Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd22268: DPBB_RlpA-like 
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double-psi beta-barrel fold of endolytic peptidoglycan transglycosylase RlpA and similar proteins
Endolytic peptidoglycan transglycosylase RlpA (rare lipoprotein A, RlpA) is a lytic transglycosylase with a strong preference for naked glycan strands that lack stem peptides. It adopts a double-psi beta-barrel (DPBB) fold and is one of four SPOR-domain containing proteins in Escherichia coli (including FtsN, DedA and DamX) that bind peptidoglycan (PG) and are targeted to the septum during division. It directly interacts with the divisome protein FtsK in vitro, and deletion of the rlpA gene partially bypasses the requirement for functional FtsK, a large, multi-spanning membrane protein that facilitates double-stranded DNA translocation during division and sporulation in E. coli and Bacillus subtilis, respectively. In Pseudomonas aeruginosa, RlpA contributes to rod shape maintenance and daughter cell separation. The separation of daughter cells requires extensive PG remodeling. It has been suggested that amidases and RlpA work in tandem to degrade PG in the division septum and lateral wall to facilitate daughter cell separation.
PSSM-Id: 439248
Aligned: 130 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 54.7609
Created: 17-Jul-2020
Updated: 17-Oct-2022
Aligned Rows:
dimer interface
Conserved site includes 15 residues -Click on image for an interactive view with Cn3D
Feature 1:dimer interface [polypeptide binding site]
  • Structure:4AVR: Pseudomonas aeruginosa Pa4485 forms a dimer; contacts at 4A

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1             ####          #                #                                ##         
4AVR_A         2 DTGEASYYGsrh-----agLRTASGERYnp-nAMTAAHRTLp------FGARVRVTNldnRRSVVVRINDRGpf----rr 65  Pseudomonas aer...
PIV38338      46 VRGWASWYGpgf-----qgKKMANGKRYdm-yCVSAAHRDLp------LGTKIRVTNlenYKKIVVVIFDRGpy----vr 109 Candidatus Port...
KKT94712     281 HTGLATWYDq--------gPHPNLRARFpfegDMFAANPWLp------LGSYAKVTNkanGKSVIVRINDRGpf----ge 342 Parcubacteria g...
OYV40533      59 EEGRASYYGkgf-----adKKMADGHRLnp-dADIAASKTLp------LGSVAKVKNlenGKSTTVRIEDRGpy----va 122 Rhodospirillale...
WP_111456736  55 QTGKASYYGthd-----agEKTASGARFap-dKMTAASPTLp------LGTKAKVTNaetGKSVHVTVTDRGpy----ak 118 Phenylobacteriu...
WP_086033648  51 QKGYASWYGlsd-----slMQTANGSTYns-dEIFAASKTLp------FGSKVLVKNlynGKELFVKIVDRGpy----ir 114 Desulfurella am...
KAB2641024    47 QKGKASWYStqt----nsgKQTASGRKLnn-sSATAAHKTLp------LGSTVRVTNlsnGKAEVVTITDRGpf----ia 111 Verrucomicrobia...
SAL06312      79 RKGKASYYGrkf-----ykKKMADGTRMnp-qSNAAASKTLp------LGTRARVTNlenGNSDVVQIRDRGpy----ag 142 Caballeronia ca...
RYZ67651      62 ESGKASYYGpg------vgPRTATGARFnr-qGMTAAHPDRd-----mLGKKVVLRDattGKTVAAEINDLCpgckprtn 129 Proteobacteria ...
CCY05467     267 KSGPASAYGgstdpytpnpGTTATGAICdd-nSMGVAIPLSwpnrssyYGHAIEIKYg--GKTVVATINDCGgls---gg 340 Eggerthella sp....
Feature 1         #  #  #   #    #     ##       
4AVR_A        66 GRIIDVSRKAAEGLGMIr---sGVAPVRIES 93  Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1
PIV38338     110 GRIIDLSFKAAKKLGALk---aGVVPVKIEL 137 Candidatus Portnoybacteria bacterium CG02_land_8_20_14_3_00_45_8
KKT94712     343 NRILDLNKPAFAAIASIg---aGIIDVKMEE 370 Parcubacteria group bacterium GW2011_GWC1_45_14
OYV40533     123 GRIIDLTPKAADQIDIKh---rGVAPVEVKP 150 Rhodospirillales bacterium 20-64-7
WP_111456736 119 NRILDVTPKAAKQLGMKe---sGVSTVKVQP 146 Phenylobacterium hankyongense
WP_086033648 115 GRILDLSRGAAKELGMIk---vGVVPIKIYT 142 Desulfurella amilsii
KAB2641024   112 GRIIDVSIGVAERLGFAa---rGVVPVKLEV 139 Verrucomicrobia bacterium
SAL06312     143 NRIVDVSPKTADKLGIKk---dGTAPVEVRP 170 Caballeronia calidae
RYZ67651     130 GKIIDLSEGLFRRFASTs---qGIIKKFEIW 157 Proteobacteria bacterium
CCY05467     341 ARHLDLQPGVFKAFGFKscqawGVRTVSYRI 371 Eggerthella sp. CAG:1427

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