Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd19378: TGF_beta_DAF7 
transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) like domain found in Caenorhabditis elegans Dauer larva development regulatory growth factor DAF-7 and similar proteins
DAF-7, also termed abnormal dauer formation protein 7, may act as a negative regulator of dauer larva development by transducing chemosensory information from ASI neurons. It is involved in sensitivity to CO2 levels.
PSSM-Id: 381648
Aligned: 18 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 114.354
Created: 24-Jul-2018
Updated: 2-Oct-2020
Aligned Rows:
Feature 1:putative homodimer interface [polypeptide binding site]
  • Comment:Based on the structure evidence that Homo sapiens TGF-B1 (1KLD) forms a homodimer.
  • Citation:PMID 8679613

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1               ###   ## #        # #####                                    ####  #     
P92172       248 KGCCLYDLEIEFeKIGWDWIVAPpRYNAYMCRGDCHYNahhfnlaetghski--mraahkvsnpeigYCCHPTEYDYIKL 325 nematode
XP_024508461 240 GSCCLKNFKIDVsQHPWNFIISPsILNIKSCIGSCIKNdysttnsnfi----------rysedsehkSCCYASEYETIRV 309 Strongyloides r...
AAD19903     254 PSCCLYSLVVDFeAAGWDFVIAPkLYDAHMCSGECRLHhagrsahski---------tsstkknavsGCCHPTEYDPITL 324 agent of lympha...
AEL12444     258 QMCCTKELIVNFtEIGWNFVLAPnTFGSSLCLGNCPSItlprpiii-------------ssdnpvpqNCCTPSQYIPLTV 324 Helobdella sp. ...
PAV91099     263 DTCCLGSHTISFpLNDYKFIIAPrKYDAYVCRGSCSLRhhlynpaahaqaih--vtgdkstektdtgGCCHATRYAPLRM 340 Diploscapter pa...
AAT79346     225 NLCCIKKSNINFeEIGWNFIVSPkNFQAQFCQGDCYHSsnnmllsgvln-------klkhlqdiehkSCCYPTEYIPLNV 297 Strongyloides r...
XP_024508962 229 NSCCLRLLKINFdEIGWNFILSPkEINTNYCYGKCYSYksdslvgdaiy-------rlysiskkehkRCCYPTQFRELNI 301 Strongyloides r...
XP_024508019 233 DSCCMKSYEINFdDLKWDFIIAPrVIKTNYCYGECRKIikkstignvls-------tmenenninyrSCCHPIEYKPINV 305 Strongyloides r...
XP_015779261 264 TECCLHPLRVSFaKLRWNFILSPkLLNVNVCNGSCASRafhinsirsn---------alglvnlekpTCCKPDKMAPIKF 334 Acropora digiti...
XP_020609239 261 STCCLQQLTIDFeKLNWDFIIAPrILNFAVCSGDCSLNikgninffsnqaraapfagklnprkqkniSCCVPKTTNDITL 340 Montastraea fav...
Feature 1                       #####     
P92172       326 IYVnr-dGRVSIANVNGMIAKKCGC 349 nematode
XP_024508461 310 LYAtddlGTLKFKNITNLIAKACRC 334 Strongyloides ratti
AAD19903     325 VYMtq-eKELKIREVPGMIARRCAC 348 agent of lymphatic filariasis
AEL12444     325 MYFns-iNSIRIETINGIVARECTC 348 Helobdella sp. Austin
PAV91099     341 VTVgh-rGKWQVTEIRGVVARECAC 364 Diploscapter pachys
AAT79346     298 SIFks-gLTIETRTLNNLIAKKCSC 321 Strongyloides ratti
XP_024508962 302 TIFke-gSFIETKIINDILIKKCSC 325 Strongyloides ratti
XP_024508019 306 TVFin-kSMVETKLINDLLVKKCSC 329 Strongyloides ratti
XP_015779261 335 LYLde-dLRLKMHIIAKMQVVSCDC 358 Acropora digitifera
XP_020609239 341 LLFde-sGDVRILTLRDARALSCHC 364 Montastraea faveolata

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