Conserved Protein Domain Family

cl04661: Polysacc_synt_4 Superfamily 
Polysaccharide biosynthesis
This family of proteins plays a role in xylan biosynthesis in plant cell walls. IRX15/IRX15-L precise role in xylan biosynthesis is unknown. Glucuronoxylan methyltransferase (GXMT) catalyzes 4-O-methylation of the glucuronic acid substituents of this polysaccharide. AtGXMT1 specifically transfers the methyl group from S-adenosyl-l-methionine to O-4 of alpha-d-glucopyranosyluronic acid residues that are linked to O-2 of the xylan backbone. The function of members of this family in animals and fungi is not known.
Accession: cl04661
PSSM Id: 383809
Name: Polysacc_synt_4
Created: 8-Feb-2008
Updated: 4-Oct-2023
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