Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd07890: CYTH-like_AC_IV-like 
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Adenylyl cyclase (AC) class IV-like, a subgroup of the CYTH-like superfamily
This subgroup contains class IV ACs and similar proteins. AC catalyzes the conversion of ATP to 3',5'-cyclic AMP (cAMP) and PPi. cAMP is a key signaling molecule which conveys a variety of signals in different cell types. In prokaryotes, cAMP is a catabolite derepression signal which triggers the expression of metabolic pathways including the lactose operon. Six non-homologous classes of ACs have been identified (I-VI). Class IV ACs are found in this group. In bacteria, the gene encoding Class IV AC has been designated cyaB and the protein as AC2. AC-IV occurs in addition to AC-I in bacterial pathogens such as Yersinia pestis (plague disease). The role of AC-IV is unknown but it has been speculated that it may be a factor in pathogenesis, perhaps providing cAMP for a secondary internal signaling function, or for secretion and uptake into host cells, where it may disrupt normal cellular processes. This subgroup belongs to the CYTH/triphosphate tunnel metalloenzyme (TTM)-like superfamily, whose enzymes have a unique active site located within an eight-stranded beta barrel.
PSSM-Id: 143628
Aligned: 87 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 70.7609
Created: 6-Aug-2009
Updated: 2-Oct-2020
Aligned Rows:
Conserved site includes 18 residues -Click on image for an interactive view with Cn3D
Feature 1:putative active site [active site]
  • Comment:Based on Yersinia pestis AC-I V and similar proteins with structure, on mutation analysis of Clostridium thermocellum TTM, and on NMR titration experiments of mouse ThTPase.
  • Comment:Putative active site includes binding sites for substrate and divalent cations.
  • Structure:2FJT_A; Yersinia pestis AC-IV, bound with a sulphate ion, contacts determined at 4A.
  • Comment:The sulfate ion is thought to be positioned similarly to the alpha-phosphate in the substrate ATP.

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1        # # #                                    # ###              # # #             # 
1YEM_A        10 EVEIKFKIkl---eDFLHTLNTf-nPEFVr-------YEEQEDVYFEvp------rpKLLRIRGVhn---lKKYYLTFKE 69  Pyrococcus furi...
2FJT_A        13 EVELKFRVmd--ltTLHEQLVAq-kATAFt------lNNHEKDIYLDangqdladqqISMVLREMnp---sGIRLWIVKG 80  Yersinia pestis
XP_002127902   4 NVEIKAKIdn---fDNFIQRVTs-lSGDNg------sVLEQQDFFYNca-------tGRLKLRSCtengvnRSQLIFYTR 66  Ciona intestinalis
YP_001996480   4 NVEVKAKIds---iDTFIKKASq-lSNQEs------eTISQEDIFFNcs-------nGRLKLRMIde---kKGQLIAYER 63  Chloroherpeton ...
XP_001655180  16 NIEIKAQIagpeafQRKVAIAKq-lTGSEg------eIIKQHDVFFNae-------kGRLKLRYLet---kKSELIQYFR 78  yellow fever mo...
XP_311209     14 NVELKARLdgeegyERRVAIAKq-lTGADg------tVITQRDVFFHat-------tGRLKLRYLed---kPSELISYDR 76  Anopheles gambi...
Q20034         4 NVEIKAKVqn---lDETVRRAVe-iSGKQp------tILKQHDIFYEsp-------nGRLKMRSVeengvaHTELIWYDR 66  Caenorhabditis ...
NP_001040230   3 NVEIKGKIrd---yDKICKVAEe-lSGGPp------tLIKQNDIFYKvn-------nGRLKMRFYad---sAATLVRYDR 62  domestic silkworm
BAH71364       4 NVEIKARVed---lEAVKQRILalrSNAAydvcpdttIMRQKDSFFNlpa----gkcGKLKLRQMg----lCNELIYYDR 72  pea aphid
ZP_02357561    4 NIEIKARAre---fEQLRERAAe-lATEAp------lFYRQQDFFYDvp-------rGRLKLRRFed--gtPAELIFYQR 64  Burkholderia ok...
Feature 1                    #                                # #            #         # #       
1YEM_A        70 Ilden--neeFYEVEFEIg---DFEKAVEVFKRLgf--kIQATIKKKRWVYKLNgVTLEVNRVEgIGDFVDIEVIsds-- 140 Pyrococcus furi...
XP_002127902  67 Pdsng--pklSSFIVTPVq---ELKTMDDILTSTm---gRKGIVTKQRTLFMIGqTRVHVDKVErLGNYMELEVMlrv-- 136 Ciona intestinalis
YP_001996480  64 Pdssg--pkiSSYKIYETp---APHVLKETLTKSc---gILGIVKKTRYFFLIGrTRVHIDQVDgLGAYFELEVVlsa-- 133 Chloroherpeton ...
XP_001655180  79 Pdvgg--pklSTYHKMDLd---EPKLMETILAESi---gIKGEVKKHRHLFLHGqTRVHLDDVEgLGHFLEFEVVlrp-- 148 yellow fever mo...
XP_311209     77 Sdvag--pklSLYSKMDVa---EPAMLEQILAETv---gVRGRLNKRRLLFLHGqTRIHLDVVEsLGHFMEFEVVlep-- 146 Anopheles gambi...
Q20034        67 Sdvag--pklSNFNKFDV----PSEVLDALKLSLqssmgVKGEVKKTRTLVLHGqTRIHIDRVDgLGDFMELEVClsp-- 138 Caenorhabditis ...
NP_001040230  63 SkekgpklanYELLQFTTaeyeKAKLLDDMLKKCl---gAQGRVVKERKLYMVGqTRIHIDTVKdLGHFMELEVVlap-- 137 domestic silkworm
ZP_02357561   65 Ddqdg--pkaSYYTRSPVt---NPDAMHALLATAl---tTRGIVTKERHVYLAGrTRIHLDRVDgLGDFVELEVVlap-- 134 Burkholderia ok...
Feature 1                                   #   
1YEM_A       141 -peeAKEKIWEVAKMLGLKeedVEPRLYLEL 170 Pyrococcus furiosus
2FJT_A       149 eldkLKAECRDFANTFGLQvdqQEPRSYRQL 179 Yersinia pestis
XP_002127902 137 -dqsPEDGAKVANDLMRKLeisESQLVVGAY 166 Ciona intestinalis
YP_001996480 134 -denEESGVHEAEALMEKFgidERQLVKGAY 163 Chloroherpeton thalassium ATCC 35110
XP_001655180 149 -eqsIDEGTKIANDMMKLFeieEKALIQGAY 178 yellow fever mosquito
XP_311209    147 -eqtLAQGQSIVDEMKRLFelsDADLMTGAY 176 Anopheles gambiae str. PEST
Q20034       139 -eetPEHGEKIAHEIRELLavpETDLLTGAY 168 Caenorhabditis elegans
NP_001040230 138 -eqtVEDGQKIASELQKKLgvqNEDLIDNAY 167 domestic silkworm
BAH71364     141 -sqtVEDGQSIAEDLMFHMgveEKDLISVAY 170 pea aphid
ZP_02357561  135 -dddEEGGHAEAQAVFEKLgvpSDDLVAVAY 164 Burkholderia oklahomensis EO147

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