECVA 126 Kluyveromyces lactis NRRL Y-1140
XP_454124     88 YAGIVNKVFKEFfp--nqPARSCIVVafp-nnkLKVELECIA 126 Kluyveromyces lactis NRRL Y-1140
XP_001551343 105 DLKIVDRIWGEWvke-pfPVSTCVQIvrlakeaARLEIEVVA 145 Botryotinia fuckeliana B05.10
YP_595694     82 NYKLVKRIYDHFflgynpECRFHAASmlr--ehSQIEVEVVA 121 Lawsonia intracellularis PHE/MN1-00
YP_001432716  85 KYTEMDRLYREYfhp-pyPTRRTIGVkel-lggAQVEIDVWA 124 Roseiflexus castenholzii DSM 13941
ZP_01054160   88 DFAGYNKAYAEFfdketgPTRTTVAVhqlphpdLVVEIKVTA 129 Polaribacter dokdonensis MED152
YP_559183     88 DFPAFNRVYAEHfrietgPARTTLAVkalpkpgMVVELKVVA 129 Burkholderia xenovorans LB400

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