Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd18724: PIN_LabA-like 
uncharacterized subfamily of the LabA-like PIN domain of Synechococcus elongatus LabA (low-amplitude and bright) and related proteins
The LabA-like PIN domain family includes Synechococcus elongatus PCC 7942 LabA which participates in cyanobacterial circadian timing, it is required for negative feedback regulation of the autokinase/autophosphatase KaiC, a central component of the circadian clock system, and appears to be necessary for KaiC-dependent repression of gene expression. It also includes the N-terminal domain of limkain b1, a human autoantigen localized to a subset of ABCD3 and PXF marked peroxisomes, human ZNF451, uncharacterized Bacillus subtilis YqxD, uncharacterized Escherichia coli YaiI, and the N-terminal domain of a well-conserved group of mainly bacterial proteins with no defined function, which contain a C-terminal LabA_like_C domain. Curiously Pseudomonas putida S16 NicB, which is described as a putative NADH-dependent hydroxylase involved in the microbial degradation of nicotine also falls into this family. The PIN (PilT N terminus) domain belongs to a large nuclease superfamily. The structural properties of the PIN domain indicate its active center, consisting of three highly conserved catalytic residues which coordinate metal ions; in some members, additional metal coordinating residues can be found while some others lack several of these key catalytic residues. The PIN active site is geometrically similar in the active center of structure-specific 5' nucleases, PIN-domain ribonucleases of eukaryotic rRNA editing proteins, and bacterial toxins of toxin-antitoxin (TA) operons.
PSSM-Id: 350291
Aligned: 65 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 113.898
Created: 11-Oct-2017
Updated: 2-Oct-2020
Aligned Rows:
active site
Feature 1: active site [active site], 4 residue positions
Conserved feature residue pattern:[DENQ] [DENQ] [DENQ] [DENQ]Click to see conserved feature residue pattern help

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1           #                                                                          
EGR48164   238 VHVFVDMSNIDIGFQSTLKe------aRHLDEHARLSplp---hlNLQFLTKILv-rDRPVVALNVGCstvpgrSEPRYV 307  Trichoderma rees...
ERE06615     9 VHIFWDNSNIYIPAQEVAAd------rEGVLAVKEIRi-------HFDHLYQLAr-aGRPVIRSLCVG------SVPPEM 68   Pseudogulbenkian...
OAJ69283     6 THIFLDNSNIFGGAQRTARe-------KESVPWQSVRv-------DYQNLFSLIrrkRKSVGFSMLAG------SVPPGN 65   Gluconobacter ce...
KTB78089     3 INVFWDNSNIWLVGRGVCAi-------KEPGNEAAFRi-------HFANLFSHVv-gERDVEYAFVGG------SLPPDN 61   Pseudomonas syri...
CAP56773     5 VHIIWDNSNIFHSGRSTGD--------ILERRTDGFRi-------YFENLIDLAa-dGRPIEQVFCVG------SVPPPT 62   Gluconacetobacte...
AAT96127     8 NFTYVDNSNVFLEGRRASAvakkllgaESYIEAMNNRildntwnlDYGLLHQFAcgdAENIGGAKLWG------SPPPSD 81   Pseudomonas viri...
EFX05022     9 CMFFVDDSNIWIEAQKFAAvrd--nhvPGLSDSDRDPrl----riDVGKLIRVIl-nGRSQGPSYLYG------SRPPPN 75   Grosmannia clavi...
BAZ30736     3 IYAYVDNSNVFIEGQRTSAvet--klaLDIYDAMNRNifnynwspDYSKLYQFLfgnDVEVGCAKLWG------SPPPND 74   Cylindrospermum ...
ATC33025     3 TYVYVDNSNIFIEGRRLSAvkk--glaKSVYEAMASGivdpawnlDYGKLYQFL---CGGDAIARLWG------SPPPHD 71   Caulobacter vibr...
EGD79456     6 VYLFVDDSNFWIEGQKACAh------sLGLKEPRDVRfr-----iHLENLIAFVtvkYGPIKGAHLFAsea-fnSDGVWR 73   Salpingoeca sp. ...
Feature 1                                                  #                                   
EGR48164   308 QQLRd-----LGYQIDLRErkrvievglplagvpdtlRFVEDLVDETLQVRIAESVMEyf------------rtPGTIVL 370  Trichoderma rees...
ERE06615    69 DAVWksl-raSGVAVELFErg--------------adSGAEQGIDQCLQVHMLRALADad-------------ePGVAVL 120  Pseudogulbenkian...
OAJ69283    66 DALWgaa-ktAGFDTTLLRrved-----------ddgRLVEQGVDEVIHLKIGNTLLDed-------------iPGTLVI 120  Gluconobacter ce...
KTB78089    62 DDLWgrf-erLGVKVDTQQrg--------------alTGGEIAVDQSIHLAMLERITDad-------------ePGTIVL 113  Pseudomonas syri...
CAP56773    63 NSVWghierlTGKKPELFErg--------------aaSGREQAVDQALQVRMLRLGFDyr-------------pPETIVL 115  Gluconacetobacte...
AAT96127    82 SFWHmv--esKGFEVKTYEkn---------------fAGKEKKVDVAIAHQITKDAYSgki----------skgTDEITL 134  Pseudomonas viri...
EFX05022    76 DSVWnvf-kkSQFLTKIYDr----------------sNGKEKEVDTAMSVDMSSEATEisvmakfdcisrskkaQTTFIA 138  Grosmannia clavi...
BAZ30736    75 KFWEmv--rsKGFNVTTYDks---------------fAGKEKKVDVAIAHQLTKDAYTiid-----------ksDSEIIL 126  Cylindrospermum ...
ATC33025    72 SFWSml--erKGFQTTVYDkn---------------fANHEKKVDVAIGARMTKDAYTvid-----------kaKDELLL 123  Caulobacter vibr...
EGD79456    74 KAKE------VKFKVHNFSrs---------------lRGKEKEVDQAVCVELAFQAAVtre----------rheEASFVI 122  Salpingoeca sp. ...
Feature 1         #       #                               
EGR48164   371 ATGDAkpsphsDGFFScvQRALKMGWNVEVVSWRGNLSLRWID 413  Trichoderma reesei QM6a
ERE06615   121 LTGDGagydsgAGFHAdlERMHKKGWGVEVLSWDRSCNRRLKT 163  Pseudogulbenkiania ferrooxidans EGD-HP2
OAJ69283   121 LTGDGadteqgSSFTKqvDRAAKRGWKVEIWSWRVQLSPRLRD 163  Gluconobacter cerinus
KTB78089   114 LTGDGngyaegKGFIRqlERAVRKNWKIEVVSWDAGCNRYLKD 156  Pseudomonas syringae ICMP 13102
CAP56773   116 LTGDGsgyedgTGFFAdaERLHNFGWKVEVLAWQNHCKREMRN 158  Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus PA1 5
AAT96127   135 VAGDK------DFVPVv-EDLVENGYQVHVVFWENAAPELKVV 170  Pseudomonas viridiflava
EFX05022   139 ITGDR------DMIPPv-KKVLAYNIHVELWAWSSGISKDYYR 174  Grosmannia clavigera kw1407
BAZ30736   127 VAGDK------DFVPVv-EDLVNNGFIVNVYFWNHAARELKEI 162  Cylindrospermum sp. NIES-4074
ATC33025   124 VSGDN------DFVPVv-ADLVSEGFKVEVAFWSHAGREIADV 159  Caulobacter vibrioides
EGD79456   123 VTGDR------DMMPAv-HKALSCGIHVHLLAFSSGLADQYKH 158  Salpingoeca sp. ATCC50818

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