
Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd22987: AcrVA2-like 
Anti-CRISPR type V subtype A2 and similar proteins
AcrVA2 is an anti-CRISPR (Acr) protein that was discovered via STSS (self-targeting spacers search) with further functional TXTL (cell-free transcription-translation) assay. The bioinformatic STSS method finds self-targeting CRISPR spacers in genomic DNA, predicts the type of CRISPR system involved, and obtains information about the targeted sequence. AcrVA2 is found distributed throughout multiple classes of bacteria with orthologs present in Lachnospiraceae and Leptospira. Distant orthologs of AcrVA2 are also present on plasmids and conjugative elements in Escherichia coli, such as protein FinQ, a transcriptional inhibitor of the F plasmid transfer gene. AcrVA2 has been shown to inhibit a CRISPR-associated nuclease Cas12a ortholog MbCas12a in Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains. Cas12a (previously called Cpf1) is an effector protein for the class 2, subtype V-A CRISPR-Cas system that has high efficiency in genome editing. Cas12a has a single nuclease domain (RuvC) that is activated upon binding of the crRNA targeting sequence (or spacer) to a complementary single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) or double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) target molecule; Cas12a also has non-specific ssDNA cleavage activity, known as promiscuous cleavage of collateral ssDNAs or trans-cleavage. In addition to gene editing, CRISPR-Cas12a has been re-purposed, in high eukaryotes, to carry out transcription regulation via a nuclease-dead Cas12a (dCas12a). Thus, AcrVAs have been adopted to regulate dCas12a activity. CRISPR-Cas immune systems are used by certain prokaryotes and archaea to resist the invasion of foreign nucleic acids such as phages or plasmids. Acr proteins are small proteins which are the natural inhibitors for CRISPR-Cas systems; encoded on bacterial and archaeal viruses, they allow the virus to evade host CRISPR-Cas systems. The CRISPR-Cas-mediated adaptive immune response can be divided into three steps, including the acquisition of spacer derived from invading nucleic acids, crRNA processing, and target degradation. Theoretically, Acr proteins could suppress any step to disrupt the CRISPR-Cas system. Acr proteins are diverse with no common sequence or structural motif, and they inhibit a wide range of CRISPR-Cas systems with various inhibition mechanisms. CRISPR-Cas systems are divided into two classes (1 and 2) and six types (class 1: types I, III and IV; class 2: types II, V and VI). The distinguishing feature of types II, V and VI is a single, large, multi-domain effector protein, such as Cas12a in type V subtype A. Type V systems appear to have evolved, on multiple independent occasions, from TnpB proteins (predicted RuvC-like nucleases, encoded by IS605-like transposons) yielding a large pool of type V variants, many of which may become separate subtypes. Acr families are named for their type and subtype which are numbered sequentially as they are discovered.
PSSM-Id: 467859
Aligned: 56 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 187.17
Created: 27-Apr-2023
Updated: 27-Apr-2023
Aligned Rows:
Conserved site includes 8 residues -Click on image for an interactive view with Cn3D
Feature 1:putative homodimer interface [polypeptide binding site]
  • Structure:7CI1: Moraxella bovoculi AcrVA2 forms a homodimer; contacts at 4A.
  • Comment:AcrVA2 orthologs are found broadly distributed throughout multiple classes of bacteria.

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1                                        #  #                                         ###
7CI1_A        65 AHILSILSRLYLYGAWrn--tLGIYQLDEEIIKDCKe------lPDDTPTSIFLNLPDWCVYVDISsaqiatfddgvAKH 136 Moraxella bovoculi
ANZ88023      13 PAVWLELQKLSVLGTWry--sKGIYTPHPSLLNALAet----plSDALPVDVFLRFPEWCIYVSTPgmc------mqGEE 80  Citrobacter fre...
WP_079949745  77 GNELTSPHSILCFIYWry--tKKIYRLSEDIISDVAnt-----yVDNIPAQILKELPSWSIYVSAEdlht---ilptSYP 146 Salmonella ente...
YP_009612870  68 DEAGADVVGLTLFQHLmynltKVDIHVEETVIVELMndttfdkdEAKIPTEVLKRLPYWSVHIPITrsfne-evddpNAN 146 Erwinia phage v...
WP_151812457 106 FTLIPEIMAIADIGTWry--tKGIYKINDDIAPFLLne----dfKGNIPLDRISRLPEWSIYVDCRnlkl----stfGRK 175 Acinetobacter b...
WP_078801804  51 DMKSDEFAYHPPIIAWny--sKLIYRFDVDAEQEIKrt----kiTDSIPSDIFTRMPAWSIFIETNnlr------yeESK 118 Pasteurella mul...
ARV76144     104 DQRGIPPSSVPTILPWky--tKSVYEMDRDLASELMns----plPEYIPTEYFKRIPEWSVFLTGFkyivkasgdlcGCT 177 Providencia ret...
P18809        59 ENESSSPHSILCFIYWry--tKKIYRLSEDIVSDVAnt-----yVDNIPAQILKELPSWSIYVSAEnlht---ilptSYP 128 Escherichia coli
WP_145984917  64 RYSLGDVYSLAAIGTWry--tQSIYRFDADFRQCLVns----klHGHIPVDALLRLPEFCIYLDTPgmq------fgPFA 131 Geobacter sulfu...
Feature 1                                                                                        
7CI1_A       137 IKGFWAIYDIVEmn---giNHDVLDFVVDTdtdd------nvyvPQPFILSsgqsvaevl-------------------- 187 Moraxella bovoculi
ANZ88023      81 LYGFWAMVNQNDv-----nNDKSLYLLLNRenglklesfrlktgSVNAILEdmfhegldasgatpe-------------t 142 Citrobacter fre...
WP_079949745 147 IHGFFFYPFLDNn------GNIIRLFIIDDlkqslet-tglkekDVDVVNNiirikdsreglldsrkme-------cidg 212 Salmonella ente...
RKG34244     174 VVGFWSCIDCYPssnqpysNLKALSIIPLFsnrlg----ymlsaSIPLDENkflsieqstndllnhi------------p 237 
YP_009612870 147 YYKFLEVYVSRIni----dNDDALLIDINAmykdk-----ilqhTRVISLNsptireglerha----------------- 200 Erwinia phage v...
WP_151812457 176 IVGFWASINYFPssl--ykGQEILHFTILYedtf------gtdfKTCISLDadnksieedtiki---------------- 231 Acinetobacter b...
WP_078801804 119 VKGFFVSFDFMEe-----lGGNILLFLFYYknev-------lpfLFPLIENgsiidsfdkte------------------ 168 Pasteurella mul...
ARV76144     178 IIGFWVSLTDLD-------GIDAVAFTFLFsnk--------ntsSFNISLNhnniidsfndaa----------------- 225 Providencia ret...
P18809       129 IHGFFFYPFLNGg------GGIIQLFIIDNlkq--------sqgTTGLKEKnidvvggiigmedsrggllgsrkmecidn 194 Escherichia coli
WP_145984917 132 LHGCWVHLDSILg-----tNEIKMHLLLDLew----------fgLMPFILSigdwplldavrnaledid-------rkts 189 Geobacter sulfu...
Feature 1                      #   #  #                                                          
7CI1_A       188 -----dygaslfddDTSNTLIKGLLPYLLWLCv--AEPDITYKGlpvsreeltrpkhsinkktgafvtpsePFIYQIGER 260 Moraxella bovoculi
ANZ88023     143 vetlkhseylsvylKNQARDVGRLLSILLYICs--DEPEIDSERqpgsyparpkpvk--tkkgfrlfpvngPRYWRVGEN 218 Citrobacter fre...
WP_079949745 213 evvvtvneklkdfrDREFNLLNAQISMVLYICs--QINDIKEKNqfklsekhkkh-----vhthhelpaqnIREWDVGIR 285 Salmonella ente...
RKG34244     238 knfavddkrdsddlKELICFKKKVTQILLFIIq--PEPDITEHDqpvestranpypk-iikgkyrlyeakkPRYFNVGTQ 314 
YP_009612870 201 --dmndrldinkhgDIFDFTLRQVFPVILYVCsqqKQKDIGSSPltgysikrkg-------knfvlkaapkVKVIEYGQE 271 Erwinia phage v...
WP_151812457 232 -sqwfkqgisdealAELVMFKNKALQIILYICq--DEPDISENGneildlnfnpkpq-rikgknklfeakkIRYFDVGEK 307 Acinetobacter b...
WP_078801804 169 ----qiifqtvklnDDIKNLLSEAISLLLFICt--QNNDITHGKskktptks-----------ngliiendAIFNYAAVA 231 Pasteurella mul...
ARV76144     226 --kltdhrikselrDIYVELFKLAIPITTFFIk--DFVDIPNSTnptvsyknikkt----kgkerlfeakkIKRTIIGAN 297 Providencia ret...
P18809       195 evvvtvneklkdfrDREFNLLNAQISMVLYICs--QINDIKEKNqfkrsekhkkh-----vhthhelpahnIREWDVGIR 267 Escherichia coli
WP_145984917 190 dkwadslfqvaslsDDFTRDITPLMSMILYLCs--DEPEVVDRKspgtpakrpglvk--trhgnrlfppdrVRIWEIGNE 265 Geobacter sulfu...
Feature 1                                                                      
7CI1_A       261 LGSEVRRYQSIidgeqkr-nrphtkrPHIRRGHWHGYWQGtgq-----akEFRVRWQPAVFV 316 Moraxella bovoculi
ANZ88023     219 MGEMLATALSEtdicta---tgrqvrVHLRRGHWHGFWSGkrde--pearKFSYHWLPPQII 275 Citrobacter freundii
WP_079949745 286 MGQAIRQYRQTeptgker-ttigskrPHIRRGHWHTYWTGskkpelaherKPRLIWLPPVPV 346 Salmonella enterica
RKG34244     315 AGKNLKQAFATykatg------kkqaPHIRKAHWHGYWKGskkl---ekqEFFYKWIPPVLV 367 
YP_009612870 272 LKEQLERFHQLlkqerd----fkgriPHIRKAHWHGYWIGprv----gerDYIYHWIPPVIV 325 Erwinia phage vB_EamM_RisingSun
WP_151812457 308 DGRSIKEALNVyhnsg------ktqaPHIRRAHWHGFWKGsrkn---naqEFFYKWVAPVIV 360 Acinetobacter bereziniae
WP_078801804 232 IGNAIRLNRKEvkekdskngshktrrPHIRRAHWHGYWTGkrde--penrKFDLKWLPPFAV 291 Pasteurella multocida
ARV76144     298 VGDSIRAFNENlrstha----lgtmrPHIRRAHWHGYWVGtge-----gkNFLLKWLPATFI 350 Providencia rettgeri
P18809       268 MGQAIRQYRQQnpqdra---thrckrPHIRRDTGIHTDRSkkpkl-aherKPRLIWLPPVPV 325 Escherichia coli
WP_145984917 266 IGRRLRTARSNysget------hshaVHLRCGHWHTFLTGprn----qvrGKRVKWLPPMMV 317 Geobacter sulfurreducens

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